Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rose Garden Arena Floor Seating Chart

proceeds de-Christianization of Europe - public liturgy, contributing to the turnaround

Weihnachten ist ein traditionsreiches Christian feast. In part it is used by conservatives to pass out of nostalgia one of the few yearly visits of the church to be part of such a yawning even religious feast days the churches empty. For example, the former more likely for Vienna, the second strong case for Brussels apply.

the majority of the baptized Christian has ties to the largely incomprehensible rites of the Catholic practice and will surely be lost to authoritarian positions of the official Church, for a justification based on religious content of the Christian faith does not appear reasonable.

a harmless approach to teach the religion would be volksnaeher, a modernization of the liturgy, the ritual celebration of religion means in practice. The Augustinian Canons Pius Parsch has with its public liturgy has inspired the second Vatican Council. After all, we have since then include the local language in the services. But the choice of texts and ritual structure and sequence of the fairs would be much the modern understanding and adapting the language of today. An important task for the liturgy and scientists a way for the official church, the faithful potentially come back closer.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ontario Security Interest On Boat

tax havens within the European Union

The economic integration within the EU is so comprehensive that national economic policy changes almost always affect the other EU partners arise.

The last global financial crisis erupted, which led to an economic crisis with a global spread almost forced, new financial policy, measures to try to prevent a speculative and value-added financial operations. Yet the policy is not satisfactory control work has succeeded on a global level.

For the EU, the crisis was an opportunity to advance the integration process. The many national differences in economic, fiscal and monetary policies of individual countries has put under enormous pressure. The collected solidarity requires assistance, but also a caring behavior in the social and economic area. This state of knowledge appears now in place.

An understandable phenomenon in the economy, the tax avoidance of high-tax regions. In the European community of values \u200b\u200bshould not come here to take advantage of a community use, but otherwise on old traditional structures to persist. Thus, the tax loopholes within the European Union may have become tighter, is in many historical privileges and habits, however, recorded as before. Why massage is still a lot of tax-bench seats, and among other branches of credit rating agencies in specific places. Should, for example, the English island of Jersey is not finally be European?

h.wimpissinger @
December 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How To Get Over Tonsilitus

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Life and Times

Generalsekrtär Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger

book presentation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Life and Times

With this title on 16 November of this book, for now, only in German, presented in the Austrian Parliament. Presenters are the Executive Vice President of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Josef Taus as a political witness, the European Law Peter Fischer and Stephan Baier, representing the co-authors.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi designed in 1922 the first plan zur politischen und wirtschaftlichen Einigung Europas. Mit der Gründung und Führung der Paneuropa-Union hat er über ein halbes Jahrhundert hindurch wesentliche Beiträge zur europäischen Einigung geleistet, war ein Vordenker und Motor des vereinten Europa, dessen Staatsmänner er mahnte und inspirierte. In seiner Autobiographie schreibt Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi von einem „ungewöhnlichen Menschenleben in Verbindung mit einem unwahrscheinlichen Kapitel der Weltgeschichte“. Tatsächlich lesen sich seine Lebenserinnerungen spannend wie ein Roman und anregend wie ein Stück Zeitgeschichte.

Nach dem 2006 erschienen Band „Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ausgewählte Schriften zu Europa“, mit dem die major European political writings of the prophets of Europe "were reissued, is now with the band" Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Life and Work, "which long since out of print autobiography - from the Coudenhove-Kalergi specialist Stephan Baier - scientifically annotated and supplemented as the to Europe interested public reclaimed. Essays by renowned authors explore various aspects of the life and work of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and his sister, the writer and theological thinker Ida Gorres (the post has veraßt by Prof. Dr. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with little-known aspects the Pan-history.

So schreibt der derzeitige Präsident der Paneuropa-Union Alain Terrenoire über Coudenhove und Frankreich, der deutsche Historiker Martin Posselt beschäftigt sich mit den wichtigsten politischen Initiativen Coudenhoves, und die japanische Autorin Masumi Schmidt-Muraki leuchtet die japanischen Wurzeln des Paneuropa-Gründers aus. Ein Aufsatz des österreichischen Paneuropa-Generalsekretärs Rainhard Kloucek beschäftigt sich mit dem Schicksal des nach Moskau verbrachten Paneuropa-Archivs aus der Zwischenkriegszeit.

Die geschäftsführende Vizepräsidentin der Paneuropa-Union und schwedische Reichstagsabgeordnete Walburga Douglas, beschäftigt sich in ihrem Aufsatz „Paneuropa als Herausforderung zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel“ mit den Grundsätzen Paneuropas und ihrer nach wie vor aktuellen Gültigkeit. Von Dr. Otto von Habsburg, der nach Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi mehr als 30 Jahre lang an der Spitze der Paneuropa-Union stand, stammt nicht nur ein bemerkenswerter Nachruf auf den Paneuropa-Gründer, er war auch Quelle vieler Anmerkungen die in die Kommentierung der Autobiographie eingeflossen sind.

Dokumentiert werden in dem Band auch die Reden zur Verleihung des ersten Karlspreises der Stadt Aachen an Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Herausgeber: Europa-Gesellschaft – Coudenhove-Kalergi
Verlag: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien
Preis: € 48.80

Présentation Book
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - life and work

November 16, this book will be presented under this title in the Austrian parliament, for the moment only in German, by Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Vice-President of the European Association Coudenhove Kalergi-Josef Taus as a political witness of the era, Peter Fisher, professor of European law, and Stephan Baier representative of the co-authors.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi sketched in 1922 the forefront of a European political and economic union. With the foundation and direction of the Pan European Union, it has greatly contributed to the unification Europe for half a century, and was the precursor and the engine of a united Europe, which he exhorted and inspired politicians. In his autobiography, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi talks about his "life in a remarkable chapter in world history unimaginable." Indeed, his memories are as captivating as a novel and interesting than a page of history.

After the publication in 2006 of the book "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ausgewählte Schriften zu Europa" (selected pieces on Europe) which were reprinted in the most important writings of the "prophet of Europe" on political Europe, the public interest has again, with the volume "Life and Work", his autobiography has long been exhausted, with the scientific comments and additional specialist Coudenhove-Kalergi Stephan Baier. Articles of famous writers shed light on various aspects of life and work of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and her sister Ida Gorres, author and theologian (this work was written by Prof.. Dr. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and process little known aspects of history pan.

Thus the current president of the Pan European Union, Alain Terrenoire writes about Coudenhove and France, the historian Martin Posselt handles the most important policy initiatives Coudenhove, and author Masumi Schmidt-Muraki Japanese highlights the Japanese roots of the founder of Pan-Europe. An article in the Austrian Pan-Europe Secretary General, Rainhard Kloucek, evokes the fate of the archives of the Pan European Union in the interwar transported to Moscow.

In his article "Pan-Europe, a challenge between continuity and change," the vice-president of the Pan European Union and Member of the Swedish Diet, Walburga Douglas discusses the principles of Pan-Europe, which have rien perdu de leur actualité. C’est au Dr. Otto von Habsburg, qui présida l’Union paneuropéenne pendant plus de trente ans à la suite de Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, que l’on doit un hommage posthume remarquable au fondateur de l’Union paneuropéenne, mais aussi de nombreuses remarques et annotations qui enrichissent l’autobiographie.

Les discours tenus à l’occasion de la remise du premier « Karlspreis » de la ville d’Aachen à Coudenhove-Kalergi sont également documentés dans ce volume.

Éditeur : Société Européenne – Coudenhove-Kalergi
Maison d’édition: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien
Prix: € 48.80


Book presentation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi – Life and Influence

This book, presently available only in German, will be formally launched with a presentation on 16 November in the Austrian Parliament. The presenters are the acting Vice-President of the Europa-Society, Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Josef Taus as a political contemporary witness, Peter Fischer, professor of European law and Stephan Baier as representative for the co-contributors.

In 1922 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi devised the first plan for the political and economic unification of Europe. Through his founding and leadership of the Paneuropa-Union, his essential contributions over 50 years served as the mastermind and impetus of the European Union while inspiring and encouraging statesmen in their efforts. In his autobiography, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote of an "unusual love of one's fellow man connecting with an incredible chapter of world history." His memoirs can be read with the sense of excitement of a novel as well as a fascinating piece of contemporary history.

