Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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living democracy with a high (election) Popular participation in the social management calls for transparency in political decision-making process and in the administration. Democratic political environment in Northern Europe has developed into an avant-region. The further it goes to Europe in the South, the more problematic are the relevant conditions.
Austria is located in the heart of the Continent oh. We avoid painful experimental problems of social development lagging However, in many areas. To politicians to clean up what is in disarray:
parties, the identity formation allow to open the possibilities of perception
for similarities and differences and present a plurality traps
, that is location-less arbitrary homage
-Mandatory implementation of sanctions in many cases every 10 years
recurring criticism of the Court of the same kind in state administrations
single-Strict avoidance of double functions im öffentlichen Bereich, da dies zur
Korruption verleitet und den Arbeitseinsatz für jede Einzelfunktion schmälert
-Ablegung eines Amtseides für jede öffentliche Funktion, um die ethische
Verantwortung ins Bewußtsein zu rufen
-Bürgersprechstunden von allen gewählten öffentlichen Funktionären in
regelmäßigen Intervallen
-Informations- und Offenlegungsverpflichtung aller öffentlichen Stellen in Bezug
auf Korrespondenzen über öffentliche Anliegen
Die Regierung ist eingeladen, diesbezügliche Initiativen zu setzen, um der Pervertierung unserer Demokratie und dem reinen Populismus entgegenzuwirken.
In difficult periods of time are independent of governments Couleur from the constraints forced out too often unpopular reforms, which means that they'll lose almost without exception. For the public, honest and objective and not as electorally discernible dispositions as defined above, however, should be rewarded.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Xanax Street Price 2010
Gruzinų virtuvės įdomybės
Treasure endless number of ways of preparation. Each region produced differently. Here are the recipe, which is preparing itself.
Georgia - the old high culture and country, geographically located at the crossroads between European and Asian civilizations, and in spite of the fact that often have been attacked. Georgian people managed to save his own, unique culture. Georgia, like most areas of the Caucasus is characterized by long hot summers, plenty of sunshine and relatively warm winters.
ancient Georgian territory was divided into a number of the areas they are today accepted as the "economic regions of the central-east - east, south - central and western Georgia. Most Georgians, partially "to the east and vakrų Georgia. Common feature of these two regions - a feature, wines and spices, which are used at each meal. Everything else in each region has certain variations. East Georgia without pork, chicken meat is used in beef, lamb, and is used quite a lot of fat. West Georgia used a lot less meat and more chicken and turkey meat is used. However, these differences do not distinguish between the eastern and western cuisines of Georgia, as the two separate.
Always in Georgia before eating the main dish eaten beef soup, vegetarian cuisine served pripažystantiems milky soup. The most common soups are added to those fresh eggs or egg yolks. In the production of these soups is saldžiarūktis basis (producing milk), fat - (producing Beef soup).
second meal is served, it is generally the meat dish. They prepare the beef, pork and poultry. The most popular dish is clear kebab, which has a few more names (Kupa, Tolman). The preparation of this dish used for spices, herbs. Using a variety of spices are produced every time a different taste to the same dish.
is inevitable that Georgian cuisine is characterized by ease of preparation of dishes. Georgia is not no religious beliefs and cultural choice of meat, since too long a period Georgian nation survived the influence of different cultures and sandūroje.Gruziniški meat dishes can be prepared from meat (mužuži), sheep (čenachai), beef (charčio) and poultry (Čachochbili).
can be said that vegetables also occupies an important place in Georgian cuisine: beans, eggplant, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, spinach and other vegetables. Vegetable dishes can be served fresh, cooked, fried, baked, salted, pickled.
Georgian cuisine - a variety of cheeses, and the fact that the Georgians consume relatively large quantities. Georgian cuisine, which is used for cheese, a few hundred. But the most popular of all the people of Georgia and its recognition is xačiapuri and cakes, kurių gamyboje naudojami įvairių rūšių sūriai.
