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Georgia - ITALIANO

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Motto: ძალა ერთობაშია
Dzala ertobašia
L'unità fa la forza
Europe location GEO2.png
Nome completo: Georgia
Nome ufficiale: საქართველოს რესპუბლიკა
Lingue ufficiali: georgiano
Capitale: Tbilisi (1.300.000 ab. / 2004)
Forma di governo: Repubblica presidenziale
Presidente: Mikheil Saakašvili
Primo Ministro: Nika Gilauri
Indipendenza: Dall'URSS,
9 aprile 1991 (dichiarata),
25 dicembre 1991 (riconosciuta)
Ingresso nell'ONU: Dal 31 luglio 1992
Totale: 69.510 km² (118º)
% delle acque: trascurabile
Totale (2004): 4.989.000 ab. (114º)
Densità: 72 ab./km²
Continente: Asia
Fuso orario: UTC +4
Valuta: Lari georgiano
GDP (PPP) (2005): 15.498 million U.S. $ (122 º)
Per capita GDP (PPP) (2005): $ 3,586 (120th)
ISU (2005): 0.754 (medium) (96 º)
TLDs :.
Prefix ge tel.: +995
Sigla autom.: GE
National anthem: Tavisupleba
National Day: May 26

Georgia (Georgian საქართველოს რესპუბლიკა, Sakartvelo Respublika), is a state of 'Asia Transcaucasia, east of the Black Sea early republic of the Soviet Union, borders a nord con la Russia, a sud con Turchia, Armenia e a est con Azerbaigian. Ha una popolazione di 4.989.000 abitanti e ha per capitale Tbilisi.

* 1 Origine del nome
* 2 Geografia
o 2.1 Morfologia e idrografia
o 2.2 Clima
* 3 Popolazione
o 3.1 Demografia
o 3.2 Demografia democratica
o 3.3 Etnie
o 3.4 Lingue
o 3.5 Religioni
* 4 Storia
o 4.1 Agosto 2008 - Conflitto in Ossezia del Sud
* 5 Organizzazione dello stato
o 5.1 Suddivisione amministrativa
o 5.2 Città principali
o 5.3 Istituzioni 5.3.1 Education system

+ + 5.3.2 + 5.3.3 Health Service

Georgian armed forces or 5.4 6 * The hymn
or 6.1 Presidents of the Republic of Georgia
or 6.2 Political parties
* 7 Economy
or 7.1 Mineral resources

* 8 See also * 9 Notes * 10 External links

* 11 External links

The Georgians call themselves Kartvelebi (ქართველები), their land Sakartvelo (საქართველო) and their language Kartuli (ქართული). These names are derived from a pagan chieftain called Kartlos, considered the father of all Georgians. The name given by outsiders Georgia, used throughout the world, comes from the Persian Gurjar (گرجی) derived from the Arabic Park Juraj. Since the spelling was influenced by the greek was derived georg - (γεωργ), which indicates the 'agriculture. The term has been mistakenly attributed to the name of St. George (the patron saint of the country), or γεωργία (Georgia, cultivated). The ancient world knew the inhabitants of eastern Georgia as Iberians, from the reign Caucasian Iberia - thus confusing the geographers of antiquity, who thought this name applied only to the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula.

The town's name in Persian is Gurjestan and Gurjar is the word for "Georgia" derived from these terms the words Gürcistan (Georgia) and Gürcü (Georgian) (pronounced "Gürgiü") in turkish, and Gruzija (Грузия) (Georgia) and Gruzin (Грузин) (Georgian) in Russian, and Gruzja (Georgia) and Gruzinski (Georgian) in Polish. The Persian name is probably linked with the words to describe the Armenian Georgians and Georgia, respectively Vir Virq (there are other cases in where a Persian word that starts with gu-is derived from a wi-wa or an initial) as well, both the Armenian Persian words that seem to be connected with the name Iberia, with loss of the initial i and the replacement of the wo rd for the b of Iberia. There is also, in all likelihood, an etymological connection between the name Iberia and the historic province of Georgia called Imereti. Geography

From the perspective of cultural history, Georgia is considered a European country, more controversial is whether it is also from a geographical point of view. Whereas the depression of the Kuma-Manych as the border between Europe and Asia, throughout the territory of Georgia in fact fall in Asia, while in If you put the border along the watershed line of Caucasian or Kura and Rioni rivers, then part of Georgian territory would fall in Europe.
Morphology and hydrography

Located in the southern Caucasus, bordered to the west from the Black Sea along a coastline of 310 km, has a mainly mountainous, dominated by the Caucasus.