Following the 2006 publication of the volume "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Selected Writings to Europe," which reprinted the most important European political letters of "Europe's Prophet", this long out-of-print autobiography - containing academic and supplementary commentary by Stephan Baier - will once again be available to a public interested in the concept and issue of a European Union. Essays and papers by the renowned author concern different aspects of the Life and Influence of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and of his sister, the writer and religious thinker, Ida Gorres (this contribution was written by Professor Dr Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with hitherto scarcely-known aspects of the history of Paneuropa.

The present President of the Paneuropa-Union, Alain Terrenoire, writes about Coudenhove and France; the German historian, Martin Posselt, concentrates on Coudenhove's most important political initiatives; the Japanese author, Masumi Schmidt-Muraki enlightens us on the Japanese roots of the Paneuropa foundation; while an essay by the Austrian General Secretary of Paneuropa, Rainhard Kloucek, addresses the fate of the Paeneuropa archives sent to Moscow in the period between the World Wars.

The Vice-President of the Paneuropa-Union, and the Swedish Parliamentary Representative, Walburga Douglas, in their contribution - "Paneuropa as Challenge between Continuity and Change" - enlarge upon its foundational principles and, as always, their topical relevance and application. Not only does a noteworthy obituary of the Paeneuropa founder come from Dr Otto von Habsburg, who, following Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, stood for more than 30 years at the head of the Paneuropa Union, but Dr Habsburg is also the source of many annotations which prevail in the commentary on the autobiography.

Also printed in this volume is the speech at the awarding of the first Karl's Prize by the City of Aachen to Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Editor: European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi
Publisher: New Research Published Vienna
Price: Euros 48.80

Pipe Tobacco Rolling Tobacco Difference

tax money burning airfield expansion Vienna-Schwechat

airport tax money burning - fault transparency

consequences for the formal fault when Skylinkbau the airport in Schwechat are governed by the Companies Act.
Repeated serious management deficiencies should finally lead to dismissal and prosecution liability of the Board. To claim that the dismissal of the full board could be the business continuity harm: a modern management is working today in the team, so that the second level (often competent, as less politically determined) could be used.
to board: this obviously neglected controls and severance payments approved. This body will do understandably difficult to come to a real cleanup and to blacken itself. Presumably, the beneficiaries involved are themselves bonuses and insider at the customary self-serving. The often maligned
politicians: they have the "experts" in the Supervisory Board and familiar to them and ultimately, the moral were blamed. The politicians had the power in the appointment of Institutions and therefore now also be required to sanction the abuse of trust. Often it is not clear why politicians can be made with standard instruments, relatively huge executive pay particularly close to the state.

Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger, Klosterneuburg
h.wimpissinger @

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Raadio Shack Replacement Antenna

RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS - in secular Europe without reference on the occasion

Most European countries have many religious holidays, the origin of many in our secular age is not known. Our atheists or agnostics do it without this knowledge is not. They oppose religious symbols in public, and refuse to recognize eines religiösen Kulturerbes ab, so geschehen bei den Formulierungsversuchen einer europäischen Verfassung.
Wenn es darum geht Feiertage zu reduzieren, formieren sich unmittelbar unheilige Allianzen von beispielsweise Kirchen und Gewerkschaften. In unserer modernen Gesellschaft gilt immer weniger die Problematik vom Missbrauch der Arbeitskraft sondern immer mehr vom Mangel an Leistungswillen. Darum unterstütze ich den Vorschlag von Johannes Bruck, das sogenannte Feiertagstrittbrettfahren zu beendigen und dass, unter anderem
katholische Feiertage nur mehr für Kirchenbeitragszahler gelten
und alle anderen arbeiten. Auf diese Weise ist Fronleichnam für beitragszahlende Katholiken arbeitsfrei und Karfreitag für Protestanten. Who knows if this would surely not an incentive for many, but not to withdraw from the respective church.

Completion Community Service Letter


Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger, Secretary General of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi

A general aim of European policy should be to harmonize cross-border practice in areas where it touches any important regional or cultural features.

example, there are within the European Union, three time zones, the rhythm of modern life, in economic cooperation, especially in transport and communications are often problems, contribute in any case largely unnecessary costs incurred. Straight in this difficult economic period for our European cultural space is to the claim are made, to emphasize the common and to organize effectively. At the same time pointed to a possibility to save and move closer to each other, without anyone should experience a significant disadvantage.

there is no doubt that arguments in favor of the time differences, with the solar system and the like deriving light and heat conditions are related. But it must be called into question whether this or other more individual factors are important enough to keep our time differences and time shifts up and to justify.

Russia recently conducted for the European territory for a time standardization. Similarly, is provided for the European Union to talk to merge not only the three time zones, but also the annual transition from summer to winter time and vice versa, again giving up.

is specifically proposed to determine the Central European summer time EUROPEAN WHOLE SEASON.

We invite European institutions, NGOs, media and other interested parties to take up this proposal and discuss.

Heinz Wimpissinger, Secrétaire général de la Société européenne Coudenhove-Kalergi

La politique européenne devrait avoir pour but d'unifier et simplifier, au delà des frontières, des matières qui ne touchent pas à des particularités régionales ou culturelles importantes.

Ainsi l'existence de trois fuseaux horaires à l'intérieur de l'Union européenne cause souvent des problèmes dans le rythme de vie moderne, la coopération économique et notamment dans l'économie du trafic et de la communication, et en tout cas elle entraîne des frais largement inutiles. Dans l'actuelle phase difficile de la conjoncture on devrait viser à renforcer tout ce qui nous est commun dans l'espace culturel européen et de organize effectively. This would at the same time saving ways to approach and without any visible disadvantage for anyone.

Undoubtedly the different time zones are favored by the solar system and the conditions of light and heat. Now we must ask whether these factors or other factors over individual weigh enough to maintain and justify our differences and time differences.

Russia comes to realize the unification of time for the European territory. Likewise the debate is open for the European Union not only to unify the three time zones but also abandon the change from winter time and summer time.

We propose to determine a concrete European time for the whole year based on DST in Central Europe.

We invite the European institutions, NGOs, media and all who are interested to discuss this proposal and discuss it.

Wimpissinger Heinz, Secretary General Of The European-Society-Coudenhove Kalergi

Europe should "liked to unify all elements of daily life Practical, if no significant regional or cultural Factors Affected are.

Within The European Union there are 3 time zones. These different time zones cause problems in the modern pace of life, in economic cooperation, particularly in transport and communications and frequently create unnecessary costs. Especially in today‘s difficult economic environment, the challenge for our European culture is to emphasize the common good and to organize it efficiently. At the same time, I would like to draw more attention to the opportunity we would do have - due to current common mindset - to reduce obstacles and administrative costs resulting from different time zones and to move closer together. Harmonising European time would simplify cross-border operations significantly.

No doubt, there are arguments in favour of time differences. They are related to the solar system and its light and heat conditions. However, are these or more individual factors important enough to justify our time differences and time shifts between summer and winter.

Russia has recently conducted a time standardization on its European territory. Similarly, Europe should look into a unification not only in relation to the 3 time zones, but also regarding the annual transition from summer to winter time.

Specifically, I would like to propose to determine the Central European summer time to become the European all year time.

European institutions, NGO’s, media and other interested parties are invited to endorse and discuss this proposal.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Artist Release Form Examples


presentation of the book
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Life and Times
Présentation du livre
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - vie et oeuvre
12/11/2010 Book presentation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Life and Influence



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Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi – Leben und Wirken

Mit diesem Titel wird am 16. November dieses Buch, vorläufig nur in deutscher Sprache, im österreichischen Parlament vorgestellt. Präsentatoren sind der geschäftsführende Vizepräsident der Europa-Gesellschaft Coudenhove-Kalergi Prinz Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Josef Taus als politischer Zeitzeuge, der Europarechtler Peter Fischer und Stephan Baier als Vertreter der Mitautoren.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi designed in 1922 the first plan for political and economic unification of Europe. With the establishment and leadership of the Pan-Union, he has over half a century, made major contributions to European integration, was a mastermind and engine of a united Europe, he warned his country men and inspired. In his autobiography, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi writes of an "unusual lives in connection with an improbable chapter in world history." In fact, his memoirs read like a novel, exciting and inspiring as a piece of history.

