Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Poptropica Unrestricted


Europas Identitäten

Die Frage was ist Europa, wird in der Welt begriffsinhaltlich primär geographisch, geschichtlich oder kulturell interpreted. In Europe itself, the identification is heterogeneous, pluralistic, diffuse and characterized by personal ideas and experiences.

The term dates from the Hellenistic myth of Europe and was introduced by the Greek culture in our historical consciousness. Romans, Germans, Arabs, Turks, and mass migrations, religious struggles, nation-states, ideologies and world wars are more important elements of European historical development.

The search for common ground in a territorial demarcation in history has there been time and again. The Roman Empire and the Roman Empire of the German nation had as common feature of success, the relative autonomy of subdivisions, especially politically and culturally. A real big States Association on a voluntary basis was, however, first time in Europe after the Second World War. In the course of European history, there have been many attempts to reach agreement monarchical basis with Kaiser and kingdoms, which provided for the democratic process of maturation of Europe, many valuable contributions. The fascist models, especially that of Nazi Germany, led to disaster. Finally, in Europe collapsed and the communist utopia of the Soviet Union.

In modern ongoing integration process in Europe, there is therefore no reunion, but a new and democratic basis sought union of free states and nations. Despite some huge differences that grows by the inclusion of countries still had to accept the totalitarian regime than a half century of experience, is common but is predominantly in the neighborhood of the European continent. Culture, language and religion are often widely differing results, but are expected to be in our European liberalism and secularism to a growing mutual enrichment. This European idea of \u200b\u200ba united European continent, , the European par excellence Richard Coudenhove Kalergi , developed based in several European countries at the beginning of the twentieth century.

euphoria may be true that is required in principle membership of the united Europe in general by most people in Europe. In the current political and national sectoral issues, however, constantly breaking through the egoism.

is only with the optimism on the European continent and peace guaranteeing European project can be carried forward. With the accession advertisers and, above all the territorial border peoples gibt es die natürliche Abgrenzung, ob das geschichtliche und vor allem das kulturelle sowie moralische Erbgut Europas mitgetragen werden kann und auch in den Ländern selbst verwirklicht ist. Es handelt sich dabei um Ideale, die in teils leidvollen Erfahrungen die europäischen Länder auf das heutige Kultur- und Moralniveau gehoben haben. In schwierigen Phasen des Einigungsprozesses, der aller Dämonen zum Trotz irreversibel erscheint, sollen Erkenntnisse der europäischen Geschichte unsere Entscheidungen prägen und erleichtern, die da insbesondere sind:

Freiheit, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Solidarität und Toleranz. In den Mittelpunkt ist die Achtung der Menschwürde in to provide religious and secular diction. Of particular importance is the European value system to the Christianity that has shaped this continent Christian. False tolerance is often used as a pretext to attack European values. Although in the course of Christian history, many crises were beginning to surface, there were always crises of their subjects and indeed their makes abusive officials. The Christian laws of nature, however, cover our present image of human dignity perfectly. All European human rights declarations go uncontested back to Christian roots.

purpose Realization of these ideals, the greatest possible avoidance of bureaucracy and achieve optimum citizen, has just in a multicultural Europe, the observance of the organizing principle of subsidiarity found to be particularly important. This is a competency settlement, where they can be close to ordinary people perceived to be most efficient. tie

These moral values and regulatory , the Europeans, for Europe of identity should be and an offer for all aspiring to integration in Europe. To develop this European identity to anchor, should particularly our elites - understood as a social role models - Moral values communicate more attractive. The greater involvement of NGO's and civil society groups in relation to the European information by expanding its pan-European media is a way of need, in the population more European sense of identity and thus gain their acceptance for a common Europe.

Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger, Secretary General of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi

EB January 2010


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