A North Caucasus where the Grand stands out is the highest peak formed by Gora Kazbegi (5048 meters), which acts as a border with the Russian Federation for 723 km to the south Caucasus is the child whose peaks do not exceed the 3500 me which is the border with Turkey and Armenia 252 km to 164 km.

Between the two mountain ranges there are two river valleys: quella del Kura, verso est, e del Rioni, che arriva fino alla costa del Mar Nero, dove la valle diventa la pianura costiera della Colchide (Kolkhet'is Dablobi), solcata da numerosi corsi d'acqua.

Il fiume principale è il Kura che nasce in Turchia, percorre 1.520 km e sfocia nel Mar Caspio, in Azerbaigian. Il monte più alto è il Shkhara, alto 5.204 metri.

Il clima è di tipo continentale nell'entroterra ma subtropicale lungo la costa, dove la piovosità (molto elevata) raggiunge i 1.800 mm/anno, arrivando a toccare punte di 4.000 mm/anno specialmente nel sud, al confine con la Turchia, con una distribuzione uniforme durante l'anno.

Popolazione 4,989,892 (July 2004 estimate)

The population in Georgia is uneven; live within their boundaries diverse ethnic groups, cultures and religions. Demography

* Weld
demographic or Percent born: 10.1 births / 1,000 people (2004) Percentage
or dead 8.98 deaths / 1,000 people (2004) or
Population growth: -0.36% (2004)
or index of the net migration: -4.7 migrant (s) / 1,000 people (2004) Fertility
or total population: 1.4 children per woman (2004)
* Division of population by age:
or 0-14 years: 18.7% (461.967 people; 416.898 women) or
15-64 years: 65.8% 1,480,217 men, women 1,607,509)
or 65 years and over: 15.5% (290.534 men, women 436.767) (2004 est).
* Average age: 37 years Total
and Men: 34.5 years
or Female: 39.2 years (2004)
* Infant mortality rate: Total 19:34
or dead / 1,000 newborns
or Female: 16.84 deaths / 1,000 newborns (2004) or
Men: 21.5 deaths / 1,000 new born
* Life expectancy at birth:
or average life expectancy: 75.62 years or
Men: 72.35 years
or Female: 79.44 year (2004)
* Proportion of sex by age:
or at birth: 1.16 male / female or
Under 15 years: 1.11 male / female or
15-64 years: 0.92 male / female
or 65 years and over: 0.67 male / female or
Total population: 0.91 male / female (2004)
* Literacy rate, or
Total population: 99% or
Men: 100%
or Women: 98% (1999)

Democratic Demographics * Weld

born or Percent: 10.1 births / 1,000 people (2004) Percentage of dead or
: 8.98 deaths / 1,000 people (2004)
o Crescita della popolazione: -0.36% (2004)
o indice netto della migrazione: -4.7 migranti(s)/1,000 persone (2004)
o Fertilità totale della popolazione: 1.4 bambini per donna (2004)
* Divisione della popolazione per età:
o 0–14 anni: 18.7% (uomini 461,967; donne 416,898)
o 15–64 anni: 65.8% uomini 1,480,217; donne 1,607,509)
o 65 anni e oltre: 15.5% (uomini 290,534; donne 436,767) (2004 est.)
* Età media:
o Totale 37 anni
o Uomini: 34.5 anni
o Donne: 39.2 anni (2004)
* Mortalità Infant: 19:34 Total dead or
/ 1,000 newborns
or Female: 16.84 deaths / 1,000 newborns (2004) or
Men: 21.5 deaths / 1,000 newborns
* Life expectancy at birth:
or average life expectancy: 75.62 years or
Men: 72.35 years
or Female: 79.44 years (2004)
* Proportion of sex by age:
or at birth: 1.16 male / female or
Under 15 years: 1.11 male / female
or 15 - 64 years: 0.92 male / female
or 65 years and over: 0.67 male / female or
Total population: 0.91 male / female (2004)
* Literacy rate,
o Totale popolazione: 99%
o Uomini: 100%
o Donne: 98% (1996)


Georgiani 83.8%, armeni 5.7%, russi 1.5%, azeri 6.5%, osseti 0.9%, altri 1.6%

Georgiano 90% (ufficiale), Russo, Armeno, Azero e altri 10%. L'Abkhazo è la lingua ufficiale dell'Abkhazia.