After the 2006 published book "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Selected writings on Europe, "the most important European political writings of the prophets of Europe" have been reissued, is now with the band "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Life and Work," which long since out of print autobiography - from the Coudenhove- Kalergi specialist Stephan Baier - scientifically annotated and supplemented as the interested audience to Europe reclaimed. Essays by renowned authors explore various aspects of the life and work of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and his sister, the writer and theological thinker Ida Gorres (the post has veraßt by Prof. Dr. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with little-known aspects of the Pan-history.

writes the current President of the Pan-Union Alain Terre Noire on Coudenhove and France, the German historian Martin Posselt deals with the major policy initiatives Coudenhove, and the Japanese writer Masumi Schmidt-Muraki lights from the Japanese roots of the Pan-founder. An article by the Austrian Pan-General Rainhard Kloucek concerned with the fate of spent to Moscow Pan archive from the interwar period.

The Executive Vice-President of the Pan-European Union and Swedish members of parliament Walburga Douglas, deals in her essay "Pan as a challenge between continuity and change" with the principles Paneuropa and its still current validity. By Dr. Otto von Habsburg, who was after Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi more than 30 years at the head of the Pan-Union, is not only a remarkable tribute to the Pan-founder, he was also the source of many comments in the annotation of the autobiography have been incorporated.

be documented in the book and the speeches in the awarding of the first Charlemagne Prize of Aachen to Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Publisher: European Society - Coudenhove Kalergi
-Verlag: New Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien
Price: € 48.80

statement on the "European letters:
The" European Letters "issued by the Coudenhove-Kalergi society. They appear occasionally with contributions of committed Europeans.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, with roots in several European countries, developed soon after the First World War as a counterweight to the totalitarian temptations of fascism, Nazism and Communism, the idea of a united Europe, founded in 1923, the Pan-European Union and its initiatives significantly to the creation of the European Council 1949. Today, the European Union's political and economic realization of the European peace project.

in 1978, was based in Geneva, founded Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation formally transformed into the European society Coudenhove-Kalergi and by means of publications, study projects and granting of awards to make a contribution to securing this project.

Dr. Alois Mock, President of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi

Senator DDr. Herbert Batliner
Austrian Lotteries GmbH
Austrian electricity-AG (Verbund)
Josef Umdasch AG
Stadt Vienna Insurance Group AG


Book presentation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - life and work

November 16, this book will presented under the title of the Austrian Parliament, for the moment only in German, by Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Vice-President of the European Association Coudenhove Kalergi-Josef Taus as a political witness of the era, Peter Fisher, professor European law, and Stephan Baier representative of the co-authors.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi esquissa en 1922 le premier plan d’une union politique et économique européenne. Avec la fondation et la direction de l’Union paneuropéenne, il a grandement contribué à l’unification européenne pendant un demi-siècle ; il fut le précurseur et le moteur de l’Europe unie, dont il exhorta et inspira les hommes politiques. Dans son autobiographie, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi parle de sa « vie singulière dans un chapitre inimaginable de l’histoire mondiale ». En effet, ses mémoires sont aussi captivants qu’un roman et intéressants qu’une page d’histoire contemporaine.

Après la parution en 2006 of the book "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ausgewählte Schriften zu Europa" (selected pieces on Europe) which were reprinted in the most important writings of the "prophet of Europe" on European politics, the public interest has again, with the volume "Life and Work", his autobiography has long been exhausted, with the scientific comments and additional specialist Coudenhove-Kalergi Stephan Baier. Articles of famous writers shed light on various aspects of life and work of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and her sister Ida Gorres, author and theologian (this work was written by Prof.. Dr. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with little-known aspects of history pan.

Thus the current president of the Pan European Union, Alain Terrenoire writes about Coudenhove and France, the historian Martin Posselt handles the most important policy initiatives Coudenhove, and author Masumi Schmidt-Muraki Japanese sets light on the Japanese roots of the founder of Pan-Europe. An article in the Austrian Pan-Europe Secretary General, Rainhard Kloucek, evokes the fate of the archives of the Pan European Union in the interwar transported to Moscow. In

his article "Pan-Europe, a challenge between continuity and change," the vice-president of the Pan-European Union member and the Swedish Diet, Walburga Douglas discusses the principles of Pan-Europe, which have lost none of their relevance. It is to Dr. Otto von Habsburg, who presided over the Pan European Union for more than thirty years after Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, which must be a posthumous tribute to the remarkable founder of the Pan European Union, but also numerous comments and annotations that enrich the autobiography.

The speeches on the occasion of receiving the first "Karlspreis "The city of Aachen Coudenhove-Kalergi are also documented in this volume.

Publisher: European Society - Coudenhove-Kalergi
Publisher: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien
Price: € 48.80

Explanation to the "European Letters"
The "European Letters" are published by the Society Coudenhove-Kalergi. They include appropriate contributions from European and Europeans engaged.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, with roots in several European countries, developing the end of the First World War the idea of a united Europe as a counterweight to the totalitarian temptations of fascism, Nazism and communism. He created the Pan European Union in 1923 and contributed significantly to the constitution of the Council of Europe in 1949. Today, the European Union is the political and economic realization of the European peace project. The European Society

Coudenhove-Kalergi created as Foundation in 1978, aims to contribute to the consolidation of this design through publications, research projects and the award ceremony.

Alois Mock, President European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi

Sponsor us
Senator Herbert Batliner, DDR. The city of Nancy

Novomatic SA
Austrian Lotteries Association LLC
power plants in Austria - Verbund AG Josef
SA Vienna Insurance Group SA

Book presentation

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Life and Influence

This book, Presently available only in German, Formally Will Be Launched With A presentation is November 16 In The Austrian Parliament. The presenters are the acting Vice-President of the Europa-Society, Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Josef Taus as a political contemporary witness, Peter Fischer, professor of European law and Stephan Baier as representative for the co-contributors.

In 1922 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi devised the first plan for the political and economic unification of Europe. Through his founding and leadership of the Paneuropa-Union, his essential contributions over 50 years served as the mastermind and impetus of the European Union while inspiring and encouraging statesmen in their efforts. In his autobiography, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote of an "unusual love of one's fellow man connecting with an incredible chapter of world history." His memoirs can be read with the sense of excitement of a novel as well as a fascinating piece of contemporary history.

Following the 2006 publication of the volume "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Selected Writings to Europe," which reprinted the most important European political letters of "Europe's Prophet", this long out-of-print autobiography - containing academic and supplementary commentary by Stephan Baier - will once again be available to a public interested in the concept and issue of a European Union. Essays and papers by the renowned author concern different aspects of the Life and Influence of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and of his sister, the writer and religious thinker, Ida Gorres (this contribution was written by Professor Dr Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with hitherto scarcely-known aspects of the history of Paneuropa.

The present President of the Paneuropa-Union, Alain Terrenoire, writes about Coudenhove and France; the German historian, Martin Posselt, concentrates on Coudenhove's most important political initiatives; the Japanese author, Masumi Schmidt-Muraki enlightens us on the Japanese roots of the Paneuropa foundation; while an essay by the Austrian General Secretary of Paneuropa, Rainhard Kloucek, addresses the fate of the Paeneuropa archives sent to Moscow in the period between the World Wars.

The Vice-President of the Paneuropa-Union, and the Swedish Parliamentary Representative, Walburga Douglas, in their contribution - "Paneuropa as Challenge between Continuity and Change" - enlarge upon its foundational principles and, as always, their topical relevance and application. Not only does a noteworthy obituary of the Paeneuropa founder come from Dr Otto von Habsburg, who, following Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, stood for more than 30 years at the head of the Paneuropa Union, but Dr Habsburg is also the source of many annotations which prevail in the commentary on the autobiography.