Dažnai gaminant gruziniškus patiekalus yra naudojami įvairių rūšių riešutai. Tai neatskiriamas komponentas prieskonių mišiniuose, padažuose. Riešutai naudojami mėsos, daržovių ir net žuvies patiekaluose. Beriami į sriubas, konditerinius gaminius, salotas, antrus patiekalus. Pasak gruzinų, be riešutų jų patiekalai neįsivaizduojami.
Didelis dėmesys Gruzijoje skiriamas prieskoniniams augalams. Jie naudojami patiekalams pagardinti ištisus metus. Patiekiami pusryčiams, pietums, vakarienei. Priklausomai nuo metų laiko, tai gali būti, petražolės, krapai, plačialapiai česnakai, bazilikas, čiobrelis, estragonas, kalendra ir kiti Gruzijoje augantys prieskoniniai augalai. Prieskoniams naudojama šaknys, žiedai, žievė, stiebai, lapai ir vaisiai.
Visi prieskoniniai augalai naudojami džiovinti arba katik nuskinti sode. Prieskoniniai augalai pasižymi ne tik skoniu ir aromatu, bet ir juose esančiomis naudingomis medžiagomis: mineralais, druskomis, geležimi, fosforu, įvairiais vitaminais, eteriniais aliejais, amino rūgštymis, fruktoze ir kita. Kas žino gal būt būtent prieskoniniuose augaluose slypinti paslaptis lemia gruzinų ilgaamžiškumą, bei sveikatą. It must be remembered that the spices also has one of the most important places of sauces.
One of the most important in the Georgian national culinary properties, has the use of sauces. Basis and most have an advantage over the other, the Georgian sauces. All this is because the manufacture of these sauces are used only natural ingredients, spices. They are used for the second course pagardinimui, distinctive flavoring. The same dish served with different sauces, different not only in appearance but the taste and aroma. Sauce has a bright shade allows beautifully decorated dish, and also provides a picture of completeness. Georgian sauces from other people's kitchen is distinguished not only in its composition and preparation of any technology. They are based on sour grapes, fruit juice or puree of yellow slyvelių Caucasian, pomegranate, tomato, etc.. Widespread and walnut sauce, which is composed of the main Delete nuts. Also, using fresh herbs, but most sauces decorating. Georgia is often possible to see the Georgians as the sauces are eating only bread.
Vynų gaminimo kultūra neatsiejamai susijusi su Gruzijos istorija . Viena iš seniausių ir gerbiamiausių žemės ūkio šakų Gruzijoje – vynuogynų auginimas. Gruzinų tauta iš kartos į kartą perduoda vynuogynus, taip pat visas vyno gaminimo technologijos paslaptis, kurios laikomos didžiausia šeimos paslaptimi. Galima teigti gal būt dėl to tokia didelė gruziniškų vynų rūšių įvairovė. Šiuo metu Gruzijos selekcininkai yra išradę daugiau nei 500 vynuogių rūšių. Vynų gamybos kultūra nuo senų laikų yra įaugusi į gruzinų buitį, uždėjusi savo anspaudą alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimo kultūroje. Kiekvienų pietų metu vynas yra ant kiekvieno gruzino stalo. Tiesa paprastomis savaitės dienomis vynas vartojamas saikiai 2-3 taurės. Kiekviena, net ir mažas pajamas turinti šeima sau neatsako išgerti taurę vyno pietų metu. Natūralaus gruziniško vyno sudėtyje yra daugybė naudingų organizmui medžiagų, todėl nedidelį kiekį leidžiama gerti ir vaikams. Švenčių dienomis vyno suvartojama daugiau, kai į namus susirenka svečiai, giminės, draugai. Geriamas tik geriausias namuose turimas vynas. Attention should be paid not to the volume of wine consumption, but the consumer culture. For the Georgian table is always lingers in strict order - elected, Tamada. This must be a man of thought and sharp nejaunesnis than 18 years. Georgia is a separate celebration - a wine festival collection (Rtveli), it is celebrated in September. All the children gather the grapes, even in wicker baskets, homemade wine wall nukabinamos hands. In the first type of wine produced in sweet, young sparkling "wine (Madžari). Nebrandinamas it for years, and drinking as soon as it is produced. Of grape juice and walnuts (also available from the hazel nuts, raisins), is produced - 'Čiurčchela. Each cottage is a rural Georgian wine cellar (Marami), which is embedded into the ground clay pots, which is stored and aged wine. Of all
many varieties of grapes and wine variety shows several kinds of wine: light, soft wine, CINANDALI "thick strong - 'SAPERAVI, unique taste and aroma is characterized by,, KINDZMARAULI, versatile -' TESMANI" , ,, GURDŽANI. Georgia produces over 50 types of wine. White table wine produced in three ways: Kachetiškai, Imiretiškai and in Europe. Wines are divided into two categories: quality and kupažiniai. Quality made from a single grape type, and even kupažiniai made from several kinds of grapes. It is necessary to mention that Georgian wines are identified by numbers, and given a name based on what was locally produced. In addition to the mentioned wines are still produced table wines, semi sweet, dessert, fortified, sparkling wines, brandies and exceptional quality.