Ortodossi georgiani 76% (la chiesa Georgiana Ortodossa ca. 70-72%, il resto sono i gruppi staccati da quella: la Chiesa Vera Ortodossa e la Chiesa del Vecchio Calendario), musulmani 9.9%, ortodossi russi 3%, Armeni apostolici 4.9%, cattolici 2%, altre 3.2%
Main article: History of Georgia.


The territory of what Georgia has been inhabited continuously from early Stone Age. During the first millennium BC, the territory of Georgia was occupied in the west, the Black Sea from Colchis, land of the mythical Golden Fleece, and to the east from Iberia. The first written mention of the proto-Georgian tribes dating from the twelfth century BC, while the first unified kingdom in the IV century BC

Christianity was declared the state religion in 337 AD and was proclaimed autocephalous Georgian church, becoming independent from the Patriarchate of Antioch, already in the fifth century. The golden age of the a cultural, artistic, religious and political that was under the Bagration dynasty since the eleventh century to the thirteenth century, which was interrupted by the invasion of the Mongols in 1223. In the following centuries Georgia, disintegratasi in several smaller states, was repeatedly subjected to invasion of the rival Ottoman Turkey and Persia.

Georgievsk In 1783 the treaty was the first between a state of Georgia and the Russian Empire, September 12, 1801 it annexed the eastern Georgia and in 1810 the last independent Georgian territories, resulting in the abolition of patriarchy and of ' autocephalous church in 1811. In 1878 all the current Georgian territories were part of the Russian Empire. In 1879 was born in Gori, Josef Stalin, the quale segnerà la storia del suo paese, della Russia e del mondo intero. In seguito alla prima guerra mondiale e alla rivoluzione russa, il 22 aprile 1918 l'élite nazionalista attiva dal 1890 e i menscevichi dichiararono l'indipendenza da Mosca formando con Armenia e Azerbaigian la Repubblica Federale Democratica Transcaucasica, con capitale Tbilisi, e il 26 maggio 1918 restaurarono lo stato georgiano con il nome di Repubblica Democratica di Georgia; le elezioni furono vinte dai menscevichi guidati da Noe Zhordania.

Il 25 febbraio 1921 truppe sovietiche guidate dal georgiano Stalin diedero fine alla Repubblica, incorporando la Georgia all'Unione Sovietica nel 1922, nonostante una resistenza durata fino all'agosto 1924. Inizialmente parte della Repubblica socialista sovietica federativa transcaucasica, sempre con capitale Tbilisi, dal 1936 divenne autonoma come Repubblica socialista sovietica georgiana.

In seguito alla perestrojka, il 28 ottobre 1990 le prime elezioni libere del Soviet nazionale sono vinte dallo schieramento nazionalista. Rinata come stato indipendente dal dissolvimento dall'Unione Sovietica il 9 aprile 1991, in seguito al referendum del 31 marzo, che vide il 98,9% dei georgiani favorevole all'indipendenza, la Georgia ha adottato il nome di Repubblica di Georgia.

Con l'indipendenza georgiana si svilupparono conflitti separatisti nelle regioni dell'Abcasia e dell'Ossezia del Sud, autoproclamatesi indipendenti.

Nel 2004 la Rivoluzione delle Rose has brought to power President Mikheil Saakashvili, causing both a political move us further away from Moscow. That same year, Georgia changed its official name Republic of Georgia.

August 2008 - Conflict in South Ossetia
Main article
Main article: War in South Ossetia (2008).

In August 2008, renewed fighting in South Ossetia have resulted in the advance of Georgian forces in the region and the Russian response - the Russian military were present in the region since the dissolution of the Soviet Union to act as peace-keeping - with the bombardment of the port of Poti, an important strategic center for the distribution of fuel in the Sea Nero and the expulsion of the attackers. Georgia has declared a general mobilization, declaring a state of war. As a continuation of military operations that affect the area of the Russian army has sent troops into South Ossetia and Abkhazia, siding with the secessionists. In the days following the Russian operations were not limited to the area contest, but also involved the territory of Georgia when the Russian Army troops occupied the city of Gori, 90 km from Tbilisi, the city of Poti and other smaller towns , forcing the Georgians to retreat to defend the capital [1]. A preliminary agreement on a cease-fire was signed by Georgia and Russia August 15, 2008. The General Staff of the Russian army said have completed their withdrawal from the occupied areas in Georgia within 10 days, while the Georgian side states that there are still roadblocks in the Russian territory and that withdrawal from the port of Poti has not been completed [2]. The Georgian Parliament, meeting in extraordinary session, extended a state of war until 8 September 2008 [3]. Organization

