or script to an extreme reality-soap ......
- intrigue, hatred, slander, defamation, destruction of existence, unfair competition, Kindesinstrumentalisierung, etc, pp.
It all started in August 2002, almost like a fairy tale. I, Dato 26, was traveling with friends in the Saturday-night-life in our city. "XY" (we call him simply Ernie ), which I previously considered arrogant for an A .... Hole was located in the same place. How is this so, and single-women meeting, make a drink, two glasses, the Tongue sits a bit loose so I made the seemingly unapproachable, 20 years older, (I've always had a tendency to more mature women ...), separated for 3 months living on Ernie `s most violent of. Man (n) keeps flirting, "feet" (and so intense that the friends is almost embarrassing ...), exchange phone numbers snogs goodbye and think `s that was then.
I was more surprised the next day, when Ernie reported via SMS. We emailed back and forth on the phone hours or nights and thinking: "let it go Wait a minute." If you then, in front of the next date lists, as a teen, do not eat, drink and can not sleep, sich trotzdem fühlt, als hätte man gerade die Fußball-WM gewonnen, ja dann ist man wohl verliebt.
Da Ernie zu dieser Zeit noch im Haus seiner Familie getrennt wohnte, fanden wir an exzessiven Wochenenden ein Nest bei einem guten Freund den ich hier nun einfach Bert nenne. Während der Woche traf man sich manchmal mitten in der Nacht an irgendwelchen Parkbänken (richtig romantisch bei Wetterleuchten) oder an Flugplätzen, mitten auf der Landebahn, einfach so „zum reden“. Wir verbrachten auch ein oder zwei Wochenenden in der Disco mit extrem-Eiswürfel-Knutsching und übernachteten anschließend in einem Hotel..
Zwischenzeitlich erfuhr ich, dass Ernie 5 Töchter von 2 women (the oldest, 17, from a given here Maja * , the other 4 with the estranged wife) has, (5,7,9 & 14) which I understand perfectly. The 14-year-old now lives with us.
Ernie's stories ...
Ernie, a 20 years sought by many customers popular tour operators, 1988 during a tense relationship with his then partner Maja, a change. Since Maja their role as mothers, for their child July not so seriously, and at night alcohol and other excesses was the preferred orientation of Ernie is not surprising.
One day, in the late eighties came, a blond curly nature, I call them now here Bea, in his office. Ernie, probably more of his time "Hansi" head-controlled rather than tried, probably instinctively start a new relationship.
As Ernie, when he met Madame Bea, a successful chaotic was invited, he also immediately after a flight to Hawaii. Since most honest feelings were at the start of this relationship either imagined or less important (fascination?) - Bea true? Then Bea abruptly ended her promising career as a clothing designer ready "(known popularly as seamstress), became pregnant and was, even though your the essential prerequisites were missing, trained by a government-funded retraining in Ernie's tour operator in his profession.
the first child (called "Lara ") gave her the delighted father Ernie and a brand new convertible and then they could then, of course, after consultations with Ernie's future mother, married confidently the provider. The honeymoon was spent at a luxury hotel on an island in the Indian Ocean. At the 2nd Ernie child gave her more excited again about the young, the masterpiece of a known local goldsmith. Regularly was the Family traveling on cruise, plane or wherever, budget money in 4-digit sum, well Ernie, it was probably for Bea really more fascination than love - but all are so innocent you believe not, or?
should, however, despite all this, do not forget that after Ernie Bea & Maya's relationship end, lovingly cared for their daughter July. July is usually during this time grew up with Ernie and Bea Bea and even called "Mama," which was banned by Maja your regularly. Maja himself always claimed she could not do anything with young children. Eventually Maja then took the daughter back to him and claimed maintenance payments. For the time prevailing in July, when Ernie and Bea in the care, of course, not a penny paid Maja Maintenance.
shop that Ernie had rented for his business, he was offered 1993 for purchase. Ernie take this unique opportunity and told the seller personally in writing. Ernie's tax adviser advised him not he but his wife Bea should sign the contract with the owner in trust to save taxes and increase the rent money or the budget. So, said and done. Since Bea did not have enough collateral, Ernie also signed a guarantee of trust over 110,000, 00 DM Unfortunately, he failed to put on because of blind trust in his wife, an in particular the written trust agreement, that it should later undoing be.
Ernie took in 2000 to even have a loan to take over his parents' house and had pledged to his brother for his business, with which he went bankrupt. Otherwise, the parents of Ernie could probably pack your bags. Ernie was also his brother after his defeat a new opportunity in his company. The married brother, for his part, then lived in isolation (one daughter) came shortly after a bus driver, at the age of 40 years, on a trip with 13 people killed by cardiac arrest. The bus tipped over, the passengers remained intact. Ernie was called to the accident site to organize the further transport of passengers, was only his dead Brother a hug.
the mourning house of the family knew the estranged wife of the deceased brother's nothing better to enter than two hours after the death of your husband with the comment: "What a pig - can I just sit". Ten minutes later you looked through the wallet of your deceased husband, Ernie had received from the emergency services at the accident site. After this experience
got Ernie unconscious depression and wondered if the purpose of life is really just to raise money to scrape for separation stress and even as a dead pig to be called. Ernie then decided, as an unwanted breadwinner, not to . Work He was sitting in the office only thoughtful, confused customers and friends with sales hostile, unpleasant truths, and would not accept more money horny men. Only 3 months after the tragic death of her brother and the associated depression of living of her husband, Bea felt a distinct change in her, by Ernie built, standard of living. She dropped behind Ernie's back, after a discussion with their tricky People's Bank advisor, repayment of loan from a shop-4 -, a 3-digit sum, and let Ernie still pay the rent in tried and tested high. (Less is more!)
The continued refusal by Ernie to function as a cash cow accustomed standard of living fell by Bea on and on and the family had now started to sell luxury goods and cars. You could not buy the most expensive grocery store in town. Bea, the asserted again and again, they were not, as the former by the late brother, now the wish expressed in your back, Ernie learned to work profession. Ernie, who still did not work within the meaning of Bea was agreed to and jointly gegründetet Travel GmbH, at the Bea managing partner, took over Ernie's, existing retail business for 18 years. Bea is now CEO of Ernie's existence.
Bea now tried most of the morning, the joint company, with Your ideas to govern. Ernie organized in the morning the budget, went shopping and took care of the youngest daughter. He cooked (which he may very well ...) for his family. When Bea came home was always food on the table. He left but also, according to Bea regularly a little chaos in the kitchen. It could sometimes be annoying for them have been, I've known from experience with Ernie, but the man who voluntarily cleans up the kitchen, I think, yet to be invented. * Grin * Afternoon Ernie then went into the company and Bea took care of the household and kids.
As for the NYC-attack of 11 September 2001, the travel business trotz Beas Geschäftsführung enorme Umsatzeinbußen hinnehmen musste, sah sie nun vermutlich die Felle entgültig davon schwimmen. Aber anstatt, mit ihrem Noch-Ehemann, einen gemeinsamen Lösungsweg zu finden, fing sie an Gelder zu veruntreuen. Es wurden z.B. offene Posten in 5 stelliger Höhe, für eine gräfl. GmbH welche Ernie als Gesellschafter in der Nachbarstadt mitgründete, niemals eingefordert. Von treuhänderisch verwalteten Kundengeldern wurden von Bea 4-stelIige Summen auf Ihr Privatkonto überwiesen.
Ich bin der Meinung, damals war der Komplott schon perfekt und Ernie hätte hellhörig werden müssen. Aber leider war er in seinem Vertrauen, zu der Mutter seiner Kinder so blind, dass er sich nicht caring.
came Now everything together. get Ernie, who now financial difficulties on the journey together-GmbH and the family saw its shares sold by the Gräfl. GmbH in the neighboring town to save the proceeds of the common travel-GmbH. Bea did not give a damn to do it the same. Instead, the shares which have been donated by Ernie, also saw them for sale on the day of the notarial transfer of shares, together with the principal shareholder and director of the said Gräfl. GmbH, Champus sit sipping the ice cream parlor.
about the same time Bea met the arbitrary decision decision from Ernie separate. This was justified divorce request with arguments "I am not sure if I've ever loved" or "you used me only as a breeding machine," "You're too fickle, always doing so many dubious transactions." The real reasons are, however, after Ernie's opinion, probably partly related to a regional political conspiracy, or character assassination theory. Serious research results are close to publication.
I, for one, would, if I'm not sure would to love my partner, but get no child from him. Furthermore, today there is still plenty of contraceptives, or am I wrong?
in June 2002 Ernie took over again forced the marketing of the common travel-GmbH. Bea drew continue as managing director. With new distribution models, the company was slow to bounce back. That was around the time when Ernie and I got to know each other. I learned a florist was now first in my spare time, first impressions of the travel industry. (We should mention that I Computer Technically just knew me, how and where such a thing-in-or off) Well, as I said, it walked slowly back uphill with that of the common travel-GmbH. Ernie, driven by positive existential fears, could bring to that of a strong partner network, the revenue back to a motivational level and Contaminated sites could be wiped carefully.