Greek, Phaseolus means - long, narrow boat, because the pods recalls such boats.
beans are herbal shrubby or climbing, usually an annual plant. Leaves trefoil, fruit - 8-18 cm long pods , who grew up in different sizes, shapes and color grains. Sugar variety leaf inside Parchment is not a layer but it has a variety of aižomos.
It is believed that the beans come from South America , they raised Indians. Europe consumption started to grow sixteenth century the middle of the first Mediterranean region. Now, mainly soybean grown in India , Brazil, Mexico , U.S., South and South-Eastern Europe and other countries.
This is a valuable nutritional, cultural, forage and ornamental plants. Bean seeds much starch and Legumina. Grown food, and some species - like flowers.
A total of 150 known species.
Georgia beans are called Treasure. As well as the following types of beans and recipes abound.
Treasure endless number of ways of preparation. Each region produced differently. Here are the recipe, which is preparing itself.
NEED: 1 kg. red beans, 2-3 onions, salt, oil, CHMEL suneli spices, spice thyme, coriander sprigs.
shut our beans overnight in cold water, then pour off the water užmirkimo infusions once again with cold water and boil. Nusunkiame again, sauce and cook on low-lights in about 3 hours by adding a clove of garlic. Why do so many times and infusions nusunkiame? And do so, of beans that is eliminated as all materials that cause flatulence.

Susismulkiname roasted.
When beans are almost cooked pour fried onions, salt, crushed thyme between your hands, pour a couple tablespoons CHMEL suneli spices and chopped coriander. who likes the harder to pasismulkinti aštriojo with garlic and pepper pertrinus a blender Pour into the beans. The full weight of the float can pertrinti to remove potatoes (mashed potato preparation).
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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contradict decoupled from performance executive pay to the socialist conscience of the Austrian Federal Chancellor Faymann only recently, after he agreed in the recent past contracts and severance payments in the millions.
Many good ideas remain unnoticed. Belongs to the powerful potential of the implementation. Years ago, even ignored the media articles on the restriction of executive pay: It was not mainstream. Although remained the major in the Austrian social partnership Labour leader also long unheard and could convince Faymann now to address this issue after it became a popular topic. Only, this is not a socialist but a moral issue.
content: why should the public on the tax deductibility of compensation paid millions to managers. This is probably the notion of disproportionality of place and this practice is immoral and a violation of our basic societal values.
profit sharing, bonuses, premiums and other payments are important tools in business to improve performance and retention of staff to a farm. As already more than half a century, the Upper Austrian Bauhütte Leitl a profit participation of the employees practiced, it was not about socialism, but a successful business model.
socialism is the overemphasis of the state with a fatal tendency to redistribute money, which has not been generated and leads to debt accumulation. Real socialism is gone because of it. Alternatively, I recommend Christian social policy, about the law of charity is deeply in solidarity. However, to help the weak in society, must be called and deserves to be rewarded also performance enhancing. Negative examples are minimum backups at the same level or too close in terms of market income of service providers are recoverable, which may rightly wonder: why work at all? Here are profiles the social democracy and prevent economic expansion. Other Christian pillars of social policy are responsible ownership. Many managers who work with foreign capital, have set irresponsible behavior on the day and the economic crisis contributed significantly.
