Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blisters Small Of Back Hip

The fountain of Wastl Schlottenhof (Arzberg) - a real Egerländer / Bohemian Viant


Theo Viandt from Mainz 1977 the following information in writing a letter (!):

"Our ancestors came from Arzberg on the Czech border. The first traceable ancestor was
Johann Nikolaus Viant (Viandt) and was Kirchner and Schulcolaborator.

In the church book of Arzberg is above said Viant following:

" Anno 1767: Johann Nicol Viant, a Laquai of Schlottenhof and Theodora Maria Johanna Köhlerin, Cammer-Maedge there, both inclusive Fornicanten were for paid penance and straw wreaths on the 12th October early in the silence copuliert [= married] . "

He died of apoplexy in his service tasks to Graf Reuther, 11 April 1804 dinner at 5 and 14 clock uurde buried with a state issue, 68 years old and 10 months.

He should be born in May 1735, the birth could not investigate us.

stands over his wife in the church book as follows:

Viandt, Johanna Theodora, left behind a widow of the past Kirchner and school teacher John Nik. Viandt, dahi, died of old age Sunday den 3.8.1823 nachm. 4 Uhr und wurde am 5. darauf mit dem großen Geläute beerdigt, alt 79 Jahre, 3 Monate und 2 Tage. Dieser Ehe entstammen:

Christoph Friedrich Viandt , Lehrer und Kirchner,dann Marktschreiber , geb. 30.7.1772, gest. 8.8.1849, verheiratet mit Anna Magdalena geb. Schmidt aus Creußen, geb. 22.3.1771, gest. 13.2. 1849.

Georg Friedrich Albrecht Viandt , geb. 27.1.1800, gest 31.5.1842, Katharina Dorothea Friedericke Puchtler aus Arzberg, geb. 1.12.1799, gest.3.4.1875. He was a merchant in Arzberg.

Bernhard Viandt , geb.10.7.1824, gest.6.8.1897, merchant in Arzberg, later in Kulmbach. Married to Friedericke Ruckdeschel from Kulmbach, born 12/18/1824, died 08/09/1894. This marriage produced:

Viandt Marie, born 1854, gest.2.4.1933
Gustav Viandt , born 11.8.1856 , died 01/10/1923
Christian Eberhard Viandt , born 28/11/1853, gest.21.9.1938, my [that Theo Viandts] father ,
Babette Viandt , b. 01/08/1860, gest.7.1.1934.

What I present here is simply a direct line to the secondary lines does not exist, the name Viandt. ...

about our ancestors Nicol circulating in the area Arzberger legends.

This is how the estate owners have found the Schlottenhof Nicol on the road in the snow (on the road from Eger) and took into his service.
It should be quite the lady at the service and have been protected once the lords of the manor from invading bandits.

left his honor in the courtyard of the castle, a fountain figure standing customize

the "well Wastl" .

The figure is wearing the clothes (Tyrolean hat, red waistcoat and trousers *), which he wore at his discovery.
While the whole castle complex sadly demolished, decayed or is otherwise used
the fountain with the figure yet.

should have been situated about 20 years ago [ie about 1950] a vast number of documents in a part of tract. Unfortunately, these were then destroyed by ignorant. "
If Theo Viandt

* Wikipedia entry [ http://de.wikipedia. org / wiki / Arzberg_% 29% 28Oberfranken ]:
manor Schlottenhof
Ein ehemaliges Rittergut und Schloss derer von Benckendorff befindet sich im Ortsteil Schlottenhof. Erbaut wurde das damalige Lehnsgut 1750 bis 1753 unter Verwendung eines älteren Teils von 1600. Künstlerisch interessant ist die aus örtlichen Gründen schiefwinkelige Durchfahrt im südlichen Teil des Traktes. Das Portal hat gefelderte Pilaster mit profilierten Kämpfern und einen ebenfalls gefelderten klassizistischen Torbogen mit betontem Schlussstein. Im Hof befindet sich ein steinernes Brunnenbecken in schlichter Rokokoform. Auf der achtseitigen Brunnensäule ist der Schlottenhofer Brunnenwastl in Egerländer Tracht dargestellt.

literature: Friedrich Wilhelm Singer: The well-Waston told - from the life of the community Schlottenhof. Schlottenhof 1973 - source for the reproduced copy well Wastl

Source: Pictures Schlottenhof ""

info @ eddywieand-sinedi. de


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