Thursday, December 31, 2009
Atrovent Nasal Spray Vasomotor Rhinitis
Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger Secretary-General of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi
MESURES en matière de circulation ROUTIERE EUROPÉENNE
par Heinz Wimpissinger, Société Européenne Coudenhove-Kalergi
by Heinz Wimpissinger, European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi , son of a diplomat of the Austria-Hungarian monarchy, and his Japanese wife, has developed soon after the First World War as a counterweight to the totalitarian temptations of fascism, Nazism and Communism, the idea of \u200b\u200ba united Europe, founded in 1923, the Pan-European Union and its initiatives significantly to the creation of the European Council in 1949 contributed. Today, the European Union's political and economic implementation of a European peace project, which will be in a world of new challenges and threats through the efforts of the best of our continent is still developing and prospecting. Nothing and no one should be allowed to jeopardize the successful continuation of this project.
in 1978 with headquarters in Geneva, founded Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation - was transformed in 2008 into the European society Coudenhove-Kalergi - by means of publications, study projects and granting of awards to make a contribution to securing this project.
European road rehabilitation
In many European issues are local peculiarities and national rules to consider for the citizens. In transport, however, the diversity of national road rules and signs, given the rapidly growing mobility of our society a growing security risk in traffic dar. This is intensified in border areas.
reference was made, therefore, the suggestion to the relevant countries and organizations, the EU Commission as soon as possible take up this issue and resolve. For discussion, the following individual areas are provided, with urgency and on the need to be evaluated differently. This review is intended to start a discussion process.
traffic rules exist in various European countries have different rules and rule interpretations on the road. Examples of legal precedence was called, who is partially dependent on absolute and in other countries of the hierarchy or progression of the streets. There is no other drastically different behavior is controlled traffic in roundabouts. The problem of non-behavioral rules should be resolved in this context also, etc., etc.
claim: thinning of the various national traffic laws and the creation of the single European market rules.
There are a variety of national characteristics in the traffic signs. There are also characters which are in some languages \u200b\u200bare not international audience. Wherever possible, solutions than the stop sign that says "STOP" in red box will be sought. If not otherwise be solved, should a national character addition, the English are appropriate. English is now unrivaled in Europe, the first foreign language. Example: "WARNING-ATTENTION". It is very confusing when in European urban centers repeatedly with no more controlled borders the highway signs from blue to green or vice versa will change what should be standardized urgent.
demand: standardization, where switching costs to be funded from the EU budget.
legal relations
conversion in Great Britain and Ireland, and Sweden could be used as an example of the success of this measure. The Swedish laws, driving rules were introduced in spite of a negative referendum, which has proven in retrospect to be the right policy.
R.: The EU may wish to recommend to the members with links traffic through cost sharing and having regard to other economic benefits of switching to the right road.
road construction road construction sites are especially in foreign European countries often treacherous traffic cases, for which solutions would work out by experts. The national road construction should also be given certain minimum standards. In some countries, the ghost rider problem on highways is disproportionately high. Not least, and SDS is inadequate solutions of highway construction are responsible for the wrong driveway should already be largely prevented by structural arrangement.
R.: Creation of a technical manual with recommendations for the
national road.
European road network
The enlargement of the EU is the Reviews and lines of the European roads not up to date accordingly.
demand: re-evaluation and inventory
traffic monitoring
A flexible traffic conditions and road conditions to adjust speed control with an appropriate information system, especially on motorways would be sought in Europe.
demand: development of a concept, its gradual implementation should be considered in future development projects.
Certainly it is in these areas of concern to different emergencies. The improvement of road safety would be the central concern. As soon as possible initiatives scheinen in Bezug auf Verkehrsregeln und Verkehrsschilder geboten.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, fils d'un diplomate de la monarchie austro-hongroise et de son épouse Japonaise, a développé dès la fin de la première guerre mondiale le projet d'une Europe unie comme contrepoids aux tentatives totalitaires du fascisme, du national-socialisme et du communisme. Il a créé l'Union paneuropéenne en 1923 et ses initiatives ont contribué de manière déterminante à la constitution du Conseil de l'Europe en 1949. Aujourd'hui, l'Union européenne est la concrétisation politique et économique du European peace project. In a world where we prepare for new threats and new provocations, this project must be developed and deepened through the efforts of the elites of our continent. Nothing and no one should be able to seriously endanger the continuation of this work successful.
Foundation Coudenhove Kalergi-founded in 1978 and headquartered in Geneva, aims to contribute to the consolidation of this design through publications, research projects and the award ceremony.
Measures of European road traffic
Wimpissinger by Heinz, Secretary General
Dans de nombreuses questions européennes, le citoyen doit se préoccuper de particularités locales et de règles nationales. Dans le domaine de la circulation routière, la diversité des règles nationales et leur signalisation représentent un facteur de danger eu égard à la mobilité sans cesse croissante de notre société. Ceci s’observe particulièrement dans les zones frontalières.