Under the constitution of 1991, Georgia is a presidential republic.
Subdivision administrative

Georgia is divided into two autonomous republics (avtonomiuri Respublika), already established in Soviet times, a capital city (k'alak'i) and 9 other regions (mkhare), provisionally established between 1994 and 1996, 69 provinces (rayon). Capital Region Code

regions of Abkhazia Sukhumi Georgia
1 2
Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Guria

3 4 5
Batumi Adjara and Kvemo Svaneti Racha-Lechkhumi

Imereti Kutaisi
6 7 Samtskhe-Javakheti
8 Shida Kartli Gori

9 Mtskheta Mtskheta-Mtianeti

10 Kvemo Kartli
11 Kakheti Telavi

Tbilisi Tbilisi

* The autonomous republics (with their capitals in parenthesis) are:
or Abkhazia (Sukhumi ) or
Adjara (Batumi)

The autonomous administrative district of South Ossetia (Tskhinvali), formerly known as Samachablo or Tskhinvali region and part of the Shida Kartli region, is one of the autonomous republics and was the scene of a continuing military conflict from the dissolution of the Soviet Union to gain independence from Georgia. On 8 August 2008, Georgia launched an offensive to regain South Ossetia in its control [4]. In response to Georgia, Russia has intervened militarily occupying South Ossetia and a buffer zone within its borders of Georgia [5].

* The regions (in brackets the respective capitals) are:
or Abkhazia (Sukhumi), repubblica autonoma
o Agiaria (Batumi), repubblica autonoma
o Guria (Ozurgeti)
o Imereti (Kutaisi)
o Kakheti (Telavi)
o Kvemo Kartli (Rustavi)
o Mtskheta-Mtianeti (Mtskheta)
o Racha-Lechkhumi e Kvemo Svaneti (Ambrolauri)
o Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti (Zugdidi)
o Samtskhe-Javakheti (Akhaltsikhe)
o Shida Kartli (Gori), comprendente l'Ossezia del Sud
o T'bilisi (Tbilisi), capitale nazionale dal 479 d.C.

* I distretti: Abasha, Adigeni, Akhalgora, Akhaltsikhe, Akhmeta, Ambrolauri, Aspindza, Baghdati, Bolnisi, Borjomi, Chkhorotsq'u, Chokhatauri, Dedoplistsq'aro, Dmanisi, Dusheti, Gardabani, Gurjaani, Java, Kareli, Kaspi, Kharagauli, Khashuri, Khobi, Khoni, Lagodekhi, Lanchkhuti, Lentekhi, Marneuli, Martvili, Mestia, Mtskheta, Ninotsminda, Oni, Ozurgeti, Q'azbegi, Q'vareli, Sachkhere, Sagarejo, Samtredia, Senaki, Sighnagi, Telavi, Terjola, Tetritsq'aro, Tianeti, Tsageri, Tsalenjikha, Tsalka, Vani, Zestaponi, Zugdidi.

Città principali [modifica]
Per approfondire, vedi la voce Città della Georgia.

Batumi, Chiatura, Gagra, Gori, Kutaisi, Poti, Rustavi, Sukhumi, Tbilisi, Telavi, Tq'ibuli, Tskhinvali, Tsq'altubo.

Institutions Education System
Health Service
Georgian Armed Forces
Main article
Main article: Georgian Air Force.

Georgian armed forces are made up of 17 500 men, including 10,400 conscripts. The military forces include the ground (including national civil protection), air defense forces, the maritime force of defense and internal forces.

On March 23, 1994, Georgia was one of the first former Soviet republics that joined the Partnership for Peace. Georgia is the first country that has submitted the special (May 2004) and October 29, 2004, NATO approved the first IPAP for Georgia. If successful, IPAP, Georgia will have a good chance to access the action plan membership (MAP). Georgia, sponsored by the United States of America and adopts the program (Gtoe) which was launched in April 2002. Although the program formally ended in 2004, Georgia continues to enjoy the crucial military assistance from NATO, especially from the United States and Turkey, and Israel. The Georgian government announced a reform of the Georgian armed forces to adhere to the protocols of NATO. The government plans to reduce the number of armed forces and increase the number of soldiers in two thirds of the total force. The referendum for the accession to NATO, which took place January 5, 2008 together with the presidential election, won 61 percent in favor of membership.