British top financial manager threatened to boycott. You can safely do without them. Replacement with the highest professional qualifications can be found with certainty. The special value of such factual usually quite clever businessmen often lies in korruptionsanrüchigen multiple referrals and connections as well as professional cliques. Off the top job ions maintain these benefits to be lost very quickly. to hear
The method of media and politics after interviewing these managers that no income restrictions was the right way is to determine how to manage the federalism reform the governors of the reform leaders.
Mind: there are only millions of merit attacked and characterized as immoral. As a way of the future should be considered as performance incentives more strongly overall profit sharing (if profits are made) are excited and management should also be a loss of interest for discussion.
Dr. Heinz Wimpissinger, Klosterneuburg
Sunday, January 3, 2010
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The global financial turbulence have many causation. Globalization, excess liquidity, U.S. budget deficit, Subprimekredite and deregulation are few. Most importantly, however, was the greed of unrestrained profit maximization, which was carried slogans such as "Corporate Social Responsibility" hardly slowed down. The heroes of this development were stock market gurus and super-manager, whose income grew through the floor.
politicians have seen in this scenario, the chance to finance excessive social gifts. In the state and parastatal enterprises managers were appointed with mammoth salaries with the multiple of the political notch trains to take influence.
principle Confessions of national and international leaders and organizations to better control of international finance, with its opaque financial derivatives are carried out. Specifically, little seems to happen. Financial giants already partially report back on large profits.
is urgent, therefore, a new international financial control system demand, which should include particular focus as guidelines for moral behavior Manager (Verhaltenskondex). to think
The global financial turbulence have many causation. Globalization, excess liquidity, U.S. budget deficit, Subprimekredite and deregulation are few. Most importantly, however, was the greed of unrestrained profit maximization, which was carried slogans such as "Corporate Social Responsibility" hardly slowed down. The heroes of this development were stock market gurus and super-manager, whose income grew through the floor.
politicians have seen in this scenario, the chance to finance excessive social gifts. In the state and parastatal enterprises managers were appointed with mammoth salaries with the multiple of the political notch trains to take influence.
principle Confessions of national and international leaders and organizations to better control of international finance, with its opaque financial derivatives are carried out. Specifically, little seems to happen. Financial giants already partially report back on large profits.
is urgent, therefore, a new international financial control system demand, which should include particular focus as guidelines for moral behavior Manager (Verhaltenskondex). to think
Friday, January 1, 2010
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request to the next election. Fritz Neugebauer officials Boss may be a good trade unionist, but he damaged the reputation of the disastrous way ÖVP. My request would be to release him as this type of party offices. He may 2nd Parliament President and remain there to represent learn more balanced society positions. Furthermore, it seems extremely doubtful whether the parallel exercise of these functions is at all compatible. Many party members see him him for some time a politician, the Christian solidarity and are likely to mean state-supporting ideas and goals in enforcing selfish group interests little.
The ÖVP has to be prepared, some votes do not exaggerate, otherwise central concern of the party sacrificed. According to my feeling and opinion among my friends including ÖVP friends there in much of the population, especially in times of crisis, no understanding of many claims of the officials' union.
request to the next election. Fritz Neugebauer officials Boss may be a good trade unionist, but he damaged the reputation of the disastrous way ÖVP. My request would be to release him as this type of party offices. He may 2nd Parliament President and remain there to represent learn more balanced society positions. Furthermore, it seems extremely doubtful whether the parallel exercise of these functions is at all compatible. Many party members see him him for some time a politician, the Christian solidarity and are likely to mean state-supporting ideas and goals in enforcing selfish group interests little.
The ÖVP has to be prepared, some votes do not exaggerate, otherwise central concern of the party sacrificed. According to my feeling and opinion among my friends including ÖVP friends there in much of the population, especially in times of crisis, no understanding of many claims of the officials' union.
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