In November 2002 came the 1.Gerichtstermin, action for maintenance and housing allocation (Ernie lived officially yes still have the family home, on the one hand to his children to be close, on the other hand, I think, out of convenience ...) know
Coincidentally I the, charge of the case, family court judge personally swung from my many years of working in a local dance school where the entire family and actively judge the dance floor. Ernie and I were the first maintenance procedure on an event of this dance school. Ernie made that evening, on behalf of the common GmbH, a corporate donation to the Action Man. This was done under the eyes of the present family court together with his wife. The judge had therefore presumably a captured image of Ernie. -He has money, so he can pay a lot of maintenance. Just forgot the nice man a judge in the whole thing that it really was a corporate donation. Ernie was now being felt in a truly '"short shrift" all the judicial power and give him a 4-digit maintenance claim. Since Ernie does not provide with his status and his income to pay maintenance in the amount claimed was suggested to him was a calling.
Note on maintenance
One would not always think in conflict categories. Bar- care and maintenance can also be equally distributed. In our great neighboring country, this is even the desired rule. How about if the now unemployed would be asked if he co-supervised his children equal shares? Time he had. The mutual Barunterhalt rises on support from owner of half, Bea would be relieved. Of course, is full service, Bea will pay the maintenance. Maybe she has better chances in the labor market? She is easily able to do even what she calls from others.
Moreover, Ernie and I were sitting in the late autumn of 2002 together and figured out if the business would continue at this level for 1 year Ernie could send all the kids an appropriate maintenance, no problems! All attempts with Bea who was already on maintenance payments, to agree amicably have failed. She wanted no time delay, but a title. But who does not want, has already ...!
came in December 2002, the ruling on maintenance & apartment assignment. Ernie had the house where he had lived the last years with his kids, under threat of a police assistance in the event of a refusal to leave December 23. Even nice, the day before Christmas Eve, or? The Bea achsoarme time he was already the mother-child treatment. All well financed by the State. Hello? -What about the stressed und gejagten Vätern und deren Partnern??? Danach fragt kein Mensch!!! Zum Glück bot uns Freund Bert sofort eine Bleibe in seiner Wohnung an, ansonsten hätten wir Weihnachten 2002 auf der Strasse verbringen müssen.
Ok, Heiligabend verbrachten Ernie und ich dann bei meiner Familie. Dies war für mich etwas peinlich, da Ernie am Nachmittag frustriert einen über den Durst getrunken hatte. Aber durch gemeinsames Forellenbacken, mit meiner Oma, hatte er die Situation gerettet. Es war alles in Allem ein sehr schöner Abend. Froh war ich(es war die erste Begegnung zwischen ihm und meiner Familie), dass meine Family Ernie herzlich aufgenommen und ihn als meinen Partner voll akzeptiert hat. Mein Vater, der nur 2 Jahre älter is as Ernie, announced just a joke ". But you should not imagine that I say to you son"
counter clock 23:30 we went to his "former" family home to get some clothes, because we at 25.12. invited for a few days after Spain were. We stood in front of closed doors but - Madame Bea had had replaced all the locks. Is really nice, because you're married 10 years with someone who has taken all the luxury, which you can get, has four children with the man, and not only that he will set a day before Christmas, almost to the street, no, he does not even have the chance to holen.Nach much his clothes back, and forth her hand, with the threat Police for trespassing on call, they finally sent us someone left with key violence, Ernie get his things.
Extras ....
That reminds me of something a ...!. ... Ernie gathered in his better days watches. Among them was a valuable Clock, which he bought with a friend, a famous radio host, (who unfortunately was in a plane crash with his own machine died). This clock he was carrying an evening with me and Bert, who sadly ended with a little controversy. Ernie stayed so again in the domestic double (without Bea). The next evening, when I picked him in the office, he was wearing this very Clock nicht. Er sagte zu mir, er habe sie zusammen mit einer limitierten Swatch auf dem Nachttisch am Ehebett vergessen. Als ich ca eine Woche später Ernies gesamte Uhren-Sammlung bei Bea abholen sollte, sagte diese Wort-wörtlich, ohne, dass ich irgend etwas sagte:“ Die Jaeger und die Swatch sind aber nicht da!!!“ Das ist doch recht suspekt, würde ich sagen. Ich riet Ernie, die Uhren als gestohlen zu melden, aber da war er wieder mal zu gutmütig.
Ich muss ehrlich zugeben, dass ich mich schon öfters gefragt habe:„was muss man(n) schlimmes getan haben, dass eine Frau einen solchen Hass auf einen hat“
Nach all dieser Aufregung taten uns die 5 Tage, mit einem befreundetem Paar, in Spanien of course, twice as good. Just let your soul just to use the hotels in all facets and the stress can be stressful! Cynics may argue
now though, aha, but money? But was beautiful .... e `s, for our very well-heeled friend had already told us so, how the journey financed. And that is exactly what makes me mad is! Hello?? Just because there's an explosion somewhere that feels like obsessed with the need to exclude your husband up on the shirt, I will give up anything? Why? She would not even have to get a divorce !!!(- How does it go so well?-In good times and bad?)
I must stress that I am doing this is not the children-on the contrary, are the bereaved! ("You're just like your father, but go to ...", go to your father, who has money ... ") I'm all about the spiteful exes to scold the one hand, while on their separate men, it is incredibly easy to trumpet through the area" He's a pig, which is paid for his children "and how quickly damage the reputation ruined ...! But why, if the man might actually on the last hole whistles and can hardly sleep because of existential fears, yes, that no one is interested! but when a new partner is there, come fits of jealousy (This is indeed quite thick, I would have expected you something else). Dear Bea, it can not stop every so have a skinny body luxury, like you And besides, your vanity makes you not yet happy, or?
Bea came regularly into artificial excitement because Ernie and I go out sometimes. I am 28 years old, should I stay only because it bothers Bea, go out without my boyfriend or even at home?? Hello?? at some point you have to be aware of their exes, that you you can not take out everything. I will as long as my money (which I worked hard for 7.5 euros an hour, to earn) enough not to go out, nor on the presence my friend do without! Especially since you
achsoarmen the exes, who have supposedly not a penny over, found on all major events, usually well tipsy on the prowl. And where are there if you please the kids? - In "GOOD OLD OMA" best yet with the mother of the ex-husband, which can be converted by the achsoarmen daughter Bea so much that they would rather give up their one and only son.
Ernie's mother always says that they care to deal only for their grandchildren. It really is very nice of her, but every Thursday afternoon when she is on a visit to Bea, she cooks, helps in the house or garden, etc, pp. Well, not that I had a problem with it, But their fourth grandchild, Lara lives, so now time for us. But they are, strangely, never visited. Not that we have not had any contact with the kids, we were already at her visit and even spent the night there. Sometimes they send us some food on her granddaughter Lara, who regularly visited the grandmother in the house of her mother. (We live in the same city, maybe 15 minutes walk away) Ernie's mother is basically a very love and Ernie in their character very similar. Although I can imagine of course that it also faces a moral dilemma. On the one hand, the achsoarme Bea, their ears full of moans and subtracting also the compassion in her number, and only about Ernie drags, on the other side of the remaining, only son, who showed his hand to her since childhood that he, like a cat, always falls back on its feet.
you can now share times not, and has apparently opted for the ex-daughter in law, which I find somewhere a bit sad because my mother in January 2001 with 46 years died of heart muscle inflammation and I was already my 14 year old sisters (twins ) through puberty brought (sameness are comparable in any way with Ernie's daughter Lara, who was living with us). I think I would be grateful for so many advice, tip or trick. But what the hell, we will hopefully selbst wieder packen.
Im Januar kam nun auch der Berufungstermin vorm Landesgericht. Am Vorabend waren Ernie und ich etwas länger ausgegangen und somit verschliefen wir prompt eine halbe Stunde. Wobei dies, wie Ernie`s Anwalt sagte, nicht von Nachteil war, da der Richter somit quasi 2 Einzelanhörungen hatte. Der Berufungsrichter entschied, dass der 47 jährige Ernie, der 30% Arbeitsunfähig ist, in der damaligen Situation wohl kaum die, 3000.- netto, die er nun mal benötige, um 5 Kinder zu unterhalten, verdienen könnte. Die Unterhaltsklage wurde abgewiesen. Dieses Urteil zugunsten von Ernie hatte natürlich auch Auswirkungen auf die Unterhaltzahlungen von July. Maja, Ihrer Mutter, fand dies allerdings alles andere but funny. Ernie beat Maja ago as a maintenance regime, which he would take over the Education of July with a high educational content, the GmbH. But no, you did not enter into any compromise, it must be running everything with the official title.
