Generalsekrtär Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger
book presentation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - Life and Times
With this title on 16 November of this book, for now, only in German, presented in the Austrian Parliament. Presenters are the Executive Vice President of the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Josef Taus as a political witness, the European Law Peter Fischer and Stephan Baier, representing the co-authors.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi designed in 1922 the first plan zur politischen und wirtschaftlichen Einigung Europas. Mit der Gründung und Führung der Paneuropa-Union hat er über ein halbes Jahrhundert hindurch wesentliche Beiträge zur europäischen Einigung geleistet, war ein Vordenker und Motor des vereinten Europa, dessen Staatsmänner er mahnte und inspirierte. In seiner Autobiographie schreibt Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi von einem „ungewöhnlichen Menschenleben in Verbindung mit einem unwahrscheinlichen Kapitel der Weltgeschichte“. Tatsächlich lesen sich seine Lebenserinnerungen spannend wie ein Roman und anregend wie ein Stück Zeitgeschichte.
Nach dem 2006 erschienen Band „Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ausgewählte Schriften zu Europa“, mit dem die major European political writings of the prophets of Europe "were reissued, is now with the band" Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Life and Work, "which long since out of print autobiography - from the Coudenhove-Kalergi specialist Stephan Baier - scientifically annotated and supplemented as the to Europe interested public reclaimed. Essays by renowned authors explore various aspects of the life and work of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and his sister, the writer and theological thinker Ida Gorres (the post has veraßt by Prof. Dr. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with little-known aspects the Pan-history.
So schreibt der derzeitige Präsident der Paneuropa-Union Alain Terrenoire über Coudenhove und Frankreich, der deutsche Historiker Martin Posselt beschäftigt sich mit den wichtigsten politischen Initiativen Coudenhoves, und die japanische Autorin Masumi Schmidt-Muraki leuchtet die japanischen Wurzeln des Paneuropa-Gründers aus. Ein Aufsatz des österreichischen Paneuropa-Generalsekretärs Rainhard Kloucek beschäftigt sich mit dem Schicksal des nach Moskau verbrachten Paneuropa-Archivs aus der Zwischenkriegszeit.
Die geschäftsführende Vizepräsidentin der Paneuropa-Union und schwedische Reichstagsabgeordnete Walburga Douglas, beschäftigt sich in ihrem Aufsatz „Paneuropa als Herausforderung zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel“ mit den Grundsätzen Paneuropas und ihrer nach wie vor aktuellen Gültigkeit. Von Dr. Otto von Habsburg, der nach Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi mehr als 30 Jahre lang an der Spitze der Paneuropa-Union stand, stammt nicht nur ein bemerkenswerter Nachruf auf den Paneuropa-Gründer, er war auch Quelle vieler Anmerkungen die in die Kommentierung der Autobiographie eingeflossen sind.
Dokumentiert werden in dem Band auch die Reden zur Verleihung des ersten Karlspreises der Stadt Aachen an Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.
Herausgeber: Europa-Gesellschaft – Coudenhove-Kalergi
Verlag: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien
Preis: € 48.80
Présentation Book
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi - life and work
November 16, this book will be presented under this title in the Austrian parliament, for the moment only in German, by Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Vice-President of the European Association Coudenhove Kalergi-Josef Taus as a political witness of the era, Peter Fisher, professor of European law, and Stephan Baier representative of the co-authors.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi sketched in 1922 the forefront of a European political and economic union. With the foundation and direction of the Pan European Union, it has greatly contributed to the unification Europe for half a century, and was the precursor and the engine of a united Europe, which he exhorted and inspired politicians. In his autobiography, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi talks about his "life in a remarkable chapter in world history unimaginable." Indeed, his memories are as captivating as a novel and interesting than a page of history.
