Friday, September 24, 2010

Commodity Accounting Softwar

(yet) again - something onomastics / customer name: Viant / WIGAND

Viant = Middle High German = enemy

have V on the significance of her name so the changes from the Middle High German shape to take into consideration (in many cases have the immediate radicals from the Middle High German mentioned in the "vernacular" Low German or Low German, in Dutch and Frisian ...):
In the dialect dominated rural border areas - away from the respective language of the mainstream and then gradually evolving urban-industrial-dominated "German" "standard language" remained the family Viant in itself with its original ia-sounds, even for an-sound, even for simple vowel sounds: aei exist, albeit in a drastically different modulated notation: Viant, Fiander, Wiandt - next Vendt, FENDT, FENDT, WENT, WENDT - VINDT, Findt, Windt - VAYANDT, WAYANDT, Feyand - FEYND, ENEMY, Feinberg - maybe even PFEINDT, PFANDT, VANDT, turned, and many more options ... - Before then mostly enemies, WENDT, Windt, WALL prevailed. But all these variants may well be in line with carrier directly related to each other over the centuries, this vernacular language development ...

And matrikelführenden church officials - and next to it then the registrar - the names authenticated the way they heard them - or as they spot them already knew: a Viant was "Germanized" to WIEGAND, WIEGAND became a VAJAND "incorporated" to FENDT, VANDT, Findt, etc. Windt

with the Roman-Latin "scholars" - "high" languages , located in the Alsace-Lorraine and in the English and Dutch / Flemish also Walloon-speaking region of Middle High German language phrases in the name of mixed and set, dominated in the name of the term "VIA" = der Weg / die "richtige" Richtun g ;
VIANT bedeutete hier nicht mehr der "Feind" sondern in erster Linie " der am Wege Wohnende ", der die "richtige" Richtung Angebende , der (heutzutage) den "Mainstream", die "Laufrichtung" Bestimmende, der An- oder auch "Ver-"Führende - während DE-VIANT - als Bezeichnung - der "Gegen-den-Strom-Schwimmende", der Outsider, der Besondere, der Außenseiter, der Individulist und Einzelne bedeuten kann.

Wenn man that name Viant / Wieand with and traces, one begins to empathize with these meanings. And then get a feeling for what is meant by these names well.

Otherwise, it's a family name that has been influenced by many external and economic and belief is forced migration excesses and changed - for any (Glaubens-/Existenz-) grounds out whatsoever - scattered across Europe - across the western hemisphere at least ... (Including Australia and South Africa) ...

The " Wiganth" - (Fighters) name variants - with the developments towards Weygandt, Vajandt mixed, etc. So come back to the borderlines with the "Viant - (enemy) variants and the" Via "- (travel direction) variants - and go to the spellings of the wildest confusion and symbioses:
Matrikelführer Especially people or for the mother tongue remained alien to these three core variants, brought it here to the wildest confusion and creative creations that show my current name and family research for this reason alone clear boundaries.


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