Maja, after the separation of Ernie & Bea tried slightly insidious, again to be nice to us, then railed against all guests in your bar, continuously and at the rough nature Bea. Maja said Bea would have nothing in the bulb, they would prostitute themselves and she would have said all along that they would only be on Ernie's credit card ... etc etc etc,
for the widely known slanderer Maya had voluntarily proposed maintenance scheme is not really satisfactory. She began to turn, like a flag waving in the wind. They allied themselves with their former enemy of Bea and blasphemed in their blasphemous pub often loudly about us. They called us "Pack", and asked our good friend Bert, as he could stand only with us. That made me personally very much affected, because I am a very harmonious person in need and they could actually suffer very good. Making matters worse was that Maya's boyfriend who is completely under the influence of her (we call him lovingly cynical "mouse animal") was a business partner of and Ernie. This started now even with bullying at the other business partners and the partnership ended with Ernie mouse animal.
at 1 May 3 I changed my full time job in the floral industry to to 2.5 days per week and worked with the now remaining time in the trip-GmbH. In June 2003, we hired an additional manager, was so Bea no longer authorized to represent but to this day registered manager. Bea was in spite of this position has long been with the Count Ltd (the company sell its shares at the Ernie to the rescue of the common travel-GmbH) had the job in a company is Competing for breach of confidentiality actually punishable.
Filmreife Auswirkungen dieser strafbaren Tätigkeit
(Anm. Viel Glück Herr Buchhändler)
Ernie und ich waren mal wieder in einer unserer Stammkneipen unterwegs, die sturzbesoffene Hauptgesellschafterin, der gräflichen GmbH die Ernie gegründet hat und in der Bea arbeitet, kam an unseren Tisch mit den Worten:“ dich mach ich fertig und dein Laden kriege ich auch noch!!!“ Ich war richtig schockiert wie eine „Dame von Welt“ , (sie arbeitete im Finanzwesen, fährt nen SLK ), im Suff sich zu so assi-mässigen Ausbrüchen herablassen kann. Ernie lud sie trotzdem auf einen Drink ein, sie setzte sich neben ihn und prahlte breit grinsend, sie bekäme yes all the important information about him and his travel anyway GmbH Bea! Suddenly she began to stroke over Ernie knees, then her hand was on his stomach, Ernie said, I should just leave her alone time. I sat at the bar and the old woman went to her when filled to the attack and snogs my friend. I had a rage without end. Not even Ernie, but this old man. I then snogs with the first best of me ran over the road. When we were asked the young girl there my friend even if he would go home with her. But he said coldly to her that he goes with me because she was what I offer him, could never provide.
The "chick" was pissed-Ernie had die Info das Bea, als geschäftführende Gesellschafterin Geschäftsgeheimnisse offenbart !
Klar war ich verletzt, aber nicht unbedingt, weil er mit einer anderen geknutscht hat (Das sehen wir beide nicht so eng), sondern, zum einen war es wie gesagt in unserer Stammkneipe und die Leute schauten mich ungläubig an, zum anderen bin ich normalerweise beim „Fremd-knutschen“ mit von der Partie. Und am meisten störte mich eben diese Frau, deshalb zog ich der Situation gleich.
Ernie`s Tochter Lara, eine begabte Sängerin, damals 13, bewarb sich eigenständig mit dem Demo ihrer Gesangs Akademie bei einer bekannten TV-Casting Show . Eines Tages im Juni kam sie ins Büro geschneit mit den Worten: "Dad, we need to Munich to audition." So went our Bert, Ernie and Lara for 2 days in Munich. Ernie, who sometimes like a deep pile, said that Lara would not make it more anyway, but 1 It is different, 2 as you think ...! They made it into the last 16 participants of 1600 and was in the TV show.
mid-July had dad and daughter, then a week to prepare to Berlin. It was really hard work. Rehearsals, dress rehearsal, mask, dance training, supervision, etc. Papa Ernie was allowed to sit the whole time drinking coffee in the lobby and turn thumbs. On the day of the show I flew to Berlin. Ernie and I were still walk a little on the Ku Damm, then to the hotel and finally to the studio. Then came the first shock, my ticket was gone. There were registered 3 cards for Ernie, Bea and me. Now Bea had her sister there, and sameness now had my card. Lara told the leaders that it would not occur if I were not here, so while I was sitting up and away, but whatever. It was fascinating for me, mitzubekommen time ago, like so technically runs a program. Unfortunately, Lara flew out with 0.3 points difference to their competitors and there were tears and disappointment, because it is scarce nicht.Ich'm glad that Lara coped so well and in effect a passage would be eine 13-jährige sowieso nicht das gelbe vom Ei. Denn die Sieger einer solchen Show werden eine Zeitlang ohne Ende hochgeputscht und dann kommt der große Fall. Danach gab es eine große After-Show Party alles von der Produktion gesponsert. DJs, Mega-Büfett innen Mega- Grill aussen und der Schampus floss- Wahnsinn! Die Stars rennen mitten drin umher und feiern auch ganz normal, wie du und ich. Man käme nicht mal auf die Idee irgendjemanden um ein Autogramm zu bitten.
Es war ein wunderschönes Erlebnis, welches wir allein Lara zu verdanken haben.
Kleine schmerzliches Zwischenspiel
Mitte Juli gibt es in unserer Nachbarstadt jährlich ein grosses, bekanntes Volksfest, auf dem sogar der Auftritt was transferred from Lara on the big-screen TV. The following week we visited twinkling of course a few times. And every time Bea was also present and Lara, the oldest of Ernie and allowed her to take care of the 3 little ones. The first two times responded Ernie still left at the 3rd Times even slightly irritated at the 4th and Time he was with Bert and was probably a stalking attack. (I was luckily already at home) He saw Bea was the only woman flirting in a group of some security officials, and went and screamed that it was enough now that she should be home at last make their children rather than to prostitute here, they've Finally the children because of the coal with him wanted. You probably ran away, but Ernie, can be quite hot-headed, ran after her and Bea ran back and tried to "protect" in the security officials. After the stories of Ernie and Bert was now a small group to police officers, one built up in front of Ernie and said with an outstretched arm, Ernie should keep a safe distance to him. Ernie was around him, to Bea, but the man in green, in turn, built up before him and referred him several times. Ernie took out his camera, he almost always has with him and wanted to film the situation. The policeman shouted at him, would turn on when the "thing", he would throw it against the wall. Ernie Bert wanted to move to give it to Cam and in this Moment went off four "green" young police officers on Ernie, threw him on coarse gravel floor and practiced on him the arrest of dangerous terrorists. Bert would almost slipped into the role of a hard criminals because he still accidentally hit the shutter button the camera flash. Ernie, who was now in handcuffs on the way to the sobering cell, praised the laxative orden still suspicious of their arrest. The stay in the cell was short-lived. Ernie had calmed down quickly and after a superficial examination hospital, sent home. The next morning we drove to the police station to talk to a supervisor. As Ernie, by the 4 kneeling on his back "Radio man", had severe chest pain, we wanted to know whether the "apprentices" would not respond a little excessive injury. The duty officer did notice strange way already and tried to play down the whole thing. Since we do not feel like another case had, in which the police would turn it anyway, that they were right, we let the matter rest.
Yes, yes, that is life with Ernie anything but boring.
The thickest Hammer ... business deregistration without authority
In September 2003, Ernie was told by the Government that Bea, signed a trade cancellation hatte und die langjährig bestehende gemeinsame GmbH, in Ihrem zerstörerischen Wahn, rückwirkend auf das Vorjahr, abmeldete.Das ganze hatte auch zur Folge, dass das Finanzamt Steuern schätzte und das Geschäftskonto für 6 Wochen dicht machte. Dadurch konnten wir Werbekostenzuschüsse unsere Partner nicht mehr auszahlen und fruchtbaren Partnerschaften wurden nach und nach gekündigten. Zunächst ging gar nichts mehr, man konnte nicht mal mehr die Telefonrechnungen, weder die Ladenmiete die ja an Bea ging, noch die Löhne der Mitarbeiter bezahlen.
...das zweite mal in 18 Monaten wieder neu Anfangen ...?!?
Bea, der jetzt richtig bewusst wurde, dass der eigentlich treuhänderich erworbene Shop in the land is registered on it, even though it paid off Ernie for his work since 1993, announced without notice due to unpaid rent now! A paradox par excellence, I would say! Of course they came for the time being be dismissed. We objected to by law, as Bea, Ernie still owed money - it was charged - and the dismissal was invalid. However, the law of Bea also announced a precaution still neat to April 2004.
This was the first death-blow of Ernie's, twenty years built up, start ...
The next 3 months were very quiet, almost too quiet for my Geschmack.Ausser the everyday Money problems happened, not much.
We spent at and with Bert very nice weekend with "our" kids, Bert's daughter and a friend, Ela, was with her 2 kids more often one of the party, so a total of some white 7 children were with us, we played together spin the bottle or hiding, we two women cooked for "our extended family together, was organized by candlelight cheerful Liedererraten that Bert played the recorder, children's films shown via projector on the screen, Bert, a gifted magician inspired us all with his tricks, we were raging snuggled up and walked around joking, eating and visiting Christmas markets, the kids were playing on the computer, they organized kids' parties, the right make-up make up with, and dance, we visited a water park, sent in a bottle in the property adjacent river, we camped in the garden ... I am of the opinion that it is not only the children but also us a lot of fun preparing . I can only say that it taught me a lot of fun.
You see, her exes material set, you can prepare the children a lot of joy, without great expense. It is the small but nice things that established themselves in children's minds and keep them with security in mind. Money eyes only you and then you also educate your kids. Sad, really sad!
