puddle. - Coriander, ind. - Cilantro (leaves), Dhana (seeds), eng. - Кинза (leaves), Кориандр (seed) lot. - Coriandrum sativum. Seeds and leaves.
Coriander - family umbrella plant seed or fruit. Coriander is grown and cultivated since ancient times, the more seeds than on leaves, coriander seeds, and because its leaves - as if two different one is no similarity to other spices. Coriander originating probably the Mediterranean region. Coriander on written sources mention in Egypt since 1550 BC Pharaonic burial sites, which are known to travel to the afterlife dėdavo only what is essential to find the graves of coriander seeds, embedded, may be the flavor or medicinal properties of the Pharaohs in the next life, should make the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Roman legionnaires coriander used to take to war, and soon it spread to the north and in Europe. Name coriander comes from the Greek language has two words - "Anise" and "bug". Fresh coriander scent reminds bugs smell, it is probably for this match and had the name. However, in contrast to leaves, coriander seeds particularly pleasing aroma - floral, and lemon, and this combination is unique and irreplaceable flavor in the kitchen. Coriander is used successfully in combination with other spices, for example, the classic Indian spice mix starter nearly all dishes are coriander and cumin Caraway. There are two widely used types of coriander - is a European species, the seeds are small, 1.5 to 3 mm in diameter, brown, aromatic enough for a high concentration of essential oils, which mainly floral fragrance terpene linalool, called koriandroliu; Indian species larger seed size - up to 5 mm, pale greenish color, and contains a range of essential oils in the European than in the basement, they flavoursome, but milder. Thus, two of the same plant species in our kitchen can be used as two different spices. Coriander seeds are usually used whole, with skin, inside of which there are two aromatic dried fruit. When the coriander with Crush the peel and fruit, crisp and well-bast mats absorb water and thus thicken sauces, stews or soups.
Coriander - real problems for those who are prohibited by spicy food, food and coriander gardina suharmonizuoja it. Coriander, contrary to the majority of spices, not warm, but a chill. Flavor very pleasant and helpful as a supplement and Malta, both in the form of seeds - used for pizza Gardini, raugiant cabbage, pickles, pulses Gardini dishes (especially just žirnienei), cheeses, stews, soups and sauces. Gardinama coriander bread ( Borodin), muffins, gingerbread. Coriander is part of virtually everything the popular spice mixture composition. Coriander flavored coffee, vinegar. Ground coriander and fresh coriander or dried herbs in food preparation often placed at the end, but if you use Unground or roughly crushed coriander seeds, and you can make early preparation. Save the best coriander seeds, Unground, but just before use - susimalti.
coriander leaves are used as fresh and dried. India, fresh coriander is used as widely as in the West parsley. It is used as a centerpiece dish, and how herbs - greens. Fresh coriander is a very distinctive taste and not everyone likes. You can change the dish of fresh parsley and coriander, but the food flavor and aroma will have been completely different. Coriander tastes slightly spicy.
Coriander - rich in vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B3, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Fresh coriander is rich in vitamins B and folic acid. With regard to the healing properties of coriander, to Hippocrates identified as a means to treat flatulence. Coriander stabilize the mind from mental illness or nervous system diseases, improves memory and helps overcome the fear, anger attacks. What will go deeper into the ancient, the more convinced, as was seen in the coriander. III, c. BC in China believed that coriander gives immortality. Europe, coriander has been one of the most important herbs, but it is to treat stomach ailments. Coriander really have the ability to regulate the work of the stomach and reduces gastric acidity. To this end, drinking coriander tea (1-2 teaspoons coriander or half a teaspoon of ground coriander, add a glass of boiling water). Since the freezing characteristics of have coriander, coriander advised to drink tea with fever. Carmelite monks in Paris coriander applied to this day remaining in popular scented toilet water (eau de Carme ), and that was very unexpected - an effective medicine to treat the heart. Coriander has a disinfectant properties. German researchers have shown that the materials are coriander, protecting the body from food and bacteria and parasites, and antibiotic properties. For the case of intestinal infections, rashes or spots will coriander broth. Coriander is driven by the urine and excess water from the body, strengthens and helps to recover from the disease.

left - European ground coriander, right - Indian Minced cilantro.
Today, coriander is grown worldwide, mainly in Russia, India, North Africa, Central and South America. Coriander that is translated into all of its bouquet of the best features of a rigorous treatment, collection, processing, transportation compliance and storage technologies. Otherwise, would not be even and coriander as a spice, not to mention the therapeutic properties. Food uses cilantro or coriander decoctions reduces allergic reactions. Coriander - a safe plant, they use virtually unlimited. The dish is placed at a pinch of coriander, and spoons, and a day to drink three glasses of even coriander tea. Weaker coriander tea drinking can be for children under 2 years of age in order to reduce flatulence. While we can not name the coriander the strongest medicine of all diseases, its effect is gentle and soft, and there are no side effects excellent palatability.
can be said that the Georgian kitchen occupies a central place in Herb.
mėstamiausias One of my sauce is exactly the coriander with the garlic.
need: coriander leaves, garlic, and salt.
- washes drain the coriander, garlic, peeled crushed. Coriander with garlic galime sumalti mesmale arba pertrinti su trintuve. Druskos beriame pagal skonį (kuo daugiau druskos tuo ilgiau stovės šaldytuve). Šį padažą galima dėti ant mėsos, žuvies į faršą ir t.t.
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