After the publication in 2006 of the book "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ausgewählte Schriften zu Europa" (selected pieces on Europe) which were reprinted in the most important writings of the "prophet of Europe" on political Europe, the public interest has again, with the volume "Life and Work", his autobiography has long been exhausted, with the scientific comments and additional specialist Coudenhove-Kalergi Stephan Baier. Articles of famous writers shed light on various aspects of life and work of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and her sister Ida Gorres, author and theologian (this work was written by Prof.. Dr. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and process little known aspects of history pan.
Thus the current president of the Pan European Union, Alain Terrenoire writes about Coudenhove and France, the historian Martin Posselt handles the most important policy initiatives Coudenhove, and author Masumi Schmidt-Muraki Japanese highlights the Japanese roots of the founder of Pan-Europe. An article in the Austrian Pan-Europe Secretary General, Rainhard Kloucek, evokes the fate of the archives of the Pan European Union in the interwar transported to Moscow.
In his article "Pan-Europe, a challenge between continuity and change," the vice-president of the Pan European Union and Member of the Swedish Diet, Walburga Douglas discusses the principles of Pan-Europe, which have rien perdu de leur actualité. C’est au Dr. Otto von Habsburg, qui présida l’Union paneuropéenne pendant plus de trente ans à la suite de Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, que l’on doit un hommage posthume remarquable au fondateur de l’Union paneuropéenne, mais aussi de nombreuses remarques et annotations qui enrichissent l’autobiographie.
Les discours tenus à l’occasion de la remise du premier « Karlspreis » de la ville d’Aachen à Coudenhove-Kalergi sont également documentés dans ce volume.
Éditeur : Société Européenne – Coudenhove-Kalergi
Maison d’édition: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien
Prix: € 48.80
Book presentation
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi – Life and Influence
This book, presently available only in German, will be formally launched with a presentation on 16 November in the Austrian Parliament. The presenters are the acting Vice-President of the Europa-Society, Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Josef Taus as a political contemporary witness, Peter Fischer, professor of European law and Stephan Baier as representative for the co-contributors.
In 1922 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi devised the first plan for the political and economic unification of Europe. Through his founding and leadership of the Paneuropa-Union, his essential contributions over 50 years served as the mastermind and impetus of the European Union while inspiring and encouraging statesmen in their efforts. In his autobiography, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote of an "unusual love of one's fellow man connecting with an incredible chapter of world history." His memoirs can be read with the sense of excitement of a novel as well as a fascinating piece of contemporary history.
Following the 2006 publication of the volume "Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Selected Writings to Europe," which reprinted the most important European political letters of "Europe's Prophet", this long out-of-print autobiography - containing academic and supplementary commentary by Stephan Baier - will once again be available to a public interested in the concept and issue of a European Union. Essays and papers by the renowned author concern different aspects of the Life and Influence of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and of his sister, the writer and religious thinker, Ida Gorres (this contribution was written by Professor Dr Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz) and deal with hitherto scarcely-known aspects of the history of Paneuropa.
The present President of the Paneuropa-Union, Alain Terrenoire, writes about Coudenhove and France; the German historian, Martin Posselt, concentrates on Coudenhove's most important political initiatives; the Japanese author, Masumi Schmidt-Muraki enlightens us on the Japanese roots of the Paneuropa foundation; while an essay by the Austrian General Secretary of Paneuropa, Rainhard Kloucek, addresses the fate of the Paeneuropa archives sent to Moscow in the period between the World Wars.
The Vice-President of the Paneuropa-Union, and the Swedish Parliamentary Representative, Walburga Douglas, in their contribution - "Paneuropa as Challenge between Continuity and Change" - enlarge upon its foundational principles and, as always, their topical relevance and application. Not only does a noteworthy obituary of the Paeneuropa founder come from Dr Otto von Habsburg, who, following Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, stood for more than 30 years at the head of the Paneuropa Union, but Dr Habsburg is also the source of many annotations which prevail in the commentary on the autobiography.
Also printed in this volume is the speech at the awarding of the first Karl's Prize by the City of Aachen to Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.
Editor: European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi
Publisher: New Research Published Vienna
Price: Euros 48.80