Guttenberg and Berlusconi
Thomas Meyer sieht in der Art, wie auf die Plagiatsaffäre Guttenberg reagiert wurde, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland schon auf dem Weg nach Berlusconistan .
"Berlusconi wird, wie Romano Prodi formulierte, ungeachtet aller Vergehen und allen politischen Versagens von jenen mit Freuden immer wieder gewählt, who like to park in the second row anda, the cheating, as we all do ultimately, more trust than the entire political class with their hypocritical claims, "writes Meyer.
The comparison seems far-fetched. For some comments that were heard these days , it fits of course, good. So far it appears the political immune system and the courts function to nch in Germany. Of course, "the chancellor, who wiped the scientific fraud than for political leadership insignificant trifle aside" (Meyer) makes sure, in fact, nothing on the political immunity . they should have realized that we are already deep in Berlusconistan to believe as I want?
The fact that a graduate student who had identified a number of plagiarism in Guttenberg's PhD thesis as early as 2010, wanted to respond to the Council's attention not his dissertation advisor, the risk to point , does not prove anything for Berlusconistan, but it also nourishes the suspicion.
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