Already in October Lara is the winner of the adult category of the television show with which it has a 'big brother-little sister "relationship had as a VIP to a concert on 7 December invited. For the time being allowed Bea her. One day before the concert was Ernie, Lara and I was at the Christmas market and Lara devastated, because her mother had forbidden the concert because of poor academic performance. Since neither the custody nor the residence determination had been resolved and no conversation with Bea was possible, "said Ernie, that he would definitely go with Lara to the concert. Sure, the academic performance are noted, but there are other options than taking the child to such an event. In addition, We should perhaps bear in mind that perhaps the separation stress can have a significant influence of parents on school performance. Lara has a proven mathematical disabilities and ADHD. Bea now tried Lara by saying "If you go to the concert, I'll throw you out" under pressure to put up. Ernie and Lara spent a wonderful evening concert. The evening ended with Bea banned the common 13 year old daughter with nighttime temperatures below freezing from her children and her packed bags were actually outside the front door. Ernie Lara was now crying in his care and gave her a sense in our asylum.
We think that Bea's was intentional, to show Ernie how difficult it can be Lara and she would come by itself after a few days back to her. But since Bea made a huge spanner in the works. For it everything worked very well for us and Lara did not dream of going back. 7 months we were now living in cramped quarters in four of Bert's apartment. All attempts by the mother, also in tears, and the grandparents (with extortion money gifts), Lara to call back were unsuccessful. Sure, there have also with us problems and disputes. Among other things, Lara giddy willingly, loves most as rights without duties, and we tried the curfew continues to pull back out, but I think that is when, Meanwhile, 14-year normal.
In January 2004, I was now also employed at the GmbH and took over most of the Organisation of transport. I was also trained in financial matters and accounting. Business was more bad than right and we fought our way through Sun Our active, highly reliable Geschäftsführin was due to the continuous attacks of the idle Director Bea and your lawyer on your nerves end. It was then, at the request of the Company 31 Dismissed March 04 and relieved. Interestingly, this dismissal was confirmed at a court hearing by Bea and recorded, I should be appointed as an authorized representative, so that the common GmbH would be able to act yet. Since Bea However, your responsibility, pressed to act as deputy managing partner, has been nothing official from the attorney.
Man attacked personally now still in letters to lawyers and accused me, I was not aware of the duties of the authorized officer, that is virtually incapable. Somehow, they also brought with yet one that I knew personally by the judge so my dance school. (Because of bias). I found this the absolutely outrageous, because neither Bea, nor her lawyer myself and my abilities to know even approximately.
death blow number two .....
Ernie thought never really grab it by the Bea an eviction action against him and the common travel-GmbH would - as he had deceived right --- In April 2004 we said the action was actually delivered. We filed an immediate appeal. This opposition was due to the unclear situation of the common travel management GmbH and a suspected right-diffracting judges, unfortunately not successful.
was on Aug 06, 2004, commissioned by one of Bea bailiffs, the eviction occurred.
A, in 20 years built up, destroyed existence ...
The side effect of Bea's extermination campaign was that two apprentices, Ernie and I are now without jobs. No office-no job-no job. Bea once said to me that I should not enter into joint operations with Ernie, he would do if it would not run, look for all the blame on me. Thus and because of who I can now dole? I'm laughing like dead
Ernie, who still refused to give up, desperately sought a last resort. In one passage he found a way to set up a desk and an old laptop confused customer care. At the vacated headquarters were signs stuck with the note where we were found. These signs were of Bea's new every day removed. It was a real kindergarten game. In the morning we took the directions, in the evening they were gone. Bea started then also a character assassination campaign, and made even before criminal "libel" or unlauteterem competition does not hold. She claimed her hand to a posting in the window: "This office has been evacuated because of rent arrears" This corresponded However, where eviction is not the truth. The office was evacuated, despite legitimate objections, according convicted of a notice of dismissal. So we photographed the sign and had to refill the cartridge and the lawyer. Bea is obliged to hang our clue signs up to 6 months. But the advertising is working for the agency in the Bea is still out. Since not everyone knows the region that Ernie and Bea live in divorce and they still carry the same last name, it always comes back to that think the customers, the agency `s go together. We still have calls that the phone number of "our branch" in the neighboring town want. Recently ran a customer confused by the signs, in the office in the neighboring town, booked a trip and presented a Certificate of us on the table, the twinkling office of course not redeemed. The customer asked for immediate cancellation, as it logically book with us, and wanted to redeem the voucher. The selbige they refused. The customer called total applied with us, Ernie told him his hand, he should go to the lawyer. In the building where Ernie was a place for a desk was also an apartment available and it could be staying with Lara in a flat not a permanent condition, this home was rented. We packed for us now and drag, as the geisteskranken.Nebenbei picked and sorted Ernie, out of an inexplicable sense of responsibility, nor the most important documents for pending client transactions from the office.
four weeks a hassle ..... Well, I will not complain, the apartment is really beautiful, and now everything is much quieter than in the WG.Wobei at the time and Bert was very nice also.
Bea complains Only, they finally want their peace, but hello? Are we in the dung, which they see constantly dovetailed nothing? Customers are confused and suspicious, I do not want to know how many of our customers run now in the competitive office . You try to bend and break Bea to relinquish responsibility. Anything goes here but more than wrong!
And the worst thing is that Bea still claims Ernie had coal. Very nice was the last phone call between her and Ernie back to the language that finally 3 cars were there. She has in her madness still not grasped that company cars have nothing to do with Private. Especially as a corpus Delikti - the family judge - "two-seater car company" has already been returned because of lack of liquidity. Ernie drives a 20 year old station wagon with about 345000 km is actually a gift to me was. (Value 250 € plus 70 € for the new battery) My vehicle is a minivan, I love everything about him and, after the lease was terminated by the GmbH, personal finance further. The registration certificate is clearly black and white my name. And the rates will be debited from my private account. That is and always will be the truth. So, dear Bea, one should perhaps proof before making any accusations, verifying the same accuracy. And without a car now I would not even come to work to feed and your daughter, for which you pay even a penny maintenance. But that's all right so, or? And constantly you think destructive in your delusion, blind exes, you were right. I have slowly but surely fed up and going soon in the air with rage!
Bea tried a long time the vacated shop to sell. The problem was that hardly anyone could afford during the current economic climate to that purchase. One only has to look at me, how many are empty shops to rent in our city. Now Ernie tried its guarantee to make for me at a dizzying height, reversed. That would be have been a straw at which one would be able to hold on. The bank did not give a damn, since the store, as I said, could not be sold in the foreseeable future, Ernie was to the guarantee for the store which he has paid and from which he is kicked out to stick on. Suddenly suggested Bea, Ernie could take over the store too. The selbige she was offered even before the evacuation action came in several times unsuccessfully. Ernie wanted him even on the children to write. If she had then agreed with Ernie, all that would really not anything to happen. It would have given the store in the land to the kids, the LLC would have repaid by lease payments on the loan, there had been no action for possession, one would have spared all the trouble because of poaching customers, sameness would not run away, oh, it had everything to be so simple.
Now I know not what to have committed a crime bad that I leaked the life always sour. I do not slow at all in what I believe still is. In God, let my mother at 46, and Ernie's brother died at age 40, long gone.
I'm unemployed, Ernie without a job since we are likely to end soon at one of the new Hartz IV case handlers.
No, I have the whole does not always do the vorgestellt.Und achsoarmen exes something out there and innocent sein.Wenn everything was all not so sad, would I laugh my head off.
Sure, you could say now, you're to blame, but simply leave him. But I'm fascinated with this man not together but because I love him! And I will not like so many other rats simply leave the sinking ship and Ernie also let you down yet! I just do not know how long I, or should we hold these physical pressure he, before the two of us or one of us end up in an asylum (And so Another day would be frustrated fighting in the padded cell, maybe not that bad)
reads Perhaps even you, "dear Bea" at some point my story and believe it may me that we are not short bob, and you think surely not saying that we made fun of Freud as 2 years for a really well-deserved vacation to power for the next, probably inevitable, to create instances refrain. I, we were free this year not even half a day, let alone even a day off ..
Many women are second with the sentence "I gave up my dreams" can be identified. I had the dream of getting married, not in white, that church, I said yes as long'm no longer a believer, and look at the church for the largest company in the world, but still wanted I also take the step.
But, I wish my children again indefinite must move that hurts. We can but wait times now and I do not currently have no plan to feed my child with social and rip him nothing to offer. Because I have parents, have to me, like so many others, can shoot money. And yes postponed is not finally repealed.
Furthermore, our relationship at the moment is anything but balanced and harmonious. Instead of showing us that we love in spite of everything, we fall into mutual accusations and recriminations. But as I said, I love this man about everything and I will not and can not give it up.
... And if you think it's no longer comes from somewhere a little light on ... ...
same things I'm going to wait now and start one last try and see if I can somehow become self-employed with a business idea.
way you love, now you know a part of my story and I think that again find as some second wives and or other in so many things and will agree. And I feel now that I've written my soul from the body, and I hope a little easier for me and all other second wives, that is really somehow, sometime, somewhere a little light, therefore come!