Also printed in this Volume is the speech at the awarding of the first Karl's Prize by the City of Aachen to Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Editor: European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi

Publisher: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien

Price: Euros 48,80

Comment on the “European Letters”:

The ”European Letters“ are published by the Coudenhove-Kalergi Society. They appear on an ad hoc basis with contributions written by dedicated Europeans.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, with roots in different European countries, developed soon after World War I the idea of a united Europe as a counterbalance to the totalitarian temptations of fascism, National Socialism and communism. He founded the Paneuropa-Union in 1923 and contributed decisively to the founding of the Council of Europe in 1949. The European Union of today resulted from the political and economic realisation of the European peace project.

The European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi, established in 1978 as Foundation, is dedicated to Ensuring the success of this unique project by means of publications, study projects and granting of awards.

Alois Mock, President of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi


Senator Herbert Batliner, DDr.
The City of Nancy
Novomatic Corp..
Austrian Lotteries GmbH
Austrian Association of Power Stations - Collaborative Corp..
Josef Umdasch Corp..
Vienna Insurance Group Corp..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Biblical Quotes About Relaxation

Romanization ...

Latinisierung von Familiennamen
Der Familienname ist für uns heute unverrückbarer Bestandteil unserer Identität. In früheren Jahrhunderten war dies allerdings nicht der Fall, Umbenennungen waren durchaus möglich.

In Deutschland kam der lange Prozess der Ausbildung fester, erblicher Familiennamen erst im Jahr 1874 mit der Einführung des Standesamtes zu einem Abschluss. So war es beispielsweise in den Zeiten des Humanismus in gebildeten Kreisen sehr beliebt, deutsche Namen ins Lateinische oder auch Griechische zu übersetzen oder sie be accompanied by a corresponding extension. Even today many of our family names are evidence of this fad. Latin translations of German names such as the names and Sartor Sartorius Schneider Schröder, Molitor for Müller and Möller, Praetorius (Latin for head, governor) for Schultheiss, Schulze Scholze. Names such as Jacobi Wilhelmi, the Latin equivalents of Jacob and Wilhelm.

Some names were given at that time by simply appending the ending-ius it were a "classic" Painting: How was something like Dehl, a short form of Dietrich, the name of Delius, from Mathes was Mathesius.

from : To

My comment: As well Latinized surname in the humanism of the road or the family WEGNER / WEGENER (if not a form of Wagner / car maker / wheelwright was - but to the "PATH" moved ...)?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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name suffix "- (a) nt" / - (a) nd "-" Viant "

excerpt from an Advanced Seminar 2004 - Germanistik / Linguistics:

Development German family names in Vienna

by: Maria Gstöttner

first are initiating

family names in German-speaking no 1000 years. Only in the 12th Century began the slow train Familiennamengebung. Before, it was because of the manageable population still no need to identify an additional name to run as the nickname. While carrying members of the nobility have nicknames, but they were regarded as individual names and were generally not passed on to offspring. From this name, however, developed slowly, the family name. The literary sources can be said that was a nickname often given to persons of origin or residence. Furthermore, job titles were used physical or character traits and relationships as more people markings. By the growth of cities in the 12th and 13 Century increased the need for a more exact nomenclature gradually. The Germanic first names were dropped in the use and the new Christian first names could not compensate for the deficit. These were given names within families from generation to generation inherited, so that "any specific markings in the social organization needed was small." a

Starting from the higher layers and the naming of city dwellers spread gradually until all classes and regions. Initially there was sometimes a juxtaposition of different names for one person. In written records are often all sorts of information was given about a person in order to identify it. Longest servants, maids and servants were left without their own family name. They were often called by the name of the employer. The obligation to support a fixed family name was in the 18th Century introduced. Today we face a plethora of family names to their former meaning, we usually do not understand right away that question yet. The importance of the name at the time of its creation is no longer held to the fore as we know the family name of someone. An examination of the names still on their original meaning by uncovering their etymological roots, gives an interesting insight into the lengthy process of Familiennamengebung. Task and aim of this work is to illustrate the basis of a limited number of surnames that were taken from calendars of deeds of Vienna 2 , in what way the names were formed and what it means when they occur around 1510 have. The 42 different surnames provide insights into relationships between society and language of those times, because they are "at least zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Entstehung mehr oder weniger motiviert sind“ 3 . Das heißt, sie reflektieren quasi die Umstände ihrer Benennung. Die insgesamt 42 Namen von 1510 werden abschließend auf ihr Fortbestehen in der Gegenwart untersucht.

2. Arten und Bildung von Familiennamen

2.1. Herkunftsnamen

Einerseits durch die starke Binnenwanderung im Mittelalter und der großen Landflucht der bäuerlichen Bevölkerung in die Städte, vor allem aber durch die beginnende Ostsiedlung im 11. und 12. Jh. erhielt ein großer Teil der Menschen ihren Familiennamen nach ihrer Heimat bzw. Herkunft. Herkunftsnamen konnten however, also be caused by connections such as through trade relationships, or extended stay in a certain place. Especially in the cities were home to at the beginning of naming the most numerous group. Their share but takes more and more. They "are the most unstable group." 4

Because with only a small group of people with the same home, it affects the extinction of families very strong impact on the inventory of place names. At the beginning of Familiennamengebung place names were given as the preposition of, and lat us, such as the evidence 5 Guntheri de Dresden (1295), or by Heynrich Kemnicz (1308) show. Occasionally, from the foreword was used. Later the formation of place names is the suffix-er used. The appointment of residents of a town became the family name. Initially, the names still appeared with articles such as Henry the Vienna (14th century). This gradually disappeared altogether. Today that person would simply Heinrich Wiener. The suffix-er is in the German language area not equally distributed. In particular, the Upper German, for which we also include the Viennese, it often has in place names. Some come to the place names in their pure form, without suffix or preposition, as a family name, as the example shows Günther Leipzig. Such names were mostly through cuts, or were given as a name, which need no suffix. Familiennamengebung still existed at the beginning of all types of place names side by side, sat down by gradually in each area a certain type of training. The formation of preposition disappeared almost holistic. The Germans dominated the top-he Suffixbildung early and came from thence into Central German front, where they could not prevail entirely. In the Low German-he lacks the education almost entirely. Place names are sometimes made with other suffixes, such as the name of Bohemian (of Bohemia) shows. On further Bildungssuffixe at the residence with eingegangen, die eine ähnliche Bildung aufweisen. Da im Oberdeutschen viele Ortsnamen mit dem Suffix -ing gebildet werden, sind auch Herkunftsnamen auf -inger sehr häufig. Durch das in Tirol übliche Suffix -au sind auch Namen auf -aber und -ober üblich. 6

2.2 ...


1 Naumann, Horst: Das große Buch der Familiennamen. Alter. Herkunft. Bedeutung. Niedernhausen: Falken Verl. 1994. S. 11.

2 Vgl. Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Wien. 2. Abteilung. Regesten aus dem Archive der Stadt Wien. Bd. 4. Verzeichnis der Originalurkunden des städtischen Hauptarchives 1494-1526. 1. Halbband. Bearbeitet von Dr. J. Lampel. Wien 1917. S. 259-270.

3 Naumann. S. 13.-14.

4 Kunze, Konrad: dtv -Atlas Namenkunde. Vor- und Familiennamen im deutschen Sprachgebiet. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verl. 1998. S. 85.

5 Vgl. Fleischer, Wolfgang: Die deutschen Personennamen. Geschichte, Bildung und Bedeutung. Berlin: Akademie Verl. 1964. S. 107f.

6 Bach, Adolf: Deutsche Namenkunde. Bd. I: Die deutschen Personennamen. 2. Die deutschen Personennamen in geschichtlicher, geographischer, soziologischer und psychologischer Betrachtung. Mit 8 Skizzen. 3. unver. Aufl. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverl. 1978th (= Adolf Bach Vol I, 1 and 2, the German people with Volume II, 1 and 2. The German place names.)

extract from 30 pages


Viennese dialect

weanarisch - Viennese
a small Viennese dialect customer

"Des is dependent weanarisch, holodaro, a joke, talk about a core, so d'folks 'in Wean,
front of such a recognized expression Weis' hot ma respect so that sounds like a real genuine Weana dialect. "

refrain from: Nach'n old Weanaschlag


Weana = Vienna

(Excerpt from


My question :

Could someone from Vienna ("Wean") or someone who is "over Vienna" come ("zuagreist"), but not "Weanerisch" speaks - in 1650 when Matrikelführer (eg in Vienna in the Scottish Parish 1649 - see Post ) "mundartlich" zu "Weand" /"Wieandt"/"Viant"/"Wiandt" sprachlich / orthographisch mutieren ... ???

