VALGYMO TAISYKLĖ: Valgome aperstus, rankomis. Visu pirma išsiurbiame sultinį, vėliau valgome likusią dalį išskyrūs viršunėlę. Ją išmetame, kadangi tai suspausta, neišvirusi tešla, mūsų skrandis, jei viršūnėlę valgysime, bus apsunkęs.

- Dažniausiai Gruzijoje chinkali gaminama iš avienos arba jautienos faršo, galime naudoti ir kiaulieną. Geriausia faršą pasiruošti patiems, susimalti mėsmale grinding a couple of times. Be certain you're working hard.
- chopped onions, Iberian salt, pepper (red and black), if you want to papjaustome greens, chopped coriander or parsley, can add some dill.
- placed in the mince broth and stuffing will absorb far.
- prepare the dough. Flour prasijojame through a sieve. During the middle of the hole where we draw pour warm water pockets egg batter pasūdome.
- dough does not climb over to the hands or the table. Uždengiame dough with a damp cloth and place in a cool place for 20 minutes.
- iškočiojame thin, and within the circles išpjauname viduriuką adds the mince.
- višuje bending edges, lengdami as a fan, squeezing each other very well (this is very important that neatsivertų).
- You can also drop and thus
- into boiling salted water chinkali're upside down.
- chinkali When there is a pot, which means that the dish is ready.
- Served sprinkled with black pepper.
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