- intrigue, hatred, slander, defamation, destruction of existence, unfair competition, Kindesinstrumentalisierung, etc, pp.
It all started in August 2002, almost like a fairy tale. I, Dato 26, was traveling with friends in the Saturday-night-life in our city. "XY" (we call him simply Ernie ), which I previously considered arrogant for an A .... Hole was located in the same place. How is this so, and single-women meeting, make a drink, two glasses, the Tongue sits a bit loose so I made the seemingly unapproachable, 20 years older, (I've always had a tendency to more mature women ...), separated for 3 months living on Ernie `s most violent of. Man (n) keeps flirting, "feet" (and so intense that the friends is almost embarrassing ...), exchange phone numbers snogs goodbye and think `s that was then.
I was more surprised the next day, when Ernie reported via SMS. We emailed back and forth on the phone hours or nights and thinking: "let it go Wait a minute." If you then, in front of the next date lists, as a teen, do not eat, drink and can not sleep, sich trotzdem fühlt, als hätte man gerade die Fußball-WM gewonnen, ja dann ist man wohl verliebt.
Da Ernie zu dieser Zeit noch im Haus seiner Familie getrennt wohnte, fanden wir an exzessiven Wochenenden ein Nest bei einem guten Freund den ich hier nun einfach Bert nenne. Während der Woche traf man sich manchmal mitten in der Nacht an irgendwelchen Parkbänken (richtig romantisch bei Wetterleuchten) oder an Flugplätzen, mitten auf der Landebahn, einfach so „zum reden“. Wir verbrachten auch ein oder zwei Wochenenden in der Disco mit extrem-Eiswürfel-Knutsching und übernachteten anschließend in einem Hotel..
Zwischenzeitlich erfuhr ich, dass Ernie 5 Töchter von 2 women (the oldest, 17, from a given here Maja * , the other 4 with the estranged wife) has, (5,7,9 & 14) which I understand perfectly. The 14-year-old now lives with us.
Ernie's stories ...
Ernie, a 20 years sought by many customers popular tour operators, 1988 during a tense relationship with his then partner Maja, a change. Since Maja their role as mothers, for their child July not so seriously, and at night alcohol and other excesses was the preferred orientation of Ernie is not surprising.
One day, in the late eighties came, a blond curly nature, I call them now here Bea, in his office. Ernie, probably more of his time "Hansi" head-controlled rather than tried, probably instinctively start a new relationship.
As Ernie, when he met Madame Bea, a successful chaotic was invited, he also immediately after a flight to Hawaii. Since most honest feelings were at the start of this relationship either imagined or less important (fascination?) - Bea true? Then Bea abruptly ended her promising career as a clothing designer ready "(known popularly as seamstress), became pregnant and was, even though your the essential prerequisites were missing, trained by a government-funded retraining in Ernie's tour operator in his profession.
the first child (called "Lara ") gave her the delighted father Ernie and a brand new convertible and then they could then, of course, after consultations with Ernie's future mother, married confidently the provider. The honeymoon was spent at a luxury hotel on an island in the Indian Ocean. At the 2nd Ernie child gave her more excited again about the young, the masterpiece of a known local goldsmith. Regularly was the Family traveling on cruise, plane or wherever, budget money in 4-digit sum, well Ernie, it was probably for Bea really more fascination than love - but all are so innocent you believe not, or?
should, however, despite all this, do not forget that after Ernie Bea & Maya's relationship end, lovingly cared for their daughter July. July is usually during this time grew up with Ernie and Bea Bea and even called "Mama," which was banned by Maja your regularly. Maja himself always claimed she could not do anything with young children. Eventually Maja then took the daughter back to him and claimed maintenance payments. For the time prevailing in July, when Ernie and Bea in the care, of course, not a penny paid Maja Maintenance.
shop that Ernie had rented for his business, he was offered 1993 for purchase. Ernie take this unique opportunity and told the seller personally in writing. Ernie's tax adviser advised him not he but his wife Bea should sign the contract with the owner in trust to save taxes and increase the rent money or the budget. So, said and done. Since Bea did not have enough collateral, Ernie also signed a guarantee of trust over 110,000, 00 DM Unfortunately, he failed to put on because of blind trust in his wife, an in particular the written trust agreement, that it should later undoing be.
Ernie took in 2000 to even have a loan to take over his parents' house and had pledged to his brother for his business, with which he went bankrupt. Otherwise, the parents of Ernie could probably pack your bags. Ernie was also his brother after his defeat a new opportunity in his company. The married brother, for his part, then lived in isolation (one daughter) came shortly after a bus driver, at the age of 40 years, on a trip with 13 people killed by cardiac arrest. The bus tipped over, the passengers remained intact. Ernie was called to the accident site to organize the further transport of passengers, was only his dead Brother a hug.
the mourning house of the family knew the estranged wife of the deceased brother's nothing better to enter than two hours after the death of your husband with the comment: "What a pig - can I just sit". Ten minutes later you looked through the wallet of your deceased husband, Ernie had received from the emergency services at the accident site. After this experience
got Ernie unconscious depression and wondered if the purpose of life is really just to raise money to scrape for separation stress and even as a dead pig to be called. Ernie then decided, as an unwanted breadwinner, not to . Work He was sitting in the office only thoughtful, confused customers and friends with sales hostile, unpleasant truths, and would not accept more money horny men. Only 3 months after the tragic death of her brother and the associated depression of living of her husband, Bea felt a distinct change in her, by Ernie built, standard of living. She dropped behind Ernie's back, after a discussion with their tricky People's Bank advisor, repayment of loan from a shop-4 -, a 3-digit sum, and let Ernie still pay the rent in tried and tested high. (Less is more!)
The continued refusal by Ernie to function as a cash cow accustomed standard of living fell by Bea on and on and the family had now started to sell luxury goods and cars. You could not buy the most expensive grocery store in town. Bea, the asserted again and again, they were not, as the former by the late brother, now the wish expressed in your back, Ernie learned to work profession. Ernie, who still did not work within the meaning of Bea was agreed to and jointly gegründetet Travel GmbH, at the Bea managing partner, took over Ernie's, existing retail business for 18 years. Bea is now CEO of Ernie's existence.
Bea now tried most of the morning, the joint company, with Your ideas to govern. Ernie organized in the morning the budget, went shopping and took care of the youngest daughter. He cooked (which he may very well ...) for his family. When Bea came home was always food on the table. He left but also, according to Bea regularly a little chaos in the kitchen. It could sometimes be annoying for them have been, I've known from experience with Ernie, but the man who voluntarily cleans up the kitchen, I think, yet to be invented. * Grin * Afternoon Ernie then went into the company and Bea took care of the household and kids.
As for the NYC-attack of 11 September 2001, the travel business trotz Beas Geschäftsführung enorme Umsatzeinbußen hinnehmen musste, sah sie nun vermutlich die Felle entgültig davon schwimmen. Aber anstatt, mit ihrem Noch-Ehemann, einen gemeinsamen Lösungsweg zu finden, fing sie an Gelder zu veruntreuen. Es wurden z.B. offene Posten in 5 stelliger Höhe, für eine gräfl. GmbH welche Ernie als Gesellschafter in der Nachbarstadt mitgründete, niemals eingefordert. Von treuhänderisch verwalteten Kundengeldern wurden von Bea 4-stelIige Summen auf Ihr Privatkonto überwiesen.
Ich bin der Meinung, damals war der Komplott schon perfekt und Ernie hätte hellhörig werden müssen. Aber leider war er in seinem Vertrauen, zu der Mutter seiner Kinder so blind, dass er sich nicht caring.
came Now everything together. get Ernie, who now financial difficulties on the journey together-GmbH and the family saw its shares sold by the Gräfl. GmbH in the neighboring town to save the proceeds of the common travel-GmbH. Bea did not give a damn to do it the same. Instead, the shares which have been donated by Ernie, also saw them for sale on the day of the notarial transfer of shares, together with the principal shareholder and director of the said Gräfl. GmbH, Champus sit sipping the ice cream parlor.
about the same time Bea met the arbitrary decision decision from Ernie separate. This was justified divorce request with arguments "I am not sure if I've ever loved" or "you used me only as a breeding machine," "You're too fickle, always doing so many dubious transactions." The real reasons are, however, after Ernie's opinion, probably partly related to a regional political conspiracy, or character assassination theory. Serious research results are close to publication.
I, for one, would, if I'm not sure would to love my partner, but get no child from him. Furthermore, today there is still plenty of contraceptives, or am I wrong?
in June 2002 Ernie took over again forced the marketing of the common travel-GmbH. Bea drew continue as managing director. With new distribution models, the company was slow to bounce back. That was around the time when Ernie and I got to know each other. I learned a florist was now first in my spare time, first impressions of the travel industry. (We should mention that I Computer Technically just knew me, how and where such a thing-in-or off) Well, as I said, it walked slowly back uphill with that of the common travel-GmbH. Ernie, driven by positive existential fears, could bring to that of a strong partner network, the revenue back to a motivational level and Contaminated sites could be wiped carefully.