(Bsp.: der, der "Musik" ausübt - ist ein "Musik-ant" - der, der sich auf "Wien - Wean" bezieht - ist ein "Wi(an)a-nt" - "We(an)a-nt" ... ???)

Lateinische Suffixe
ursprüngliche lateinische Form
Derivate (Beispiele)
- ns (Gen. -ntis)
Partizip Präsens Aktiv : Agens eines Geschehens oder einer Handlung
Agent, Brillant, Informant
gerunds : (indicative or desired) object of an event or action
analysand, doctoral candidate, candidate for confirmation, PhD candidate

Excerpt from



I'm not Latin - I have no idea ... - Yes but it would explain something, when in the "Romanization" name of development in late middle age (eg, Paracelsus, Vulpius, Agricola, Mercator, etc.) - and in the transition to the Renaissance such a family name-education (including Viant ) could be accounted for ... - To see post above ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Birth Control Coconut

The Vogelsberg, Hesse-Connection:? 1720 Vent from Green Mountain to Hungary - Fendt Moson / Sopron / Gyor - (1720 / 30 Viandt in Györköny) - 1730 Viant in Kötcse

Wenn es also diese apostrophierte Namens-Entwicklungsverwandtschaft VIANT/VENDT/WIEAND tatsächlich gibt, hat sich folgende neue Spur ergeben:


Auswanderer nach Ungarn 1720/21

Den Hintergrund für die erste größere Auswanderung in der Geschichte des Vogelsberges bildete die hemmungslose und rücksichtslose Jagdleidenschaft des Landgrafen Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt (1678-1739). Durch das überhand nehmende Wild, die Parforcejagden über Äcker und Wiesen, und die Erhöhung der Steuern wurden insbesondere die oberhessischen Bauern wirtschaftlich ruiniert. Auch die stark zugenommene Bevölkerung nach dem 30jährigen Krieg, die aufgrund der in Oberhessen gültigen Realteilung zu einer Verkleinerung der Güter geführt hatte, dürfte mit ursächlich gewesen sein. Ab 1720 erschienen in der Landgrafschaft Hessen gezielt Werber im Auftrag des römisch-deutschen Kaisers und ungarischen Königs aus dem Haus der Habsburger, Karl VI., die Siedler für die brach und wüst liegenden Gegenden im kurz zuvor in den Türkenkriegen gewonnenen Ungarn und Siebenbürgen suchten. Trotz der Obstacles to those ads by the Landgrave's officials hiked 1720/21 a total of 300 persons from the Upper Hessian offices Alsfeld, Grebenau, Lißberg Nidda and into Hungary. Crainfeld emigrated from at least seven people from the neighboring Bermuthshain two families. The following information on the emigrants from the Kingdom of Hungary Crainfeld the Hessian archive documentation and information system (HADIS) and the publication "Grebenhain. Past and present of the villages in the southeastern mountain bird" taken in 1995.
Bauermeister, Johann Jost, source: bad roads. - Surname: after 1721 / destination: Hungary. - Spouse: Helen Catherine B., b. Wacker / Crainfeld, 1 child (ren). - Remarks: cop. on 23.02.1719 in Crainfeld. Source: Emigration Database Ernst Wagner, D. Luth. Hungary
Bauermeister, Susan, source: Crainfeld. - Emigration of: to 1721 / destination: Hungary. - Age / born: born: 21.11.1719, parents: John B. Jost, Katharina Helene B., born in: Wacker.. Source: Emigration Database Ernst Wagner, D. Luth. Hungary
Jost, John, source: Crainfeld. - Emigration date: 1721 / destination: Hungary. Source: Emigration Database Ernst Wagner; history leaves the circle Lauterbach No. 39
Wacker, Helen Catherine, Origin: Crainfeld. - Emigration date: 1721 / destination: Hungary. - Spouse: Johann Jost Bauermeister from bad roads. - Remarks: cop. with as on 02.23.1719, after Calazno 1721st Source: Emigration Database Ernst Wagner, D. Luth. Hungary
linker, Bernhard Müller Crainfeld, 1720 emigrated.
Krisch, John Philip, farmer from Crainfeld, born 08/09/1691 in Crainfeld, 1720 emigrated.
  • Vent, John, residing in Crainfeld, Dyer from Green Mountain, 1720 emigrated.


Zoltán Tefner schreibt in seinem Aufsatz: Kolonisationsgeschichte der hessischen Sekundärgemeinde Kötsching/Kötcse (Beiträge zur Volkskunde der Ungarndeutschen 13, 1997)

Johann Viandt - from the "Fuldischen space" - died in 1788 at the age of 80 in Kötcse - ie born in 1708 ... he can have been as a son of that " Johann Vent from Crainfeld, Dyer of green mountain," - - from the "Fuldischen space" - and - as elsewhere Tefner stresses from the Vogelsberg area ...

In Urbarial Kötcse of 1767 of the initial three Wiand (t) s (George, Jacob and John) only a "Viganth" / "Viant" Janos (John) left ....

Kötcse / Kötsching is probably a secondary settlement - perhaps fed by the families in Györköny as Viandt over 100 years of constant appearing in the registers. You should have a special - albeit controversial - source connected to the "Hianzen" or to the "heathen peasants" , the "Hapauern" have (married to each other, sponsor choice for baptisms, etc.)
This "Hianzen-/Heidebauern-Gebiet" is in the Austrian Burgenland / Neusiedler Lake / West Hungary (Gyor-Moson-Sopron) to settle.

Johann Vendt 1720 but first - perhaps with a larger family, with siblings and almost grown sons - have arrived in Western Hungary (primary settlement) - and then he is and / or his elder sons as "Viant / Viandt" moved to Györköny (secondary settlement) (Friedrich Viandt - * 1711) - assimilated pretty now with the "heathen peasants" clan - and then another family branch to Kötcse around 1730.

I n West Hungary (Sopron, Gyor-Moson) diving - at least later - Family branches Wendt / Vendt / Fendt / Windt on

This is certainly a very bold hypothesis ... - But it is also somehow "plausible" - and displayed. The time will bring, such as "resilient" is it ...


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does It Hurt When You Get The Mirena?

"Offentlig Viendemanß Spil gespileth" - the Fingerhakeln ...???

a tragic event, despite a rather amusing coincidence, I found references in the search for the importance of the root word "Viant" from 1552 in a book published on the Internet: Jan Peters: Märkische worlds - Social history of the reign Plattenburg on p. 23:

In a game where someone loses two fingers should, it is "Viendemanß Spil" (perhaps derived from the root word Viant = MHG enemy) to the good old Fingerhakeln (to this day a long-standing "Bavarian" [! ] custom) traded haben ... ;-))

Dieser Zufallsfund macht aber auch die uralte Grundsatzfrage auch in der Namensforschung aktuell: "Was war zuerst - Huhn oder Ei ?...":

Vianden in Luxemburg heißt wahrscheinlich Vianden, weil die Burgherren dort für irgendwen
damals " die Feinde " waren ... (?)...
Die Namensträger VIANT [mit allen Varianten] hießen vielleicht so nach dem Area from which they came, maybe they were for
anyone "the enemy" - the Viant ... -

And for someone his enemy or foe, was and is indeed a very "dynamic" matter - especially in the Middle Ages and the centuries ...

Whether we will ever solve it?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Position Filled Letter Templates

Vianden - a region in the Middle Ages - the size of the current Luxembourg Francs

Vianden was a medieval county, about the size of present-day Luxembourg.

to moving story

At that time, that upon receipt of the letter of freedom [1308], Vianden is a medieval capital and thus to the political center. The county of Vianden covered 136 villages at that time and stood with its geographical area to Bitburg Prüm and the current Luxembourg in nothing. The walled city lay at the feet of the castle, which she was protected and controlled. 24 semi-circular towers and 5 gates markierten entlang der Ringmauer die Stadtgrenze.