C’est pourquoi les organisations nationales compétentes et la Commission européenne sont invitées à se pencher sans délai sur ce problème et à proposer une solution. Les domaines ci-dessous, dont l’urgence et la nécessité may be assessed differently, should be discussed. The present contribution aims to launch the debate.
traffic rules
Different European countries have rules and interpretations differ significantly in terms of traffic. This applies, for example, the priority right is sometimes mandatory while in others it depends on the type of road and its route. Another clear example of different regulations: the roundabouts. In this context, the issue of behavioral rules should not be resolved the same way, etc. etc.
Suggestion : Eclaircissage des différentes règles nationales et élaboration de règles de circulation spécifiquement européennes.
Il existe une quantité de spécificités nationales en matière de signalisation. S’y ajoutent des panneaux écrits qui ne sont pas nécessairement compris dans d’autres langues. Il y a lieu de promouvoir autant que faire se peut des solutions analogues à celle du signal d’arrêt qui porte l’indication STOP sur fond rouge. Lorsque aucune autre solution n’est possible, il faudrait ajouter au texte en langue nationale la traduction anglaise. L’anglais est en effet sans conteste dans Throughout Europe the first foreign language. For example: WARNING-ACHTUNG. It is particularly disconcerting in settlements where there are no more border checks signs sometimes blue sometimes green to signal the highways. This should be approved quickly.
Hint: Standardisation (standardization), the processing costs to be borne by the EU budget.
change to perform in Britain and Ireland, Sweden has shown the example, successful, such a measure. The RHD was introduced in Sweden in spite of a negative vote of the people, which later proved wise politically.
Hint: EU might recommend switching to driving on the right in the Member States with the LHD for a contribution to costs and referring to other economic benefits.
Road Construction
The road works, especially in countries of foreign language are often insidious traps for which experts should develop solutions. Specific minimum standards should be developed to trans-regional sites. Dans certains pays, le problème des conducteurs circulants à contresens (conducteurs fantômes) sur les autoroutes est également proportionnellement très (trop) élevé. Sur ce point aussi, la responsabilité incombe aux solutions inadéquates en matière de construction d’autoroutes, les voies d’accès devant être signalées de manière adéquate longtemps à l’avance pour éviter des entrées à contresens.
Suggestion : Mise au point d’un manuel technique comportant des recommandations pour les constructions de routes trans-régionales.
Réseau routier européen
Avec l’élargissement de l’UE, typology and the European road layout does not correspond to the current state.
Suggestion: New classification and new inventory.
Traffic Monitoring
There would be recommended at European level adequate regulation in speed that is both flexible and takes into account the traffic conditions by a corresponding information system, especially on motorways.
Suggestion: Develop a concept that the progressive installation should be considered in future projects sites.
The urgency certainly differs significantly by type of problem. Improving road safety is still the main concern. Quick initiatives on traffic rules and road signs are desirable.
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, son of a diplomat Of The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and His Japanese wife, Developed soon after World War I The Idea of a united Europe as a counterbalance to totalitarian temptations of fascism The, National Socialism and communism. He Founded The Paneuropa Union in 1923 and decisively Contributed To The Founding Of The Council of Europe in 1949. Today The Political and Economic realization of the european peace project, which needs to be developed and deepened in a world of new challenges and threats through the efforts of the best of our continent, is with the European Union. Nothing and no one shall endanger the successful continuation and development of this project.
Reorganising European Road Traffic
By Heinz Wimpissinger, secretary general
There are many fields of European decision-making where local particularities and national rules must and deserve to be taken into account. However, in the field of road traffic, the plurality of national traffic rules and signs constitutes an ever growing security risk, given the increasing mobility of our society. Border regions are particularly concerned.
Responsible state organisations and the EU Commission are therefore urged to deal with this issue and find solutions to it. This contribution is meant to initiate a discussion process in this regard. The following areas should be particularly discussed, though priorities may vary:
Traffic rules
In the various European countries different rules and interpretations of rules are applied in the field of road traffic. For example, right-of-way must be yielded to traffic approaching from the right in some countries, while in others this partly depends on the hierarchy of right-of-way or the course of a lane. Similar differences exist with regard to traffic entering a roundabout. The issue of irrelevant rules for driving should also be considered in this context.
Request: to scour the great variety of national traffic rules and to create single European traffic rules.
Traffic signs
There is a great number of national varieties and particularities with regard to traffic signs.
These include written indications in letters that are not internationally comprehensible. Solutions similar to the general red ground on “stop” signs should be aimed at. If not realizable, national letters should at least be complemented by English translations, given the fact that English has become the unrivalled common foreign language in Europe. For example: “Achtung – Attention”. It is very confusing, too, if in European agglomerations, where borders are no longer controlled, above all highway-destination boards switch from blue to green and back – this should be simplified.
Request: Simplification and unification of traffic signs, costs to be covered from the EU budget.
Right hand traffic
Great Britain and Ireland should switch to right-hand traffic, with Sweden serving as a model for the successful changeover. Right hand traffic was introduced in Sweden despite a negative public opinion poll, but has turned out to have been the right policy.
Request: EU should suggest to countries with left hand traffic to switch to right hand traffic by pointing to aspects of cost sharing and other economic advantages resulting from a changeover.