In November 2002 came the 1.Gerichtstermin, action for maintenance and housing allocation (Ernie lived officially yes still have the family home, on the one hand to his children to be close, on the other hand, I think, out of convenience ...) know
Coincidentally I the, charge of the case, family court judge personally swung from my many years of working in a local dance school where the entire family and actively judge the dance floor. Ernie and I were the first maintenance procedure on an event of this dance school. Ernie made that evening, on behalf of the common GmbH, a corporate donation to the Action Man. This was done under the eyes of the present family court together with his wife. The judge had therefore presumably a captured image of Ernie. -He has money, so he can pay a lot of maintenance. Just forgot the nice man a judge in the whole thing that it really was a corporate donation. Ernie was now being felt in a truly '"short shrift" all the judicial power and give him a 4-digit maintenance claim. Since Ernie does not provide with his status and his income to pay maintenance in the amount claimed was suggested to him was a calling.
Note on maintenance
One would not always think in conflict categories. Bar- care and maintenance can also be equally distributed. In our great neighboring country, this is even the desired rule. How about if the now unemployed would be asked if he co-supervised his children equal shares? Time he had. The mutual Barunterhalt rises on support from owner of half, Bea would be relieved. Of course, is full service, Bea will pay the maintenance. Maybe she has better chances in the labor market? She is easily able to do even what she calls from others.
Moreover, Ernie and I were sitting in the late autumn of 2002 together and figured out if the business would continue at this level for 1 year Ernie could send all the kids an appropriate maintenance, no problems! All attempts with Bea who was already on maintenance payments, to agree amicably have failed. She wanted no time delay, but a title. But who does not want, has already ...!
came in December 2002, the ruling on maintenance & apartment assignment. Ernie had the house where he had lived the last years with his kids, under threat of a police assistance in the event of a refusal to leave December 23. Even nice, the day before Christmas Eve, or? The Bea achsoarme time he was already the mother-child treatment. All well financed by the State. Hello? -What about the stressed und gejagten Vätern und deren Partnern??? Danach fragt kein Mensch!!! Zum Glück bot uns Freund Bert sofort eine Bleibe in seiner Wohnung an, ansonsten hätten wir Weihnachten 2002 auf der Strasse verbringen müssen.
Ok, Heiligabend verbrachten Ernie und ich dann bei meiner Familie. Dies war für mich etwas peinlich, da Ernie am Nachmittag frustriert einen über den Durst getrunken hatte. Aber durch gemeinsames Forellenbacken, mit meiner Oma, hatte er die Situation gerettet. Es war alles in Allem ein sehr schöner Abend. Froh war ich(es war die erste Begegnung zwischen ihm und meiner Familie), dass meine Family Ernie herzlich aufgenommen und ihn als meinen Partner voll akzeptiert hat. Mein Vater, der nur 2 Jahre älter is as Ernie, announced just a joke ". But you should not imagine that I say to you son"
counter clock 23:30 we went to his "former" family home to get some clothes, because we at 25.12. invited for a few days after Spain were. We stood in front of closed doors but - Madame Bea had had replaced all the locks. Is really nice, because you're married 10 years with someone who has taken all the luxury, which you can get, has four children with the man, and not only that he will set a day before Christmas, almost to the street, no, he does not even have the chance to holen.Nach much his clothes back, and forth her hand, with the threat Police for trespassing on call, they finally sent us someone left with key violence, Ernie get his things.
Extras ....
That reminds me of something a ...!. ... Ernie gathered in his better days watches. Among them was a valuable Clock, which he bought with a friend, a famous radio host, (who unfortunately was in a plane crash with his own machine died). This clock he was carrying an evening with me and Bert, who sadly ended with a little controversy. Ernie stayed so again in the domestic double (without Bea). The next evening, when I picked him in the office, he was wearing this very Clock nicht. Er sagte zu mir, er habe sie zusammen mit einer limitierten Swatch auf dem Nachttisch am Ehebett vergessen. Als ich ca eine Woche später Ernies gesamte Uhren-Sammlung bei Bea abholen sollte, sagte diese Wort-wörtlich, ohne, dass ich irgend etwas sagte:“ Die Jaeger und die Swatch sind aber nicht da!!!“ Das ist doch recht suspekt, würde ich sagen. Ich riet Ernie, die Uhren als gestohlen zu melden, aber da war er wieder mal zu gutmütig.
Ich muss ehrlich zugeben, dass ich mich schon öfters gefragt habe:„was muss man(n) schlimmes getan haben, dass eine Frau einen solchen Hass auf einen hat“
Nach all dieser Aufregung taten uns die 5 Tage, mit einem befreundetem Paar, in Spanien of course, twice as good. Just let your soul just to use the hotels in all facets and the stress can be stressful! Cynics may argue
now though, aha, but money? But was beautiful .... e `s, for our very well-heeled friend had already told us so, how the journey financed. And that is exactly what makes me mad is! Hello?? Just because there's an explosion somewhere that feels like obsessed with the need to exclude your husband up on the shirt, I will give up anything? Why? She would not even have to get a divorce !!!(- How does it go so well?-In good times and bad?)
I must stress that I am doing this is not the children-on the contrary, are the bereaved! ("You're just like your father, but go to ...", go to your father, who has money ... ") I'm all about the spiteful exes to scold the one hand, while on their separate men, it is incredibly easy to trumpet through the area" He's a pig, which is paid for his children "and how quickly damage the reputation ruined ...! But why, if the man might actually on the last hole whistles and can hardly sleep because of existential fears, yes, that no one is interested! but when a new partner is there, come fits of jealousy (This is indeed quite thick, I would have expected you something else). Dear Bea, it can not stop every so have a skinny body luxury, like you And besides, your vanity makes you not yet happy, or?
Bea came regularly into artificial excitement because Ernie and I go out sometimes. I am 28 years old, should I stay only because it bothers Bea, go out without my boyfriend or even at home?? Hello?? at some point you have to be aware of their exes, that you you can not take out everything. I will as long as my money (which I worked hard for 7.5 euros an hour, to earn) enough not to go out, nor on the presence my friend do without! Especially since you
achsoarmen the exes, who have supposedly not a penny over, found on all major events, usually well tipsy on the prowl. And where are there if you please the kids? - In "GOOD OLD OMA" best yet with the mother of the ex-husband, which can be converted by the achsoarmen daughter Bea so much that they would rather give up their one and only son.
Ernie's mother always says that they care to deal only for their grandchildren. It really is very nice of her, but every Thursday afternoon when she is on a visit to Bea, she cooks, helps in the house or garden, etc, pp. Well, not that I had a problem with it, But their fourth grandchild, Lara lives, so now time for us. But they are, strangely, never visited. Not that we have not had any contact with the kids, we were already at her visit and even spent the night there. Sometimes they send us some food on her granddaughter Lara, who regularly visited the grandmother in the house of her mother. (We live in the same city, maybe 15 minutes walk away) Ernie's mother is basically a very love and Ernie in their character very similar. Although I can imagine of course that it also faces a moral dilemma. On the one hand, the achsoarme Bea, their ears full of moans and subtracting also the compassion in her number, and only about Ernie drags, on the other side of the remaining, only son, who showed his hand to her since childhood that he, like a cat, always falls back on its feet.
you can now share times not, and has apparently opted for the ex-daughter in law, which I find somewhere a bit sad because my mother in January 2001 with 46 years died of heart muscle inflammation and I was already my 14 year old sisters (twins ) through puberty brought (sameness are comparable in any way with Ernie's daughter Lara, who was living with us). I think I would be grateful for so many advice, tip or trick. But what the hell, we will hopefully selbst wieder packen.
Im Januar kam nun auch der Berufungstermin vorm Landesgericht. Am Vorabend waren Ernie und ich etwas länger ausgegangen und somit verschliefen wir prompt eine halbe Stunde. Wobei dies, wie Ernie`s Anwalt sagte, nicht von Nachteil war, da der Richter somit quasi 2 Einzelanhörungen hatte. Der Berufungsrichter entschied, dass der 47 jährige Ernie, der 30% Arbeitsunfähig ist, in der damaligen Situation wohl kaum die, 3000.- netto, die er nun mal benötige, um 5 Kinder zu unterhalten, verdienen könnte. Die Unterhaltsklage wurde abgewiesen. Dieses Urteil zugunsten von Ernie hatte natürlich auch Auswirkungen auf die Unterhaltzahlungen von July. Maja, Ihrer Mutter, fand dies allerdings alles andere but funny. Ernie beat Maja ago as a maintenance regime, which he would take over the Education of July with a high educational content, the GmbH. But no, you did not enter into any compromise, it must be running everything with the official title.