Weil sie denneuzeitlichen Verkehr aufhielten, fielen sie bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts Abrisskommandos zum Opfer.

Während des 15. Jahrhunderts wohnten rund 3.000 Einwohner in Vianden. Damit war sie die dritte Stadt des Landes und verdankte ihren Wohlstand dem Talent der Künstler und dem Können der Handwerker, die in sieben Zünften zusammengeschlossen waren: Gerber, Tuchmacher, Küfer, Maurer, Schneider, Schlosser und Goldschmiede.

Letztere schufen eine beeindruckende Zahl von weltlichen und religiösen Kunstwerken, die über den ganzen Raum der Ardennen und der Eifel verbreitet sind.

Die sieben Zünfte hatten das Recht, eigene Maße für Flüssigkeiten, Getreide, Gewichte und Ellenwaren zu gebrauchen.

Ein Kuriosum am Rande...
das Viandener "Ohm" (158 l) entspricht ziemlich genau einem Barrel (159 l) und das "Fouss" der Länge eines DIN A4 Blattes.

(Auszug aus einer Festschrift zur 700 Jahrfeier der Stadt Vianden 2008) -


became the symbol of misfortune and suffering that befell Vianden. For the rulers of the house of Nassau, Vianden in the 15th Century received by inheritance, was the county of Vianden only a minor rule. They do not live in the castle, leaving the county administered by bailiffs. It was the beginning of the decline of Vianden of the city, which was accelerated by the abolition of the county in 1794, the transfer of 42 villages in the former county to Prussia by the Congress of Vienna of 1815, and through the establishment of a customs border between Vianden and these villages after emerging from Luxembourg the Customs Union in 1918.

(from )

Treatment Improvement Of Ringworm With

Mosel / Luxembourg / Vianden - Transylvania

Yes - it may not have had. From the area of the county VIANDE N families moved towards South East Europe / Hungary / Transylvania. They settled here and there along the way - perhaps stayed together in neighborhood groups and local family groups. Several families as if from the Moselle Franconian area VIANT's namentlich bezeichnet worden sein oder haben sich einen solchen Namen gewählt (und auch in all den vielfältigen Varianten) = nämlich als die, die aus der Grafschaft VIANDEN kommen .... - sie wählten als Familiennamen den Ortsnamen, ein "Toponym" ...

Längs des Gesamtweges, den Herr Dr. Schuster aus Luxemburg nach Hermannstadt per Fahrrad zurückgelegt hat, wohnten zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten  (z.T. auch noch heute) auch immer VIANT-Familien ...

"The development of surnames can be found that they were often displaced by place name, so that today hardly a place of the Trier area under the Surnames miss ... "

from: Archives for Genealogical Research, No. 105 53rd Born in February 1987: Birth Trier letters from 1548 to 1796, New Series No. 346-458, following Bulletin 67 (1977) - preparations of Edward L, Eugen Strasse 27, 5500 Trier

and even a quote from the Luxembourg place names "Marnach"
Was "the first family who settled there, the place their own name (cf. Echternach as a founder of the Epternus) ?
was probably the other way around: it called the people who moved from Marnach out into the world, after their hometown, they chose a family name with a "place names, a toponym"
... . In Luxembourg, there are still many residents called Marnach, (from 85 in 1880, they have be increased to 137 in 1984), in the municipality Marnach other hand, no more "

August 20, 2007

In the Footsteps of the Ancestors: by bicycle from Luxembourg to Sibiu

fascinated For years, Dr. Alfred K. Schuster the topic itineraries in medieval times. So it was natural that he would do once on the path before 800-900 years "Teutones, Flandres and Walloon "struck, into a" promised land "to emigrate for a new home. This summer it was time, he decided on the bike. He wanted an arch span of Luxembourg, the Capital of Culture 2007 in Western Europe, to Sibiu, the cultural capital in the east, where he was born 70 years ago.

On 4 June, I left Luxembourg, impressed by the immense cultural program that is offered in the city and region. My journey led me to Trier and then via the Hunsrück to Mainz, where I have several miles on the well-preserved Roman road, the 'm Via Ausonia cycled. My next stop was the medieval trading cities of Wurzburg, Bamberg, Nuremberg, Amberg, Regensburg and Passau and then Vienna. The further I came to the East, the more people I met who knew about the Capital of Culture Sibiu. I followed above all the paths that once connected the medieval towns, and seldom the popular Danube cycle path.

With the bike on the cultural traces of the ancestors: Dr. Alfred K. Schuster

Hungary, I crossed from northwest to southeast, on minor roads, the Gyor and the Abbey Pannonhalma (St. Martin) to the political center of the Magyars in the High Middle Ages, Szekesfehervar connect. From there I went to the Danube, which I crossed at Dunaföldvar. I drove to the southeast, visited two national parks. I wanted to find out whether, in the 11th, 12th Century was possible to cross the flood plain and swamp forests of the Theißebene. This question must be answered in the negative about today. Probably the former settler wagon trains on the Danube to the south. Likely to Drava- and Theißmündung, and then only after the North East to get to the Mures. In 2003 newly founded monastery at Morisena Csenad, a former bishop's seat, named after the 1002 in Byzantine writings first mentioned the old convent, I was invited by the pope for lunch. He said: "Travelers are also welcome today as a thousand years", and then limited, "but not tourists who come by car.

On 14 July I reached Sibiu and drove to the Hunsrück (today Strada Centumvirilor), a greeting to convey to me by locals were given from the Hunsrück in the West. In my bag I had two greetings, one of the country team of the Saxons in Germany and one of the home community of the Germans from Sibiu, I gave Mrs. Pavel from the Democratic Forum of Germans in Transylvania, who forwarded both letters to mayor Klaus Johannis. Gratifying to me was that Bishop Dr Christoph Klein, though unannounced, received for a quick chat.

and Sibiu? The old walls throughout, this summer an unprecedented cultural noise. Every day large-scale cultural events on the Stage on the Grand Boulevard, in the marquee on the Piata Unirii and elsewhere. In the streets people from many countries with guidebooks in their hands, exercising one of the many cultural offerings, or enjoy the varied culinary offerings at one of the tables in and outside the restaurants as well as the colorful, cheerful bustle of the streets and squares of the city . A speech Babylon buzzing through the old town and all with whom I spoke were enthusiastic and looked sympathetically over the still existing sites.

With the bike on the Hunsrück in Sibiu.

that I had taken when he was seventy such a trip was not only the Sibiu newspaper a report value, but also the newspaper Monitorul de Sibiu and the Romanian Press Agency. Radio Romania gave a lengthy interview about my journey and my impressions of my hometown. 41 days I was traveling at 31 I have been sitting in the saddle and handle the route 2 475 km. The remaining ten days I have culture, nature and tank forces. On very hot days (35 to 37 degrees C), I drank up to seven gallons of water and then sweated out.

the way I had many discussions: on the street, in pubs, in monasteries and elsewhere, 2007 on the cultural capitals of Europe, but also about the emigration of German settlers from the Moselle Franconia and the Rhineland to Transylvania. At the end of my trip, I strolled a week through the streets of my childhood and youth. I was submerged in the footsteps of our ancestors in the story and realized the goal that my journey is also a journey into the future of Sibiu war.

Dr. Alfred K. Schuster, Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Volkswagen Engine Blue Prints

Moselle Franconian in the dialects of the Danube Swabians

Moselfränkisch in den Dialekten der Donauschwaben


Interview mit Dr. Hans Gehl, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institute for the Danube-Swabian history and culture of Tübingen (March 5, 2002)
[The questions Ernst Meinhardt, editor submitted to the Deutsche Welle in Berlin]

Question: are six Danube Swabian settlements. They are located in present-day Romania, Hungary, Serbia and Croatia. The ancestors of the Danube Swabians came about 300 years ago from different parts of Germany. The majority, however, came from the south-west German speaking countries. Over time, have emerged in the Danube Swabian settlements mixed dialects that are sometimes Franconian Moselle, partly Rhine Franconian, Bavarian-Austria and some are marked. I use the expression dialects', that is plural, because there is a single Swabian dialect it any more than a single Bavarian, Saxon or Saarland dialect. The focus of our present-day interviews to the Moselle Franconian and influence are on the dialects of the Danube Swabians. In which areas of the Danube Swabian settlement Frankish element is particularly strong?

