Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tattoo Stars Tom Delonge

PERFORMANCE - central demand for the rescue of the modern welfare state

individual selfishness, greed, self-expression, group selfishness, nationalism, hedonism - all aimed in the same direction. It is required. As it is often not itself can be financed, to serve the state and is about the politicians - who want to be reelected - blackmailed. The welfare state in the building had a power structure. This is over-stretched financially and in terms of collapse. Democracy requires compromise with the usual result: All pages are served or at least partially satisfied.

The situation cries stately for charismatic leaders. These are found when the emergencies are adequately dramatically. Fiegl, Chancellor promised the Austrians after a devastating war is only work and sweat.

To be specific: vested rights many are grown to large cancerous tumors. Grants, subsidies, bonuses, deductions, exemptions are a complex network of benefits, the challenge often downright abuse. Abuses and corruption by power concentration, as permitted by Ämterkumulierung. Abuse prevention requires structural changes, but strengthened and controls.

All political parties are faced with these problems and many traditional structures, but may serve their traditional constituencies - and are thus unreliable, resulting in a vielbetrauerten politics. Who

arbeitsfähig ist muss arbeiten. Nötigenfalls soll es eine Arbeit für die Zivilgesellschaft sein. Wer arm ist, zahlt bekanntlich ohnedies keine Einkommenssteuern. Der Unterschied zwischen Arbeitseinkommen und Nichtarbeitseinkommen soll deutlich sein.

Von Arbeitseinkommen vollkommen abgekoppelte Spitzenmanagergehälter verletzten Gerechtigkeits- und Wertevorstellungen. Das Missbehagen wird noch durch Politikererklärungen verstärkt, die diesbezügliche Strukturveränderungen mit der Begründung ablehnen, das sei nicht der richtige Zugang und verstoße gegen die Marktwirtschaft.

Anderseits kann auch gegen die Sportlersupergagen argumentiert werden. Immer mehr bevölkern mit Arbeitslosengeldern subventionierte Fans football stadiums and entice advertisers to football clubs and star salaries, beyond all dimensions. Similarly, pay for artists, for the public based theater and opera houses have to. To receive

our values \u200b\u200bof freedom and human dignity in a democratic welfare state to radical structural changes to the target direction and POWER SUBSIDY CUTS are required. More solidarity and willingness of commitment to the society will be inevitable. It should be transparency and better regulation, important guidelines.

2010 - h.wimpissinger @


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