Maja, after the separation of Ernie & Bea tried slightly insidious, again to be nice to us, then railed against all guests in your bar, continuously and at the rough nature Bea. Maja said Bea would have nothing in the bulb, they would prostitute themselves and she would have said all along that they would only be on Ernie's credit card ... etc etc etc,
for the widely known slanderer Maya had voluntarily proposed maintenance scheme is not really satisfactory. She began to turn, like a flag waving in the wind. They allied themselves with their former enemy of Bea and blasphemed in their blasphemous pub often loudly about us. They called us "Pack", and asked our good friend Bert, as he could stand only with us. That made me personally very much affected, because I am a very harmonious person in need and they could actually suffer very good. Making matters worse was that Maya's boyfriend who is completely under the influence of her (we call him lovingly cynical "mouse animal") was a business partner of and Ernie. This started now even with bullying at the other business partners and the partnership ended with Ernie mouse animal.
at 1 May 3 I changed my full time job in the floral industry to to 2.5 days per week and worked with the now remaining time in the trip-GmbH. In June 2003, we hired an additional manager, was so Bea no longer authorized to represent but to this day registered manager. Bea was in spite of this position has long been with the Count Ltd (the company sell its shares at the Ernie to the rescue of the common travel-GmbH) had the job in a company is Competing for breach of confidentiality actually punishable.
Filmreife Auswirkungen dieser strafbaren Tätigkeit
(Anm. Viel Glück Herr Buchhändler)
Ernie und ich waren mal wieder in einer unserer Stammkneipen unterwegs, die sturzbesoffene Hauptgesellschafterin, der gräflichen GmbH die Ernie gegründet hat und in der Bea arbeitet, kam an unseren Tisch mit den Worten:“ dich mach ich fertig und dein Laden kriege ich auch noch!!!“ Ich war richtig schockiert wie eine „Dame von Welt“ , (sie arbeitete im Finanzwesen, fährt nen SLK ), im Suff sich zu so assi-mässigen Ausbrüchen herablassen kann. Ernie lud sie trotzdem auf einen Drink ein, sie setzte sich neben ihn und prahlte breit grinsend, sie bekäme yes all the important information about him and his travel anyway GmbH Bea! Suddenly she began to stroke over Ernie knees, then her hand was on his stomach, Ernie said, I should just leave her alone time. I sat at the bar and the old woman went to her when filled to the attack and snogs my friend. I had a rage without end. Not even Ernie, but this old man. I then snogs with the first best of me ran over the road. When we were asked the young girl there my friend even if he would go home with her. But he said coldly to her that he goes with me because she was what I offer him, could never provide.
The "chick" was pissed-Ernie had die Info das Bea, als geschäftführende Gesellschafterin Geschäftsgeheimnisse offenbart !
Klar war ich verletzt, aber nicht unbedingt, weil er mit einer anderen geknutscht hat (Das sehen wir beide nicht so eng), sondern, zum einen war es wie gesagt in unserer Stammkneipe und die Leute schauten mich ungläubig an, zum anderen bin ich normalerweise beim „Fremd-knutschen“ mit von der Partie. Und am meisten störte mich eben diese Frau, deshalb zog ich der Situation gleich.
Ernie`s Tochter Lara, eine begabte Sängerin, damals 13, bewarb sich eigenständig mit dem Demo ihrer Gesangs Akademie bei einer bekannten TV-Casting Show . Eines Tages im Juni kam sie ins Büro geschneit mit den Worten: "Dad, we need to Munich to audition." So went our Bert, Ernie and Lara for 2 days in Munich. Ernie, who sometimes like a deep pile, said that Lara would not make it more anyway, but 1 It is different, 2 as you think ...! They made it into the last 16 participants of 1600 and was in the TV show.
mid-July had dad and daughter, then a week to prepare to Berlin. It was really hard work. Rehearsals, dress rehearsal, mask, dance training, supervision, etc. Papa Ernie was allowed to sit the whole time drinking coffee in the lobby and turn thumbs. On the day of the show I flew to Berlin. Ernie and I were still walk a little on the Ku Damm, then to the hotel and finally to the studio. Then came the first shock, my ticket was gone. There were registered 3 cards for Ernie, Bea and me. Now Bea had her sister there, and sameness now had my card. Lara told the leaders that it would not occur if I were not here, so while I was sitting up and away, but whatever. It was fascinating for me, mitzubekommen time ago, like so technically runs a program. Unfortunately, Lara flew out with 0.3 points difference to their competitors and there were tears and disappointment, because it is scarce nicht.Ich'm glad that Lara coped so well and in effect a passage would be eine 13-jährige sowieso nicht das gelbe vom Ei. Denn die Sieger einer solchen Show werden eine Zeitlang ohne Ende hochgeputscht und dann kommt der große Fall. Danach gab es eine große After-Show Party alles von der Produktion gesponsert. DJs, Mega-Büfett innen Mega- Grill aussen und der Schampus floss- Wahnsinn! Die Stars rennen mitten drin umher und feiern auch ganz normal, wie du und ich. Man käme nicht mal auf die Idee irgendjemanden um ein Autogramm zu bitten.
Es war ein wunderschönes Erlebnis, welches wir allein Lara zu verdanken haben.
Kleine schmerzliches Zwischenspiel
Mitte Juli gibt es in unserer Nachbarstadt jährlich ein grosses, bekanntes Volksfest, auf dem sogar der Auftritt was transferred from Lara on the big-screen TV. The following week we visited twinkling of course a few times. And every time Bea was also present and Lara, the oldest of Ernie and allowed her to take care of the 3 little ones. The first two times responded Ernie still left at the 3rd Times even slightly irritated at the 4th and Time he was with Bert and was probably a stalking attack. (I was luckily already at home) He saw Bea was the only woman flirting in a group of some security officials, and went and screamed that it was enough now that she should be home at last make their children rather than to prostitute here, they've Finally the children because of the coal with him wanted. You probably ran away, but Ernie, can be quite hot-headed, ran after her and Bea ran back and tried to "protect" in the security officials. After the stories of Ernie and Bert was now a small group to police officers, one built up in front of Ernie and said with an outstretched arm, Ernie should keep a safe distance to him. Ernie was around him, to Bea, but the man in green, in turn, built up before him and referred him several times. Ernie took out his camera, he almost always has with him and wanted to film the situation. The policeman shouted at him, would turn on when the "thing", he would throw it against the wall. Ernie Bert wanted to move to give it to Cam and in this Moment went off four "green" young police officers on Ernie, threw him on coarse gravel floor and practiced on him the arrest of dangerous terrorists. Bert would almost slipped into the role of a hard criminals because he still accidentally hit the shutter button the camera flash. Ernie, who was now in handcuffs on the way to the sobering cell, praised the laxative orden still suspicious of their arrest. The stay in the cell was short-lived. Ernie had calmed down quickly and after a superficial examination hospital, sent home. The next morning we drove to the police station to talk to a supervisor. As Ernie, by the 4 kneeling on his back "Radio man", had severe chest pain, we wanted to know whether the "apprentices" would not respond a little excessive injury. The duty officer did notice strange way already and tried to play down the whole thing. Since we do not feel like another case had, in which the police would turn it anyway, that they were right, we let the matter rest.
Yes, yes, that is life with Ernie anything but boring.
The thickest Hammer ... business deregistration without authority
In September 2003, Ernie was told by the Government that Bea, signed a trade cancellation hatte und die langjährig bestehende gemeinsame GmbH, in Ihrem zerstörerischen Wahn, rückwirkend auf das Vorjahr, abmeldete.Das ganze hatte auch zur Folge, dass das Finanzamt Steuern schätzte und das Geschäftskonto für 6 Wochen dicht machte. Dadurch konnten wir Werbekostenzuschüsse unsere Partner nicht mehr auszahlen und fruchtbaren Partnerschaften wurden nach und nach gekündigten. Zunächst ging gar nichts mehr, man konnte nicht mal mehr die Telefonrechnungen, weder die Ladenmiete die ja an Bea ging, noch die Löhne der Mitarbeiter bezahlen.
...das zweite mal in 18 Monaten wieder neu Anfangen ...?!?
Bea, der jetzt richtig bewusst wurde, dass der eigentlich treuhänderich erworbene Shop in the land is registered on it, even though it paid off Ernie for his work since 1993, announced without notice due to unpaid rent now! A paradox par excellence, I would say! Of course they came for the time being be dismissed. We objected to by law, as Bea, Ernie still owed money - it was charged - and the dismissal was invalid. However, the law of Bea also announced a precaution still neat to April 2004.
This was the first death-blow of Ernie's, twenty years built up, start ...
The next 3 months were very quiet, almost too quiet for my Geschmack.Ausser the everyday Money problems happened, not much.
We spent at and with Bert very nice weekend with "our" kids, Bert's daughter and a friend, Ela, was with her 2 kids more often one of the party, so a total of some white 7 children were with us, we played together spin the bottle or hiding, we two women cooked for "our extended family together, was organized by candlelight cheerful Liedererraten that Bert played the recorder, children's films shown via projector on the screen, Bert, a gifted magician inspired us all with his tricks, we were raging snuggled up and walked around joking, eating and visiting Christmas markets, the kids were playing on the computer, they organized kids' parties, the right make-up make up with, and dance, we visited a water park, sent in a bottle in the property adjacent river, we camped in the garden ... I am of the opinion that it is not only the children but also us a lot of fun preparing . I can only say that it taught me a lot of fun.
You see, her exes material set, you can prepare the children a lot of joy, without great expense. It is the small but nice things that established themselves in children's minds and keep them with security in mind. Money eyes only you and then you also educate your kids. Sad, really sad!