Gehl: Although Frankish settlers probably also in other Danube Swabian towns and cities, areas, come to Hungary, for example, the Hungarian Central Mountains, in the Swabian Turkey-tion or in the Backa, their tracks can now be determined linguistically practical, especially in Banat and in Neupalota in Oradea (Oradea), part of the Satu Mare area. In Neupalota for example, have forms such Jonge, wat han mer unit?, Then, boy, what we have today? " obtained. In Banat are depending on the primary dialect features:
- First, the Moselle Franconian dialect Neubeschenowa, so Romanian Dudestii Noi, is because in today's Romania.
- Second-Palatinate Mosel Franconian dialects mixed in, for example Neupetsch and Billed.
- Third westpfälzisch-Moselle Franconian dialect mixing, so as ever, said after the pri-mary characteristics. Spoken in Bogarosch, Hatzfeld, Kleinbeschnenowa, Kleinjetscha, Knees, Lenauheim, Perjamosch and Sackelhausen. So, all in the Banat, in the Romanian part of Banat.
- Fourth Rhine Franconian Moselle Franconian dialects mixed in Bruckenau, German Sankt Peter, Fair, Tschanad, Chen and Warjasch. That would be the most common.

Q: You now have several times the word "primary dialect features used '. What is it?

Gehl: It's the most important characteristics that distinguish a dialect from the other and are also used for the inclusion of a dialect, that is a linguistic variant.

question: What are the defining features of the Frankish?

Gehl: The Moselle Franconian is no longer quite the High German and Low German. It forms the transition from Middle to Low German. One of his primary characteristics, therefore unshifted, p 'and' t ', while, yes k' Ben is all shifted, except just in Low German. It's about as examples for Appel, apple ', Pherd for' horse 'or et kleenet for, the small'. Also primary features are dat and wat, or unshifted, t 'and were eliminated were in the Banat with top German help, because they would have been too obvious.
Furthermore, it is about final sound, b ', the f' is moved in examples such as Korf, basket ', gstorf' died ', GEFT, thus, are "within the meaning of is,', et called GEFT - it is called ', or increase GEFT called - he is called'.
we come to the pronoun as Hen and ne for 'he', or for whom, whoever. For example, Wen et gsaat has? - Who said it?
Furthermore, it is about Tonerhöhung of e> i, o> u, parallel to the reduction of i> e and u> o. A typical example of the 14th Wenker-sentence, which states: 'My dear child stay, there are noted below, the evil geese bite you dead' It sounds like this: Me leef Kind, bleif do onnen stien, die bies Gäns beißen deich tuut. [Der Sprachforscher Georg Wenker erhob um 1870 die 42 nach ihm benannten Kennsätze mit typischen grammatischen Formen aus etwa 2000 Ortschaften des Deutschen Reichs. Zusammen mit Ferdinand Wrede verwendete er das Material für den ‚Deutschen Sprachatlas‘.]

Frage: Damals vor 300 Jahren sind die Siedler ja – grob gesagt – aus dem Südwesten Deutschlands gekommen, also auch aus Gegenden, in denen Moselfränkisch gesprochen wird, z. B. aus Lothringen, aus Luxemburg, aus der Trierer Gegend, aus der Eifel. Wie ist es zu erklären, dass diese large number of settlers will not affect its expression in the dialect? So, in other words, the influence of the Frankish on the dialects of the Danube Swabians is lower than it would correspond to the number of settlers. How can this be explained?

Gehl: In the development of a language form it comes to mixing and language selection on the same first order within a city spokesman, later to compensate for the second stage in an entire region. Whereby the Rhine Franconian, Swabian and Bavarian, in our case, according to the Banat, Swabian 'by no means uniform. The Moselle Franconian of the many Banat Ansiedler war nicht einheitlich, so dass die auffälligen Merkmale wie unverschobenes ‚t‘ in dat, wat, wie gesagt, mit oberdeutscher Hilfe beseitigt wurden, und auch die anderen Merkmale nur noch zum Teil vorhanden sind. Zu beachten ist in diesem Fall der prägende Einfluss der bairisch-österreichischen, also oberdeutschen Stadtsprachen, die natürlich auf die Dorfdialekte gewirkt haben. Durchsetzen können sich nicht nur die am stärksten vertretenen, sondern die einheitlichsten und einfachsten, der Standardsprache näher stehenden Dialekte. Im Banat z. B. nicht das Schwäbische, das ja auch nach dem schwäbischen Sprachforscher Hugo Moser als schwierig erklärt wurde, sondern das Pfälzische und das Rheinfränkische. Or, in the Swabian Turkey in Hungary the Hessian. And in the vicinity of Budapest and in the Banat Mountains which include Bavarian with its variants, because they were very uniform in these areas. There are several factors that play here, of course, psychological factors.

Question: You have again used a technical term, 'language compensation'. What is it?

Gehl: Language is the standardization of compensation. That is, the speaker must be able to even permanent Ver. And in the course of their communication process now more difficult to stay away specifics, and put it through those characters all understand. This is similar to the the compensation to some point a more or less uniform dialect form, that language variety is produced.

question: Is there any information about the number of Lorraine, which are then migrated to southern Hungary 300 years ago? Part of the Lorraine speaks known Mosel Franconian. How does that percentage, so the percentage of Lorraine in terms of all settlers from back then?

Gehl: It is very tempting diesen Dingen nachzugehen. Aber es liegen keine genauen Zahlen vor. Trotzdem kann man annehmen, dass der Anteil moselfränkischer Sprecher in einigen Banater Ortschaften beträchtlich war. Zahlen über die Herkunft der Einwanderer er-scheinen in mehreren Ortsmonographien. So kamen ab 1748 nach Neubeschenowa 309 deutsche Ansiedler, deren Herkunft zum Großteil ermittelt ist. Und zwar kamen von ihnen 141 aus dem Rheinland, 107 aus Hauenstein/Schwarzwald, 17 aus Lothringen, 10 aus Lu-xemburg, je 3 aus der Rheinpfalz und aus Österreich, 1 Ansiedler aus Westfalen. Bei der Ausbildung der moselfränkischen Ortsmundart wurde das Alemannische und auch das Rheinfränkische zurückgedrängt, also eigentlich eine Ausnahmeerscheinung.
Oder: Von den 626 Bruckenauer Ansiedlern mit ermittelten Herkunftsgebieten kamen 212 aus dem moselfränkischen Teil Lothringens, 18 aus Luxemburg und 18 aus Westfalen. Dazu 57 aus dem Rheinland, 27 aus der Rheinpfalz, 26 aus Bayern und 16 aus Baden-Württemberg, 13 aus Hessen. Das Moselfränkische erhielt sich bloß durch Relikte in der heute nordrheinfränkisch geprägten Ortsmundart.

Frage: Sie haben zwar gesagt, dass es schwierig ist, Zahlen anzugeben. Können Sie trotz-dem einen Versuch machen, dies prozentual einzuordnen, also Lothringer stellen soundsoviel Prozent der Ansiedler dar?

Gehl: Well, that's really a difficult question. Of the approximately 200,000 public and private Danube Swabian settlers in the 18th and 19 Century, according to estimates by Josef Volkmar Senz (History of the Danube Swabians, 1987) - exact numbers are missing so here - a third of Franconia, Palatinate, Hesse and Frankish origin, one third of Bavarian and a quarter Swabian, or even Alemannic and Alsatian origin. The remaining eight percent are French, Italians, Spaniards and other ethnic groups. Lorraine was about - I would say - about ten percent lower than the settlers. It is a very cautious Schätzung. Doch das relativiert sich, wie gesagt, im Vergleich zum Ausgleich der einzelnen Dialekte, wobei sich die Zahl verschoben hat.
Zwei Beispiele würde ich geben. Im Banater Mercydorf wurden zuerst, also im Jahre 1734, Italiener angesiedelt. Das ist eine weniger bekannte Sache. Zu diesen kamen Deutsch-Lothringer, nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg (1756-1763) schließlich Militärsiedler aus Böhmen, Mähren und Österreich, danach westdeutsche Einwanderer vom Rhein, von der Mosel und der Saar, so dass 1774 die Moselfranken in der Mehrheit waren. In der dritten Siedlungsperiode kamen 1874 Pfälzer Kolonisten, worauf sich eine pfälzische Ausgleichs-mundart herausbildete for the reasons that I mentioned earlier, because this dialect was a bit easier, could achieve results.
Or a second example of the settlers in Hatzfeld, now Jimbolia in the Romanian Banat, 44 percent are from the Trier area, 25 percent from Luxembourg, 17 from Westphalia, which is the Sauerland, 7 percent from Lorraine, 4 percent from the Palatinate and 3 percent from the diocese of Mainz, it was but here is a Rhine Franconian dialect with a strong Frankish influence.

