Friday, October 8, 2010

How Long Are U Dry Before Ur Period

"Viant" - may (also) a derivation of "VIANDEN (Luxembourg) -? The name" Viant "in its various spellings and families as a lineage name for "Mosel Franken"?

Vianden - Merian 1643

Viant - Vianden

Annette Seekings Viant from Cornwall, England listed in a "Viant" ancestral forum an inquiry notice from me in July 2010:
. ceeurope.hungary.baranya

(The rough translation (with translation into German machine:)

"quote from a website of the Luxembourg City Vianden : Maybe the name is explained as Viant - also in Austria (Burgenland) [-Hungary - Moson / Sopron Gyor]? * (see note below).

In the 13th and 14 Century fought the counts of Vianden, the most powerful ruler in the region between the River Our and the West Eifel, hard against the Count of Luxembourg for supremacy in the region between the Maas (Meuse) and the Moselle.
Anno 1140 Frederick I of Vianden supports the Archbishop of Trier in a feud against Henry IV of Luxembourg. The villagers of the county of Vianden (* see Note I), whose houses looted there and devastated wurden während der Kämpfe, folgten damals oft dem Ruf des Königs Geza II (* s. Anmerkung II)  von Ungarn und emigrierten nach Siebenbürgen/Transsylvanien, wo die moselfränkische Sprache bis heute erhalten geblieben ist."

*) Anmerkung: Auf dem Weg nach Transsylvanien/Siebenbürgen ließen sich einzelne "Viant"-Familien dann vielleicht schon "unterwegs", z.B. im Bereich Burgenland - Moson - Sopron - Györ, im Hianzen-/Heidebauern-Gebiet" nieder - und siedelten erst späterhin ostwärts nach der Gegenreformation als protestantische Glaubensflüchtlinge (Transmigration) z.B. in Kötcse, Györköny, Lajoskomarom, Ecseny, Gadacs usw.

Original-Text von Annette Viant-Seekings ( hortonsboa ) in english:

"Quote from an information board in Vianden. Does this explain the name Viant in Austria (Burgoland)? presumably the emigrants would have taken the name as originating in Vianden.

In the 13 and 14 century the counts of Vianden, the most powerful rulers in the region between the Our River and the West Eifel, fought fiercely against the Counts of Luxembourg for predominance over the region between the Meuse and Moselle Rivers. In 1140, Frederick 1 of Vianden assisted the Archbishop of Trier in a fued against Henry 1V of Luxembourg. The villages whose houses had been pillaged and ravaged during the fights followed the appeal of King Geza 11 of Hungary and emigrated to Transylvania where the Moselle Frankish language has been preserved to this day."

Annette Viant Seekings -

(Many Thanks for this Information)

Anmerkung I:
Ansiedlung von deutschen Kolonisten in Siebenbürgen

Ab 1143 erreichten die first settlers of the newly liberated areas in Southern Transylvania, Sibiu later in the south, west, and the Nösnergau Broos in the north.

In the course of the 12th and 13 Century have now been located in southern and northern Transylvania other German colonists. recruited by locators, they came to fill the empty areas to secure the borders and to revive the economy. particularly from the Meuse-Moselle region , Flanders and the territory of the former archdioceses Cologne, Trier and Liege, there were inflows. In several surges and internal colonization (settlements of primary aus entstanden Tochtersiedlungen) wurde das Land erschlossen.

Die Bezeichnung „Sachsen“ (Siebenbürger Sachsen) entstammt dem Lateinischen Saxones in den alten ungarischen Urkunden, womit gemeinhin die deutschen Einwanderer bezeichnet wurden, was mit ihrer Herkunft jedoch nur eingeschränkt zu tun hat.

Die deutschen Bauern und Handwerker genossen mehrheitlich die Privilegien einer Rechtsvergabe des ungarischen Königs von 1224 (Andreanum oder auch Goldener Freibrief). Die Sonderrechte galten auf the so-called royal ground, which had colonized them and they were in the following centuries documented repeatedly confirmed and extended. The colonists founded the major cities to this day Transylvania: Sibiu, Brasov, Cluj, Mühlbach, Sighisoara, Medias and Bistrita, and many villages and market towns in three closed, but not related fields, a total of approximately 267 villages.

A second major wave of German-speaking immigration did not occur until the time of the Counter-Reformation, because at that time in Transylvania was religious freedom. The so-called transmigration came Landler, Durlacher including the land and were settled on the royal ground. This, however, remained largely as an independent cultural groups exist and hardly mingled with the local Saxons.


Note II

Géza II, King of Hungary ,

cried from about 1147 German and Flemish farmers, Artisans, merchants and gentry (the so-called ministerial) in the sparsely populated areas in Upper Hungary (Zips) and Transylvania (Transylvania). The settlers came from the Rhine-Moselle region (Mosel francs), of Flanders and Wallonia.

(from )


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