Road works
Road works in other European countries with foreign languages often turn out as malicious traffic traps. Experts should seek solutions. Supra-regional road works should observe minimum standards. Some countries show a disproportionate rate of ghost drivers, which quite often results from inadequate road building. Motorists who are driving in the wrong direction (phantom drivers) should be prevented by adequate constructional measures.
Request: Edition of a technical handbook including recommendations and expertise for supra-regional road building, as evaluation as well as routeing and configuration of streets and roads are not longer up-to-date.
Re-evaluation and inventory
Traffic survey
Flexible speed control in line with traffic requirements and provided with an adequate information system should be established Europe-wide, in particular for motorways.
Request: Establishment of a concept to be gradually implemented in future extension projects.
Above mentioned problem areas are of course of different urgency. The main concern is to improve road safety. Priority should be given to initiatives with regard to traffic rules and traffic signs.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Poptropica Unrestricted
Europas Identitäten
Die Frage was ist Europa, wird in der Welt begriffsinhaltlich primär geographisch, geschichtlich oder kulturell interpreted. In Europe itself, the identification is heterogeneous, pluralistic, diffuse and characterized by personal ideas and experiences.
The term dates from the Hellenistic myth of Europe and was introduced by the Greek culture in our historical consciousness. Romans, Germans, Arabs, Turks, and mass migrations, religious struggles, nation-states, ideologies and world wars are more important elements of European historical development.
The search for common ground in a territorial demarcation in history has there been time and again. The Roman Empire and the Roman Empire of the German nation had as common feature of success, the relative autonomy of subdivisions, especially politically and culturally. A real big States Association on a voluntary basis was, however, first time in Europe after the Second World War. In the course of European history, there have been many attempts to reach agreement monarchical basis with Kaiser and kingdoms, which provided for the democratic process of maturation of Europe, many valuable contributions. The fascist models, especially that of Nazi Germany, led to disaster. Finally, in Europe collapsed and the communist utopia of the Soviet Union.
In modern
Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger, Secretary General of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi
EB January 2010
Monday, December 28, 2009
What To Write On Best Mate Wedding Card

- washes drain the coriander, garlic, peeled crushed. Coriander with garlic galime sumalti mesmale arba pertrinti su trintuve. Druskos beriame pagal skonį (kuo daugiau druskos tuo ilgiau stovės šaldytuve). Šį padažą galima dėti ant mėsos, žuvies į faršą ir t.t.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Watch South Park Episodes Quick Time

- Dažniausiai Gruzijoje chinkali gaminama iš avienos arba jautienos faršo, galime naudoti ir kiaulieną. Geriausia faršą pasiruošti patiems, susimalti mėsmale grinding a couple of times. Be certain you're working hard.
- chopped onions, Iberian salt, pepper (red and black), if you want to papjaustome greens, chopped coriander or parsley, can add some dill.
- placed in the mince broth and stuffing will absorb far.
- prepare the dough. Flour prasijojame through a sieve. During the middle of the hole where we draw pour warm water pockets egg batter pasūdome.
- dough does not climb over to the hands or the table. Uždengiame dough with a damp cloth and place in a cool place for 20 minutes.
- iškočiojame thin, and within the circles išpjauname viduriuką adds the mince.
- višuje bending edges, lengdami as a fan, squeezing each other very well (this is very important that neatsivertų).
- You can also drop and thus
- into boiling salted water chinkali're upside down.
- chinkali When there is a pot, which means that the dish is ready.
- Served sprinkled with black pepper.
Chart Schedule Of Events
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mix For Belgian Waffles
- Chicken chop into four parts, covering 3 l of water, salt, verde. Broth and cooked it perkošiame through a strainer, remove the bones, chicken, puts in another bowl.
- Chopped onions.
- They fry pan with vegetable oil.
- Flour. They pour into the pan, slightly pakepinam (color does not change !!!).
- Slightly fry, flour cools. 1stiklinę pour the broth, stir to remove clumps.
- pour this flour mixture into the hot broth.
- pour fried onions. Cook 5-7 minutes.
- In a bowl place the eggs, beat.
- whisked to add broth, stirring constantly. Broth should be hot, but uncooked. If you need pasūdome. Serve chicken pieces sudedame į lėkštę, įpilame arbatinį šaukštelį citrinų sulčių. Papuošimui galima užberti prieskoniniais smulkintais žalumynais.
Ankylosing Spondylitis Orthosis
- chop meat into small pieces.
- Užpilti 3l water. Cook 1.5 hours. (Occurring putas nuimame).
- Susmulkiname smulkiai svogūnus.
- Sudedame riešutus į smulkintuvą ir susmulkiname.
- Jei neturime smulkintuvo smulkiname peiliu.
- Į paruoštą sultinį supilame ryžius, verdame apie 10 min.
- Svogūnus apkepiname naudojame augalinį aliejų.
- fried onions to pour in broth.
- Also suberiame broth chopped nuts.
- and pour the sauce.
- Suberiame CHMEL-suneli and pepper, to taste pasūdome and cook 5-7 minutes.
- The garlic chopped garlic in the blender and suberiame in stock. Remove from heat and let stand for 10-20 minutes. Cover the lid. Serve sprinkled with herbs and spices available.