Georgia has a relatively strong peacekeeping in Kosovo and take part in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military spending per year: 23 million U.S. dollars. The hymn

From 14 November 1990 to April 23, 2004 the Georgian national anthem was Dideba zetsit kurtheuls (in Georgian დიდება ზეცით კურთხეულს), recovered old hymn that had been in use from 1918 to 1920, is currently in use Instead Tavisupleba (in Georgian თავისუფლება).
I presidenti della Repubblica di Georgia

* Zviad Gamsakhurdia (1991-1992)
* Eduard Amvrosis dze Shevardnadze (26 novembre 1995 - 23 novembre 2003)
* Ninò Anzoris asuli Burdzhanadze (22 novembre 2003 - 25 gennaio 2004 (all'opposizione dal 23 novembre 2003)
* Mikheil Nikolozis dze Saakashvili (25 gennaio 2004 - 25 novembre 2007)
* Ninò Anzoris asuli Burdzhanadze (25 novembre 2007 - 5 gennaio 2008)
* Mikheil Nikolozis dze Saakashvili (5 gennaio 2008 - attuale)

Partiti politici

* La Nuova Destra-Imprenditori; (destra). (ახალი მემარჯვენეები-მრეწველები)
* Unione Movimento Nazionale; (destra). (ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობა)
* Democrazia-Nazionale; (sinistra). (ეროვნულ-დემოკრატიული პარტია)
* Partito Laburista; (sinistra). (ლეიბორისტული პარტია)
* Movimento Politico Libertà; (sinistra). (პოლიტიკური მოძრაობა თავისუფლება)
* Partito della Repubblica; (centro-sinistra). (რესპუბლიკური პარტია) * Conservatives
of Georgia (center-left). (საქართველოს კონსერვატორები)


Archaeological research demonstrates that Georgia already ancient times traded with other regions, due to its location in the Black Sea and after its passage in the area of \u200b\u200bthe historic trade route known as the Silk Road. Gold, silver, copper and iron were extracted in antiquity in the Caucasus region. The wine is also a very ancient tradition. During

della storia moderna georgiana l'agricoltura e il turismo sono stati i principali settori economici, favorito dal clima e dalla topografia.

Per la maggior parte del 20º secolo, l'economia della Georgia è stata subordinata all'economia pianificata sovietica essendo il paese federato all'URSS.

Dopo la caduta dell'Unione Sovietica nel 1991, la Georgia ha avviato una grande riforma strutturale progettata per la transizione verso un'economia di libero mercato. Tuttavia, come tanti altri stati post-sovietici, la Georgia si trova ad affrontare un grave collasso economico. La guerra civile e militare dei conflitti in Abkhazia e Ossezia del Sud ha aggravato la crisi. La produzione agricola e quella industriale sono diminuite. Nel 1994 gross domestic product was reduced to one fourth of that of 1989.

The first financial aid from the West came in 1995 when the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund granted Georgia a credit of 206 million U.S. dollars and Germany a loan of 50 million German marks.

In 2001 54% of the population lived below the national poverty line, but by 2006 poverty decreased to 34%. In 2005 the average monthly income for a family was of 347 lari (about 200 U.S. dollars). Since the beginning of 2000

positive developments were observed for the economy of Georgia. In 2007 the rate of real GDP growth reached 12%, making Georgia one of the fastest growing economies in Eastern Europe. The World Bank has called Georgia "the first country in the world in terms of economic reforms" because in a year increased from 112 to 18th in the ranking of countries where it is easier to develop economic activities. [Citation needed] However, the country has a high unemployment rate (12.6%) and has an income lower than the European average.

The IMF estimates of 2007 indicate a nominal GDP of 10.3 billion U.S. dollars. The economy is increasingly service-oriented (which now account for 65% of GDP) and agriculture (10.9%).

2006 The ban on imports of Georgian wine in Russia, one of the largest trading partners of Georgia, and the severance of ties with it, was described by the IMF mission to mission as an "external shock". In addition, Russia increased the price of gas for Georgia. This was followed by the peak of inflation in the Georgian Lari. The National Bank of Georgia has declared that inflation was caused mainly by external reasons, including the economic embargo from Russia worked against him. Mineral resources

Georgia is a country poor in mineral deposits except some small or medium-sized manganese, coal, oil. The rest of the raw materials importato, soprattutto dalla vicina Russia.


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