Already in October Lara is the winner of the adult category of the television show with which it has a 'big brother-little sister "relationship had as a VIP to a concert on 7 December invited. For the time being allowed Bea her. One day before the concert was Ernie, Lara and I was at the Christmas market and Lara devastated, because her mother had forbidden the concert because of poor academic performance. Since neither the custody nor the residence determination had been resolved and no conversation with Bea was possible, "said Ernie, that he would definitely go with Lara to the concert. Sure, the academic performance are noted, but there are other options than taking the child to such an event. In addition, We should perhaps bear in mind that perhaps the separation stress can have a significant influence of parents on school performance. Lara has a proven mathematical disabilities and ADHD. Bea now tried Lara by saying "If you go to the concert, I'll throw you out" under pressure to put up. Ernie and Lara spent a wonderful evening concert. The evening ended with Bea banned the common 13 year old daughter with nighttime temperatures below freezing from her children and her packed bags were actually outside the front door. Ernie Lara was now crying in his care and gave her a sense in our asylum.
We think that Bea's was intentional, to show Ernie how difficult it can be Lara and she would come by itself after a few days back to her. But since Bea made a huge spanner in the works. For it everything worked very well for us and Lara did not dream of going back. 7 months we were now living in cramped quarters in four of Bert's apartment. All attempts by the mother, also in tears, and the grandparents (with extortion money gifts), Lara to call back were unsuccessful. Sure, there have also with us problems and disputes. Among other things, Lara giddy willingly, loves most as rights without duties, and we tried the curfew continues to pull back out, but I think that is when, Meanwhile, 14-year normal.
In January 2004, I was now also employed at the GmbH and took over most of the Organisation of transport. I was also trained in financial matters and accounting. Business was more bad than right and we fought our way through Sun Our active, highly reliable Geschäftsführin was due to the continuous attacks of the idle Director Bea and your lawyer on your nerves end. It was then, at the request of the Company 31 Dismissed March 04 and relieved. Interestingly, this dismissal was confirmed at a court hearing by Bea and recorded, I should be appointed as an authorized representative, so that the common GmbH would be able to act yet. Since Bea However, your responsibility, pressed to act as deputy managing partner, has been nothing official from the attorney.
Man attacked personally now still in letters to lawyers and accused me, I was not aware of the duties of the authorized officer, that is virtually incapable. Somehow, they also brought with yet one that I knew personally by the judge so my dance school. (Because of bias). I found this the absolutely outrageous, because neither Bea, nor her lawyer myself and my abilities to know even approximately.
death blow number two .....
Ernie thought never really grab it by the Bea an eviction action against him and the common travel-GmbH would - as he had deceived right --- In April 2004 we said the action was actually delivered. We filed an immediate appeal. This opposition was due to the unclear situation of the common travel management GmbH and a suspected right-diffracting judges, unfortunately not successful.
was on Aug 06, 2004, commissioned by one of Bea bailiffs, the eviction occurred.
A, in 20 years built up, destroyed existence ...
The side effect of Bea's extermination campaign was that two apprentices, Ernie and I are now without jobs. No office-no job-no job. Bea once said to me that I should not enter into joint operations with Ernie, he would do if it would not run, look for all the blame on me. Thus and because of who I can now dole? I'm laughing like dead
Ernie, who still refused to give up, desperately sought a last resort. In one passage he found a way to set up a desk and an old laptop confused customer care. At the vacated headquarters were signs stuck with the note where we were found. These signs were of Bea's new every day removed. It was a real kindergarten game. In the morning we took the directions, in the evening they were gone. Bea started then also a character assassination campaign, and made even before criminal "libel" or unlauteterem competition does not hold. She claimed her hand to a posting in the window: "This office has been evacuated because of rent arrears" This corresponded However, where eviction is not the truth. The office was evacuated, despite legitimate objections, according convicted of a notice of dismissal. So we photographed the sign and had to refill the cartridge and the lawyer. Bea is obliged to hang our clue signs up to 6 months. But the advertising is working for the agency in the Bea is still out. Since not everyone knows the region that Ernie and Bea live in divorce and they still carry the same last name, it always comes back to that think the customers, the agency `s go together. We still have calls that the phone number of "our branch" in the neighboring town want. Recently ran a customer confused by the signs, in the office in the neighboring town, booked a trip and presented a Certificate of us on the table, the twinkling office of course not redeemed. The customer asked for immediate cancellation, as it logically book with us, and wanted to redeem the voucher. The selbige they refused. The customer called total applied with us, Ernie told him his hand, he should go to the lawyer. In the building where Ernie was a place for a desk was also an apartment available and it could be staying with Lara in a flat not a permanent condition, this home was rented. We packed for us now and drag, as the geisteskranken.Nebenbei picked and sorted Ernie, out of an inexplicable sense of responsibility, nor the most important documents for pending client transactions from the office.
four weeks a hassle ..... Well, I will not complain, the apartment is really beautiful, and now everything is much quieter than in the WG.Wobei at the time and Bert was very nice also.
Bea complains Only, they finally want their peace, but hello? Are we in the dung, which they see constantly dovetailed nothing? Customers are confused and suspicious, I do not want to know how many of our customers run now in the competitive office . You try to bend and break Bea to relinquish responsibility. Anything goes here but more than wrong!
And the worst thing is that Bea still claims Ernie had coal. Very nice was the last phone call between her and Ernie back to the language that finally 3 cars were there. She has in her madness still not grasped that company cars have nothing to do with Private. Especially as a corpus Delikti - the family judge - "two-seater car company" has already been returned because of lack of liquidity. Ernie drives a 20 year old station wagon with about 345000 km is actually a gift to me was. (Value 250 € plus 70 € for the new battery) My vehicle is a minivan, I love everything about him and, after the lease was terminated by the GmbH, personal finance further. The registration certificate is clearly black and white my name. And the rates will be debited from my private account. That is and always will be the truth. So, dear Bea, one should perhaps proof before making any accusations, verifying the same accuracy. And without a car now I would not even come to work to feed and your daughter, for which you pay even a penny maintenance. But that's all right so, or? And constantly you think destructive in your delusion, blind exes, you were right. I have slowly but surely fed up and going soon in the air with rage!
Bea tried a long time the vacated shop to sell. The problem was that hardly anyone could afford during the current economic climate to that purchase. One only has to look at me, how many are empty shops to rent in our city. Now Ernie tried its guarantee to make for me at a dizzying height, reversed. That would be have been a straw at which one would be able to hold on. The bank did not give a damn, since the store, as I said, could not be sold in the foreseeable future, Ernie was to the guarantee for the store which he has paid and from which he is kicked out to stick on. Suddenly suggested Bea, Ernie could take over the store too. The selbige she was offered even before the evacuation action came in several times unsuccessfully. Ernie wanted him even on the children to write. If she had then agreed with Ernie, all that would really not anything to happen. It would have given the store in the land to the kids, the LLC would have repaid by lease payments on the loan, there had been no action for possession, one would have spared all the trouble because of poaching customers, sameness would not run away, oh, it had everything to be so simple.
Now I know not what to have committed a crime bad that I leaked the life always sour. I do not slow at all in what I believe still is. In God, let my mother at 46, and Ernie's brother died at age 40, long gone.
I'm unemployed, Ernie without a job since we are likely to end soon at one of the new Hartz IV case handlers.
No, I have the whole does not always do the vorgestellt.Und achsoarmen exes something out there and innocent sein.Wenn everything was all not so sad, would I laugh my head off.
Sure, you could say now, you're to blame, but simply leave him. But I'm fascinated with this man not together but because I love him! And I will not like so many other rats simply leave the sinking ship and Ernie also let you down yet! I just do not know how long I, or should we hold these physical pressure he, before the two of us or one of us end up in an asylum (And so Another day would be frustrated fighting in the padded cell, maybe not that bad)
reads Perhaps even you, "dear Bea" at some point my story and believe it may me that we are not short bob, and you think surely not saying that we made fun of Freud as 2 years for a really well-deserved vacation to power for the next, probably inevitable, to create instances refrain. I, we were free this year not even half a day, let alone even a day off ..
Many women are second with the sentence "I gave up my dreams" can be identified. I had the dream of getting married, not in white, that church, I said yes as long'm no longer a believer, and look at the church for the largest company in the world, but still wanted I also take the step.
But, I wish my children again indefinite must move that hurts. We can but wait times now and I do not currently have no plan to feed my child with social and rip him nothing to offer. Because I have parents, have to me, like so many others, can shoot money. And yes postponed is not finally repealed.
Furthermore, our relationship at the moment is anything but balanced and harmonious. Instead of showing us that we love in spite of everything, we fall into mutual accusations and recriminations. But as I said, I love this man about everything and I will not and can not give it up.
... And if you think it's no longer comes from somewhere a little light on ... ...
same things I'm going to wait now and start one last try and see if I can somehow become self-employed with a business idea.
way you love, now you know a part of my story and I think that again find as some second wives and or other in so many things and will agree. And I feel now that I've written my soul from the body, and I hope a little easier for me and all other second wives, that is really somehow, sometime, somewhere a little light, therefore come!