Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gladies Wearing Girdles

ALSO THE CONTINUED ... "WUT UP Wieandt ".... (SZ) 27.09.2010, 18:01 2010-09-27 18:01:04

dispute over banking crisis

rage Wieandt

By Claus Hulverscheidt

The Financial Market Committee criticized the high pension benefits for the former head of Hypo Real Estate, Wieandt . Also bonuses paid to managers make for trouble.

The recent bonus and pension payments to managers of state-owned real estate bank Hypo Real Estate (HRE) in the financial market committee of the Bundestag parteiübergeifend met with harsh criticism. The committee chairman Florian Toncar (FDP) said after a meeting of the body are secretive meetings, it was "politically difficult to communicate when practiced throughout the economy wage cuts, of all but distributed by a bank rescued by the government bonuses to their employees."

Instead, the HRE would have agreement with the works or by changing terminations must ensure "that no variable remuneration will be paid as long as the bank wrote losses". was disagreement among the committee members are on the question of whether the bank is to be sustained in the medium or crushed. The financial committee will monitor the work of the government's bank rescue fund (Soffin).

was, last week became known that the HRE, and Commerzbank also partially state had paid out large bonuses to its employees. provided for the additional trouble pension commitments to former HRE CEO Wieandt, after not einmal 18 Monaten im Amt im Alter eine jährliche Versorgung von knapp 240.000 Euro erhalten soll.

(Quelle foto: merkur-online)

" Der Fall Wieandt ist schon ungeheuerlich : Da wird einem Manager für eine sehr kurze Amtszeit eine sehr hohe Pension zugesagt, und dieser Manager macht sich dann tatsächlich kurz nach Ablauf der Frist aus dem Staub. Da hätte der damalige Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) bei der Aushandlung der Verträge better must be careful, "said Toncar the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Also the SPD budget expert Carsten Schneider described the payments to Wieandt as highly annoying. But I Steinbrück that time can not influence on the contracts because the bank was not yet in state hands. Schneider, who represents his group in the financial market committee, also its call renewed after the dismantling of HRE, as the institute enjoys even after the ongoing outsourcing of toxic assets into a so-called bad bank does not have a coherent business model.

Should receive future core banking by the rating agencies are not top-quality credit, it would hardly be able to earn the interest costs. "As is the view of the taxpayer whether the whole thing still makes sense, or whether a settlement of the bank is not the less costly option would be," Schneider said of the SZ. "I do not see that the State Bank will ever be able to sell at a profit again why it is not enough now to say.. Your eyes and go" The cost of a settlement would have to support the financial sector are saddled. But a new tax could be introduced.

However Toncar warned against the HRE "to speak broken. "Before we speculate about a settlement, we should wait and see how the remaining core bank proposes economically," he said.


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