Question: What dialects have influenced the dialects of the Danube Swabians most?

Gehl: from the vernacular character of a settlement can not be the origin of the settlement-learning, more than close to a landscape. For these dialects develop even incom-and have developed in Germany. So, one can not say today, that corresponds to and the settlers came from there. " Verkehrsmundartlicher settlement with the prestige of individual groups of speakers and the dominant influence, as told by urban colloquial languages \u200b\u200bare the most important factors influencing the development of village dialects have determined. One must not forget, 250 years're not long for the development of a single dialect. In Transylvania, for example, this process has lasted 800 years. And there are still several variations of dialects exist.
In Banat has been remarkable despite an influx Rhine Palatinate Moselle Franconian dialect movement emerged. The Palatinate has gained acceptance because of its simple sound and form system, replacing the slightly more difficult and Moselle Franconian or Swabian part in the dialects. Dialects with complicated sound and form system will only survive there by where they are strongly represented and have no competition or be supported by other dialects. About the Oberschwäbische the Sath-Marer Swabia, which has survived to this day, the Hessian in southern Hungary, or, say, which include Bavarian mountains in Buda in Budapest and in the Banat Mountains.

Question: The Banat Swabians and the Satu Mare Swabians are largely emigrated from Romania. The Danube Swabians in Hungary after 1945 were driven at least in half. The Danube Swabians in Yugoslavia have fled or been killed in Konzentrationsla-liked by Josip Broz Tito. So, there are only a very small stand-unexpended balance of the Danube Swabians in the old settlement areas. What does the future hold for the Danube Swabian dialects?

Gehl: Die Zahl der sogenannten donauschwäbischen Mundartsprecher ist heute gering. Gerade nach der massiven Aussiedlung der Deutschen aus Ost-Mitteleuropa seit den 1980er Jahren bestehen interessanterweise noch immer gesetzliche und praktische Möglichkeiten zur Bewahrung der deutschen Muttersprache bzw. der Ortsdialekte und des Unterrichts in deutscher Sprache, vor allem in Rumänien. Natürlich werden die nicht so sehr genutzt, eben weil kein Bedarf mehr besteht und der Bedarf immer geringer wird. Doch das Deutsche wird nach der Zersiedlung und Auflösung der deutschen Sprachgemeinschaften in den früheren Siedlungsgebieten immer mehr zurückgehen, und dadurch werden die deutschen Institutions lose their function. However, the German as a foreign language or language as a tourist a real chance for survival in South East Europe. German is, as we know, in Hungary just learned as a first foreign language. Whether it can survive as the common language in addition to the force advancing English, which is the big question. The few remaining Danube Swabians could act as a catalyst in the preservation of the German language of communication. This is the realization, while in Germany, the speaker of the second and third generation, of course, the standard language and dialects of the marketing of the area in which they entered, probably be adapted.

Question: You have actually already anticipated the question. The most do-nauschwaben and their descendants live today in Germany, Austria, the USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Argentina. Danube Swabian has a chance to survive there in this new home?

Gehl: Hardly. It's just a family language. It is still practiced in various institutions, perhaps in cultural performances. But, let's say, for example, Entre Rios, the settlement of the Danube Swabians in Brazil, in the state of Parana, which is ja auch zu Portugiesisch übergehen, weil die Heirat zwischen den einzelnen Familienmitgliedern mit auswärtigen Partnern dazu führt, dass das Portugiesische vordringt, in Ungarn das Ungari-sche, in Rumänien wohl das Rumänische. Also, in dem Sinne werden sich diese Dialekte nicht mehr erhalten, denn es besteht keine Notwendigkeit mehr, dass sie sich als solche erhalten werden.

Frage: Und im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, sagen wir das noch dazu, also in Serbien und Kroa-tien, ist wahrscheinlich der donauschwäbische Dialekt, ich nenne das jetzt in Anführungsstrichen so, im Laufe der letzten fünfzig Jahre durch Ungarisch, durch Serbisch, durch Kroatisch verdrängt.

Gehl: Well, I could talk to, you have already seen that the grandchildren such as a song like, Matt Klein to learn 'in school, but in standard language. The dialect as such is no longer maintained. Some people understand it yet. It can also be helped a bit. But he has no future in the sense. Just think that, in Serbia, perhaps 8000 survivors are available from the Danube Swabians in Croatia 4000-5000 maybe. This is a number that is not meaningful and can not be sure that this dialect variant continues to receive.

question: When will disappear from their estimate for the last Danube Swabian dialect speakers?

Gehl: spokesman - that can predict that again. In more than ten to twenty years, I guess, that they no longer speak the dialect variant. But just the memories-tion that one has heard of an ethnic group or heard that has something special that works for good. There are certain cultural influences that are in the successor generations mean that they are interested in their history. And it's interesting that they also make relations with the countries from which their ancestors came. This is interesting for relations between countries. And in the future that will probably continue. But the language itself is no longer in demand and will probably die out.

Question: Dr. Gehl, you are scientist at the Institute for donauschwäbi-tion history and culture in Tübingen. When, by whom and for what purpose were de-founded this institute?

Gehl: The Institute for the Danube Swabian history and culture was the state of Baden-Württemberg on 1 July 1987 as a subordinate Forschungseinrichtung in Tübingen gegründet mit dem Ziel, die Geschichte, Landeskunde und Dialekte der deutschen Siedlungsgebiete in Südosteuropa sowie die Integration der Heimatvertriebenen wissen-schaftliche zu erforschen und zu dokumentieren.

Frage: Wer finanziert das Institut?

Gehl: Das Institut wird vom Innenministerium des Landes finanziert und gehört, wie das Jo-hannes-Künzig-Institut für ostdeutsche Volkskunde in Freiburg, zur Kulturabteilung des In-nenministeriums Baden-Württemberg.

Frage: Was hat Sie veranlasst, to deal precisely with the chapter dialect research?

Gehl: That may to outsiders might sound a bit unusual. My field of research at the Institute for the Danube Swabian history and culture are the dialects and folklore, ie ethnography, which are closely linked. Language is part of the life of an ethnic group. And the knowledge of a language or language variety allows access to the life and work of its speakers. With my own dialect southFrankish home I worked during the period of study at the University of Timisoara (Timisoara). In my dissertation, I examined the technical vocabulary of agriculture in the Upper Franconian dialect of the Banat, ie in the northern part around Arad. And since the projects of the dialect dictionaries either in Timisoara were still realized in Budapest, where they have for decades worked so pretended to work, say you'd have today, I run at the Institute here in Tübingen as the most important project to develop a specialized vocabulary of the Danube Swabian by dialects. Of these, 1997 the first volume, namely, Dictionary of the Danube Swabian textile products released ', ie, processing of textiles and leather garments. In 2000 appeared Volume 2, Dictionary the construction industry 'and those industries, those sections that deal with wood, stone and metal. This year (2002), to fall, I suppose, I close the third, most complex book about the specialized vocabulary of the Danube Swabian agriculture with all its peculiarities. And 2004, the fourth and last volume, that is to be completed over the Danube Swabian life forms and inter-ethnic relations with neighboring ethnic groups. [He really appeared 2005.] This dictionary series provides an overview of the life and work of the Danube Swabians in their East-Central European settlements and will try that, Danube Swabian Dictionary ', which could not be created in the settlement areas, here is to present in summary.